Pathetic Idiot Make Up Your Mind



"If you had to pick, who would it be. Me or that other fuck, Aaron?" He lit a cigarette "Who's cuter, who's better?" His beaty little eyes focused on me as he blew smoke rings.

What do I say to that? Certainly not the truth. "Hmm...well." I have no clue what to say. I can't tell him that he turns me on every time I see him because of his gorgeous looks and his skills with my penis. "Red hair is cool, and...Aaron has red hair."

"That was not my question, but I know you are incapable of lying."

"wiL, I can lie. I told my mom that I went to--oh shit." I told my mom that I went to go get my pencil that fell out of my window and I end up naked with wiL on his stairs after we just had fooled around. I got myself off of the stairs, and put my clothes on. I showed myself to the door.

"Frankie you fucking whore!" wiL yelled, not mad, but more in a playful way.

"Shut up wiL, I'm not a whore. I just gonna go finish my homework."

"Can I give you a ride home?"

"I live right next door, I think I can walk."

"No, I mean tomorrow after school." wiL said putting out his cigarette in a can of beer. "Rather...can I give you a ride to my house tomorrow." wiL tried to persuade me into saying yes. I shrugged my shoulders. "Oh you might have to do your homework. I know you can't lie, and you can't say no to your parents."

"Fuck you."

"Fuck me? But you just did." He smirked.

I rolled my eyes and chuckled. "Bye." I ended the conversation and walked home.

"I couldn't" I told my mom, I was going to say the pencil, but I knew I would screw it up and say something like 'I couldn't find the penis.'

She looked at me funny. "Alright." She said like she knew more. "Hunny, I have exciting news!" She shined and over reacting smile. "Hayley and her parents are coming to visit! They are also going to bring Hayley's cousin Jeremy, you met him before remember?"

My eyes bugged out and my jaw dropped to the floor. "What?"

"Ooh! I knew you would be excited!" My mom said all giddy . "Scott, I told you the extra rooms would be good to have!"

"When?" I said still in shock. "Are they coming? When?"

"Tomorrow, they are getting here while you are at school. So I want you coming straight home tomorrow. They are staying for a week."

"But..." I started, she glared at me. She is use to me agreeing with anything she throws my way. "Mmhm." There is no use arguing with her.

"My mom thinks I am thrilled about Hayley coming over." I told Aaron.

"Ex-girlfriend right?" Aaron tried to act interested.

"Yeah, and for a time I loved her, and wanted to spend the rest of my life with her. Now I'm..."

"Gay," Aaron finished. "Things have changed since she last saw you."

"Yeah, and her bratty cousin Jeremy is coming. He acts like he is two, and always snitches on people. Like if I am not suppose to be having a cookie, he tells my parents."

"A cookie? Has that happened?"

"I have known the Williams family for a long time."

He nodded his head. "You want a ride to my house? Or to your house?"

"Ummm..." I watched wiL walk by. "Sorry, I have to go home, and wiL is giving me a ride. Gotta go." I ran past him and up to wiL.

"wiL!" I surprised.

"Fuck, where did you come from?" He said startled and opened his car door.

"Well, when a man and a women love each other very much, or they get drunk..."

"Not a man and a man?" wiL asked. I shook my head. "Damn, that rules out my ideas...So you need a ride to my house?"

" house."

"Alright." The ride home consisted of the radio, and small talk. A few times I wanted to jump on him and start making out with him, but we might have gotten in a wreck. So I held myself back. I really want to go to his house though.

"Wanna come over?" I asked.

"Your dad hates me." wiL said dropping me off.

"He never met you. Besides, he doesn't hate you, he hates gays."


"Well...then...uh, tell em' your not gay."

"Think that'll work?" He asked. I nodded my head. "Alright."

We walked inside into my home, I just realized this is the first time wiL has been in my house. I'm sure he was in it before, since it was Bret's or whatever that dude's name is.

"Frankie." My mom said, knowing that if dad saw wiL he would have a conniption fit.

"It's alright mom, he's not gay. People just like to spread rumors about him." I secretly told her.

"FRANKIEEEE!!!!" Hayley yelled.

"Hey Hayley." I smiled. She gave me a big hug.

"I miss you, what have you been up to?" She looked over at wiL. "Who's this?"

"This is my friend wiL, wiL that is Hayley," I introduced. Jeremy walked down the stairs. "wiL that's Jeremy, and Jeremy this is wiL."

Jeremy just nodded his head. "Hey wiL. So are you and Frankie boyfriend and boyfriend?" Hayley said poking fun.

My chocked on my spit, but then I realized she was just kidding which made me feel much better. wiL looked a little confused at first, then he returned to his normal state. "Nope, just friends."