Pathetic Idiot Make Up Your Mind



"Damn, I gotta go." I got my stuff together.

"Why?" Aaron pouted.

"My parents, If I'm not home by 2, they get mad." I headed for the door.

"Your 17, Why do you do everything your parents want you to do?"

The door open and ready to go, I stopped. "I don't know." I said very low. "I have always listened to them though. If I don't have someone telling me what to do, how will I
know what to do, what will I do?"

"You make choices yourself. Your a big boy, You can do it." Aaron walked over to me. "I'll give you a ride home."

We got into the car and he drove me home, he didn't drive me to an ocean dock and shoot me in the head and throw me over into the ocean with his other killed victims. Nope, he drove me home, like he said. I opened the car door.

"Frankie." Aaron stopped me. He kissed me on the lips.

I was fresh out of remarks to make. "Bye." Awwwkwarrddd.

"See you tomorrow." He drove off.

"Frankie, It's 2:06. Your 6 minutes late." My dad went off.

"Sorry, I was at a friend's house."

"Who wiL's?" My mom asked...I intended to walk up the stairs and into my room, but of course. No.

"No, Aaron." I ran up the stairs while I could.

"Did you hear that Scott? He has a friend. I told you he would make friends!" My mom told to my dad as I escaped them.

Aaron is right, I listen to my parents too much. I always do what I'm told, It's like I skipped the whole rebellion chapter in my life. I need to start telling myself what to do. I can't
believe I had to leave because I need to be home at 2, Aaron's parents don't even care about him. And Aaron kissed me. We are friends, but apparently not. I like Aaron...I guess I do, but I like wiL....GAHH! wiL you fukker, stop working your way into my head!

I sat down next to Aaron, like I have been doing for the past week.

"Hey Aaron." I greeted and I carelessly tossed this plate of shit, supposedly called food, onto the table.

"Hey Frankie." Aaron greeted back. I took a look at the people sitting at the table with us. I never really noticed them before. It only talk to Aaron, I need to make more friends.

"Hi." I said dumb founded.

They all stared up. "Hey." A couple of them said.

"Oh Frankie, I didn't introduce you to my other friends. Wow, it's been a week too." He looked confused "Anyways, This is Adam---"
Blah blah blah, off he went. Don't get me wrong, I do listen to him, and I like to. I just daze off sometimes. Mostly thinking of that skank wiL. God damn, I can't believe my first night of being gay I get a blow job by him. Talk about moving fast.

"Hellooooo! Frankieeee!" Aaron was saying.


"Are you listening?"

"Oh...uh yeah. Sorry, You know how I get lost in my mind." I tried to explain, well it's not like it's a lie.

"Mmhmmm." He took a bite of his shit called food. "Did you hear their names?" He said with a mouth full of food.

There are 1, 2, 3, 4 people. And I only heard Adam's name. What an interesting name. "Yeah, I did." Why didn't I tell him the truth? I confuse myself. The bell rang. Why is all of our lives controlled by bells? I feel like I'm in boot camp or something. Shit for food. Evil instructors. Doing labor for 6 hours a gay...I mean day. We got up from our seats to walk to our next class.

"Frankie." One of the guys at the table called. "Math is next right?"

Oh, that is why he looked familiar. He is in my math class. Something with an S. "Yeah. I think so."

"I noticed you weren't listening when Aaron was talking and Aaron was too dumb to realize it, so my name is Shaant."