Sequel: A Cherry Sunset

A Dawn I Thought We'd Never See

Dances + Movies

I spent the rest of the day being ‘nutured’ by Oliver. He even insisted that I spend the night on the bus so I’d be more comfortable. I would have refused but Victoria and December drove the van away before he told me. There was no doubt in my mind that it was planned that way.

When I woke up the next morning, I found Oliver in an odd position asleep in the back lounge. He looked cute when he was sleeping. He almost even looked innocent. His lip piercing and tattoos begged to differ though.

Once the bus stopped I got off and called Victoria. I felt a lot better and had no problem setting up the tent with Victoria and December. Both wanted to know the details about yesterday, to which I rolled my eyes to and ignored.

The rest of the day flew by. Before I knew it, I was sitting on bus stairs with a full beer bottle in my hand at December’s big welcome-to-tour party. The boys had even bought her a cake. Course they only bought it to stuff it in her face, but it’s the thought that’s supposed to count. It was nice, all in all.

“Dinkin’ so soon?” Oliver chuckled as he took a seat beside me. “I figured it’d take a few more days teh recoveh fulleh.”

“You figured right.” I smiled as I turned my head to him. I held my beer up and swished it around. “This is my one and only.”

Oliver nodded and both of our gazes drifted back to the party as an awkward silence settled. It felt strange sitting there with him. It wasn’t too long ago that I wanted to smack the sly smirk off his face, but I couldn’t even imagine doing that now. December’s words play over in my head, making my smile turn into a small frown. I looked at him from the corner of my eye. He seemed so peaceful for being so broken. I nearly jumped from my skin as he leaned over toward me with a smirk on his pretty mouth.

“I think almost everyone ‘s starin’ at us.” He muttered from the side of his mouth. I quickly brought my attention away from Oliver, scanning the crowd. He was right. People were snatching glances and some were full-on staring.

“We are the talk of the tour, my friend.” I patted his knee and took a swig from my beer.

“We are?” Oliver rested his elbows on his knees and laced his fingers. His eyebrows raised just the slightest as his dark green eyes settled calmly on me.

“Apparently we were dating, until I made out with Andrew Goldstein and you broke up with me cause I’m such a slut.” His mouth was open a little as his eyes widened. “Or so says the rumors flying around.” I shrugged and felt my cheeks heat up. His head snapped forward. Embarrassment flooded my body as I wished I hadn’t mentioned the damn rumor at all.

“Well, what do yeh say we give ‘em some more teh talk ‘bout?” I’m completely speechless as he hops up from the steps. He’s smirking again and I let myself admit how pretty damn handsome he looks,but I only admit it to myself. “Come on,” he nods his head to the side and extends his hand to me. “’S jus’ a dance.”

“You are just trying to get us into trouble.” I shook my head but smiled as I sat my bottle down in the spot he’d just occupied. I sighed before giving my hands to Oliver and letting him pull me up to my feet.

“I live in trouble.” Oliver spoke smugly making me laugh as he led me through the crowd. People moved out of our way fast. I guess they were still scared of the grouchy Oliver Sykes, but that’s not who was leading me to the dance floor. This was the sweet Oliver who had babied my hangover all day and night.

“You are trouble, Oli.” I corrected just as he found a spot he liked and turned around to face me. There was a funny glimmer in his eyes while the corners of his mouth twitched up. “What?” A face like that meant he found something funny. Hopefully there wasn’t anything on my face.

“It’s jus’ yeh called meh Oleh.” One side of his mouth was higher than the other while my eyebrows scrunched together.

“Everyone calls you Oli.” I said slowly, unsure of how or why he was finding this amusing.

“Everyone but yeh.” Oliver snorted. “Yeh call meh Oliveh. Oleh sounds weird comin’ from yeh.” He shrugged and looked a little bashful as his eyes dropped to our feet.

“Alright, I’ll only call you Oli when I’m mad.” I giggled as he shuffled toward me. The music switched to a slow, soft song as if on cue to make this all the more awkward. Oliver smiled shyly at me and I took a deep breath before taking the last step between us, wrapping my arms around his neck. I couldn’t help but giggle as his whole body froze. “Your hands are supposed to be on my back.” I whispered into his ear and my voice seemed to ease the tension in him.

