Pathetic Idiot Make Up Your Mind



"How did you know?" I asked, now in the passenger seat of wiL's car.

"First, your life was too perfect to not have at least one thing mess it up. Second, Aaron made friends with you right away. And third, your gorgeous."

"What does me and Aaron being friends have to do with anything?"

"Aaron likes you. He has this gay-dar. It never fails."

I nodded "Wait! Aaron likes me? I didn't even know he was gay."

"Obviously." wiL pulled into his house. "Come over my house." He said like he didn't already pull in. We walked into his house, his parents weren't home. The same beer cans were still in their places as when I was first here. wiL pulled me up the stairs and into his room. He lied on his bed. I stood at the doorway. This seems familiar. I shut the door and stood in front of it. I'm a little nervous, and I think wiL just noticed. I mean I...wiL just came out of the closet for me.

"Why so nervous?" wiL walked over and grabbed my waist, just like he did before. He pulled me into a kiss. He pulled me closer to his bed as we kissed. He switched sides, he was now in front of the door. He pushed me and I feel backwards onto his bed. He pulled his shirt off and climbed on top of me. He grabbed my shirt and forced it off. He started to kiss my neck while he was undoing my pants and pulling them down.

I want to stop but...I like it. I like wiL. wiL grabbed my dick, he obviously knew what he was doing, That whore. He is moving is hand up and down my cock, getting faster and faster.
I think this is a little fast for me, I just found out I was gay, and he's giving me a hand job. I want to tell him to stop but I want more to moan and to tell him to keep going. "wiL," He looked up. "Stop." my wholesome side took over.

He ignored me and moved my member closer in his mouth. "wiL, please." I lightly pushed him away and off of me and pulled up my pants and put my shirt on.

"I have to go." I walked out, wiL grabbed my hand to stop me. He kissed me "My parents won't be home 'till tomorrow." He whispered when we pulled apart, then he waltzed back into his room.

"Where have you been?" My mom questioned me the second I opened the door.

"I was at wiL's." I explained. My dad had a disgusted look as he read the paper, I'm not sure if it is something he read though.

"That boy is a gay, I don't want you talking to him anymore," My dad said in a scraggly voice, "Nothing good comes from being gay. They're all gonna go to hell!" My dad bashed.
My mom was quiet.

Tears are swelling up in my eyes now, knowing how my dad felt about the part of me he haven't greeted. Crap, what if he sees the tears. I slowly ran upstairs and in my room, trying not to be suspicious. There was an explosion of tears the second the door was shut and I was on my bed. All of a sudden the tears and regret of being who I am boiled up and turned into anger.

What the fuck...How the fuck...fucking...FUCK!! What the fuck, could they. I didn't even know he is that religious. I didn't even know I had a religion. I've never been to Church and if that is how they think of gays I don't want to start now. How the fuck do you hate someone for who they love, for who they are. Fucking...I didn't know my dad was like that. I sat there for about an hour or two trying calculating how someone could just hate gays for who they are, and why people judge them. Basically, the result was that I couldn't find one. My mom and dad left about a half and hour ago for a dinner party in celebration of my mom's new promotion. That's why we moved here...her promotion.

I calmed down. I'm not crying, and I'm not cussing uncontrollably anymore. I love my parents, I have to. I just can't tell them about the other side of me. I lied on my bed, thinking about Francis. He is pretty cute, he's adorable. Who am I kidding he is fucking drop dead gorgeous and I want him right now!

"wiL!" I yelled in his room in front of the closed door. He turned around on his bed sleepily. He blinked a couple of times.

"Frankie?" He sounded unsure of himself.

I went over to him and stuck my tongue in his mouth and he did the same. We both took off our shirts and wiL, once again pulled down my pants and started moving up and down. I moaned, a very stifled and as quiet moan. wiL took my whole length into his mouth, he sucked hard. I moaned it was less stifled and less quiet than the last one. I came into his mouth, and he swallowed it. I moaned wiL's name, and he noticed that I wasn't nervous anymore and he smirked. He stopped, some of my cum spilled onto his bed, he either didn't notice or didn't care. wiL then kissed me, he licked around my lip ring and bit my bottom lip as he pulled away.