Pathetic Idiot Make Up Your Mind



"Fuck." wiL said in a yawn. The door bell rang again. "It's fuckking 3 o'clock in the morning!" wiL groggily groaned

My head shot up "What!! I fell asleep!" The bell rang again.

"FUCK!" wiL growled. "I'll fucking get it." wiL got the door, he was too tired to remember that he is still naked from last night as he got the door. I looked over the stairs where who ever it was at the door couldn't see me but I could see them. Oh fuck. It's my mom.

"WHERE IS FRANKIE!" My mom raged.

wiL pointed upstairs to where I was watching and he took his hand off of his penis. Stupid fuck. I ran into wiL's room and got my clothes on.

"Your mommas here," wiL informed me, he knew I already knew though. He chuckled. "Call me later." He handed me his number.

"FRANKIE!" My mom yelled more "IN THE CAR!!!" In the car to go across the street? huh?
I followed my directions and got in the passenger seat. My mom got in the car and drove away, away from wiL's house...and our new house.

"WHAT WERE YOU TWO DOING!!" My mom said, she was like satin in human form, by now she is usually calmed down, or she tries to hold down her anger.

"Nothing." I mumbled. I'm scared.

"HE WAS NAKED!!" She went on. She looked over quickly at me. "What's on your face?"

I touched my check. Oh shit. I must have rolled over my cum that I spilled on wiL's bed while I was sleeping. Even though it is my own, my mom is gonna know we did something. I quickly got it off of my face and wiped it on the bottom of the seat. We got to a red light. My mom looked over and didn't see anything on my face.

"Something was on your face! I saw it!" My mom volted. I opened my mouth to speak. "Get out of the car! Your gonna walk home." I got out. I walked to my house.

I was now in front of my house, and wiL's. I'll just stop by for a visit.

I knocked. "Hey Frankie. wiL is up in his room." wiL's mom said, when she opened the door. They got home in the 5 minutes I was gone? wiL rushed down the stairs.

"Mom don't talk." He rudely hushed. His mom didn't make a remark back. My mom would be down my throat if I ever said that, not like I would though. wiL grabbed my hand and ran upstairs. He closed the door and immediately slithered his tongue into my mouth.

"wiL." I said in a whisper way. "I can't stay long, I'm not even suppose to be here." I informed him.

"Oooh. Frankie isn't doing what he is told?" He taunted. "Then why are you here?"

I don't even know why I am here. Why did I come here and not listen to my mom? What power does wiL have over me that I do not know of? What came first the chicken or the egg?

"I can tell you why," wiL said and started making out with me again. His hands played around in my hair. "Because you missed me." wiL whispered into my ear. I could see him smirk as he whispered that.

I broke off the kiss. "I gotta go." I said and ran out of his house into my own. Luckily my dad isn't home yet, I couldn't face him. I don't know what my mom thinks we did either. Maybe she thinks he tried to rape me.

"You and wiL...Together?" Aaron said in disbelief as we walked to fifth period after lunch. "He doesn't do that."

"Aaron, I told you this first period and your still going on about it."

"It's just...that's not wiL," He said once again, "Bye." He walked into his class.

I sat in the same seat I have been sitting in for the past week, it's now becoming my permanent one I guess.

"Frankie." wiL said grabbing my attention. "You told Aaron we're..." He spazzed out for a second then tried doing the cross the fingers thing. "a thing." He finished.
I nodded my head.

"I don't have relationships. I don't like, nor believe in commitment. It's not right..." He stated. "Your just...a fuck buddy." The bell rang and the teacher walked in. wiL turned to face front.

"He said he doesn't like commitment, and I'm just a fuck buddy!" I told to Aaron, sure I have only known him for a week, but I confide everything in him. I just trust him a lot.

"I told you," Aaron said in a I told you so way...which would make sense since that is what he said, "He picks a fuck buddy, like a boyfriend. He just doesn't refer to them as his boyfriend." He explained as we walked out of the school.

"You know what. If he doesn't like commitment, then I don't either. I'm not gonna chase after him, I'm not gonna ask him to make me his boyfriend, I'm not gonna ask him to change his beliefs," I took a breath to calm down, "I don't feel like going home and facing my mom."

"Come to my house." Aaron said walking to his car. I was following him.

"Will your parents mind?"

"My parents? They are hardly ever home. They never pay attention to me. They're usually at their friends houses and they get so wasted they pass out on their floors. Most of the time I see them once to four times a week."

Awww...Poor Aaron, his parents ignore him, and my parents shower me with attention and I fucked all of that up because I just had to be gay.

"Why do you even drive to school and back?" I asked Aaron as we walked into his house. "You live like two minutes away from the school."

"I'm too lazy to walk." Aaron's house was nice. It was very white, The kitchen and everything in it was white. The carpet in the living room was white, and the walls were white also. The living room couch looked comfy...and white.

"Blinding." I said walking in more.

"Yeah, that's what most people say," He walked over to his oh-so comfy looking couch and sprawled out on it, "Fuck, I hate school." He moved to one side of the couch and motioned me to come sit. I did.

"So, you didn't tell me what happened with you and wiL last night, all you said was that you two were a couple."

"You want me to go into raunchy detail?"

He nodded his head up and down a million times, I thought his head was about to crack off and candy could come flying out. He was kidding though.

"I don't want to talk about wiL, I don't even want to think about him. But I can't stop," I sighed, "He is the only guy I have ever liked like this...He is the only guy I have ever liked period."

" some other guy," Aaron said bluntly.

"I would only like another guy if he has an endless supply of popsicles and skittles." I told him.

Aaron started rambling on and on about stuff, I wasn't listening...I couldn't. All I could think about was wiL, but I shouldn't. wiL's not my boyfriend. I should like other guys, Aaron is kinda cute...but wiL, he is drop dead gorgeous. But, WHO CARES ABOUT WIL! I don't.