It was quiet between us as we swayed. His hands were light on my mid back and his arms barely brushed my sides, but his body was warm against mine. I rested my chin on his shoulder and bit my bottom lip. My mind kept going over how close we were and my body just melted into his. Thankfully I had something to distract me.

Over Oliver’s shoulder I could see the back of my favorite platinum blond. December was staring at me over Kyle’s shoulder. She had a huge, cheesy grin that I returned and then gave me a thumbs up. I giggled silently as she made a face and pointed to Kyle’s head as she mouthed ‘to die for’.

“Are yeh laughin’ or cryin’?” Oliver sounded concerned as he tightened his arms around me.

“Laughing.” I tilted my so I could see his face. “Dee’s making faces over Kyle’s shoulder.” His pretty green eyes rolled. “I think they’re hitting it off pretty well.”

“Poor bloke’s probly ready teh throw tape o’er ‘er damn mouth.” He smirked and I slapped the back of his head. “Ow.” He faked a face of pain.

“Don’t talk about you sister like that, or Kyle for that matter. He’d never be as cruel as you.” I was only teasing but the quick flash of real pain in his eyes made me regret it. Oliver turned his head.

“’Sn’t that yeh’re blond fellow?” He sounded distant and I frowned before following his eyes. We’d twirled around and now he was looking at Kyle and December.

They were giggling at each other, looking so happy and free. I wished I was like that. “Not anymore,” I mumbled and sighed again. Carefree. That’s what I wished I was like. I set myself up with rules and boundaries. I’d never thought what it was going to be like trying to break them down.

“What’s that mean?” Oliver was looking at me curiously.

“Nothing Oli. I’m not feeling up to the party anymore. I’m gonna head back to the van.” I pulled away from him, turning to leave, but his hand caught and held mine. He had a small, amused smile playing on his lips.

“Yeh called meh Oleh, again.” He pointed out and my head dropped. “Now I know yeh’re mad.” He chuckled and squeezed my hand until I looked up. “Yeh want teh come on the bus,” he nodded backwards. “Maybeh watch a movie?”

He had a peculiar look about him. There was hopefulness in his eyes, but there was also another emotion. It was like he knew he was going to be let down. He was expecting it.

I sighed and took a step closer to him. “You’re not going to make me watch some crazy, weird UK shit, right?” His eyes brightened and a grin broke out. Funny how I could make that big of a difference to him.

“Yeh like vampires?” He asked as he started to pull me through the crowd again.

“I love a good vampire movie.” I giggled at his joy as he jogged up the bus steps we’d sat on earlier. I wasn’t too shocked when I saw my beer bottle tipped over on the ground. “So is this a blood and guts vampire movie or a sparkly vampire one?” I questioned as I slid my jacket off and threw it on the couch.

“Sparkleh vampires?” Oliver seemed mildly disgusted at the suggestion but completely baffled that there was such a thing. I laughed as he shook his head and moved around the bus looking for something. “This ‘s blood an’ guts, if I can find the damn thing.” He grumbled as he shifted through a pile of DVD boxes by a television screen. I just twiddled my thumbs until he screamed “Oi!” and ran to the back of the bus. He came back out smiling. “Wankeh of a brotha stole it.” I nodded as he kneeled in front of the small TV screen. Apparently that wasn’t working either.

“Everything okay?” I interrupted Oliver’s long steam of curse words, trying not to giggle.

“Some twat broke the playeh.” Oliver sighed and turned around, still on the floor, to look up at me. “Only otha way we can watch this ‘s on the laptop.”

“Okay.” I shrugged, not seeing what the big deal was.

“Yeh’ll get uncomfortable fast.” He stated, raising his eyebrows.

I placed my hands on my hips. “Are you trying to get rid of me now?” Horror took over his features fast.

“No! That’s not what I meant!”

“It’s fine, Oliver.” I winked and turned on my heel. “Grab the laptop and follow me.” I went back to the bunk area, climbing into the bunk that I’d spent last night in and waited.
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sorry it's been so long : ) hope Oliver makes up for it;