Sequel: A Cherry Sunset

A Dawn I Thought We'd Never See

Roses + Games

I groaned as another girl walked up to my tent with a rose in her hand. So far I had six roses that had been given to me by BMTH fan girls, all who told me how lucky I was to have the lead singer of their favorite band swooning over me. It made me want to gag.

“He said,” I cut the petite girl off and snatched the rose from her out stretched hand, stuffing it in a garbage box under the table.

“Yeah, yeah, thanks.” I mumbled, tired of the small speeches that accompanied the roses and fan girls. This one seemed shocked at my bluntness, but walked off without another word. I wondered briefly how Oliver was conning these girls into being messengers as I sat down in my chair.

“Damn girl,” Andrew McMahon’s voice brought me out of my trance. A wide smile graced my lips as I tilted my head back to see him. “Who’s trying to sweeten you up?” He nodded toward my roses, making me roll my eyes.

“Oliver Sykes.” I shrugged while Andrew sat beside me.

“What?” Andrew scrutinized my roses closer now, as if he were looking for them to be laced with arsenic. “Huh,” he sat back, stumped at the flowers, and turned his gaze to me. “Tour’s douche bag falls for tour’s sweetheart.”

“No bodies falling for anybody.” I shook my head and focused back on prospective customers. I didn’t notice the boy approaching with a rose in his hand until it was too late.

“This is for your pretty eyes.” He smirked and set the rose down on the table, then walked away. I bit my bottom lip and stole a glance at Andrew. None of the other statements had been so forth coming.

“Shut up.” I grabbed the rose and threw it at the box, missing of course.

“I didn’t say anything.” Andrew was smiling smugly, staring at my rose on the ground.

“Ugh!” I groaned and let my head fall into my hands. “He won’t leave me alone!” I whined while Andrew chuckled.

“Alright, why don’t you tell me what happened sweetie?” He was still chuckling lightly as he grabbed my arm and pulled me from my seat to his lap.

“Oliver was a douche so I punched him and then he apologized but I said no and now he won’t leave me alone.” I rushed it out all in one sentence and threw my head on his shoulder.

“So you are the mystery behind Oliver Sykes’ black eye.” Andrew laughed while he patted my back. “That is so unpredictable.”

“Aren’t I always?” I popped my head up and batted my eyelashes.

“Course,” Andrew rolled his eyes. “You’re just not the type to throw punched so this is an even bigger shock.”

“How am I not the type to throw punches?” I tilted my head in confusion.

“Hate to break it to you doll, but you are way too kind to be mean.” I scrunched up my nose at his words.

“Everyone says that.” I rested my head back on Andrew’s shoulder.

“Because you are,” he stated matter-of-factly while his hand started to rub my back. “Anybody, you punched him and he apologized?”

“For being a douche,” I confirmed and noticed a small girl approaching the table.

“He said--,” she started in a high pitched voice as she sat the rose down on the table.

“You can tell him to stop sending speeches because I’m not listening to them.” I picked the flower up and watched her sulk away.

“If you want him to leave you alone so much then why don’t you accept his apology?” Andrew suggested as he smirked at the flower in my hands.

“You think that’ll work?” I asked cautiously as I thought about it. I didn’t really want to forgive him, but it was a small price to pay for him to leave me alone.

“It might.” Andrew shrugged with a sly smile. “Then again, it seems like his plan is working just as fine.” I eyed him curiously, waiting for him to explain. “You didn’t throw the rose away.” He pointed toward the flower I was smelling without much thought.

I grimaced and threw the rose to the ground quickly. I stood up just as I saw another girl heading our way with a pretty, red flower in her hand. “I think I’m going to give your plan a shot. Can you watch merch for me for a few?” I gave him my best impression of a puppy pout.

“Course I can, but you better hurry if you want to talk to Oliver. I think their set is around for twenty.” I nodded briskly before I skillfully jumped over my table. “Good luck!” Andrew yelled after me as I started to jog to the girl. She seemed baffled at first but then her eyes lit up.

“You’re Emily.” It was more of a statement than a question as she thrust the rose out to me.

“Yes, I am.” I smiled politely and took the rose. “Can you tell me where Oliver is?”

“He’s at BMTH’s merch tent,” she turned toward the direction she’d come from and pointed down at the end of merch ave, “just down there. He’s really quite handsome.”

“Yeah, he’s gorgeous. I have to go.” I agreed distractedly and headed for the booth. There were several familiar boys behind a table surrounded by tons of girls dressed from head to toe in pure black. “Oliver.” I nodded as I stood in front of him.

“Emily.” He mocked my business-like tone as a sly look across his features. “I see yeh get meh flowers.” Oliver pointed toward the rose I was still holding.

“Um, yeah.” I dropped my gaze to the flower and thought briefly of handing it back. “That’s why I’m here actually.” My vision lifted up to Oliver again as I dismissed the idea. He’d probably only force the flower back in my hand. He was curious, yet cautious as he changed his smirk to a sincere smile. “I forgive you.” The words tickled my tongue while his smile widened.

“I thought it was goin’ teh be ‘arder than that.” Oliver crossed his arms and eyed me suspiciously.

“Well, it wasn’t and now I’d greatly appreciate it if you left me alone.” I gave him my sweetest smile, about to turn on my heel, but the glint in his eyes stopped me from moving.

“That’s wha’ the catch is, eh?” He sighed. “I don’t think that’s poss’ble, sorreh.”

“I have a boyfriend and he won’t take much more of this,” I held up the flower. I was completely bluffing and to my distress, he saw through it.

“Funneh, Toreh nevah mentioned a boyfriend.” Oliver was smug while a light blush crept on my cheeks. I didn’t have anything to say and luckily Tom appeared before we reached the awkward part of the silence.

“Emileh!” Tom greeted as his arms easily slid around my waist, picking me up from the ground while he hugged me to his chest.

“Hi Tom!” I giggled and hugged him back, glancing a bit of anger on Oliver’s face. Tom placed me back on the gorund while my eyes narrowed on Oliver, a small plan forming in my mind.

“Yeh comin’ teh ‘ave lunch with us?” I rested my arm around Tom’s waist while he talked and pressed my body against him lightly. Daggers were clearly shooting from Oliver’s eyes as he watched Tom lay his arm around my shoulders.

“Sorry, I can’t love. I’ve got to get back to my merch.” I stepped up on my tiptoes to place a kiss on his cheek, smiling to myself as I imagined Oliver’s face.

“Aw, yeh work teh ‘ard.” Tom complained and squeezed me to him again. “’Ow ‘bout I stop by lateh an’ bring yeh lunch?” He let me go, but not before he placed a sweet, small kiss on my own cheek.

“I’ll be looking forward to it.” I winked as I walked backwards and waved. Oliver looked like he was fuming as I turned my back to him.

I was cheerfully skipping back to my own tent when an unsettling question crossed my mind. Why did I just try to make Oliver jealous? and better yet, why did it look like worked?
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glad other people appreciate Craig for his amazingness : ) comment on Oli's jealousy?