Sequel: A Cherry Sunset

A Dawn I Thought We'd Never See

Airports + Dinners

“Will you stop fidgeting?” Victoria scolded me while I rolled my eyes.

“I wouldn’t have to if you would freakin let me wear my own clothes for once.” I glanced down at the ripped skinny jeans she’d forced me to wear.

“Those are your clothes nerd; I just put the outfit together so you don’t look like your usual out-there self.” I opened my mouth to argue but three familiar figures stumbled off the bus I was leaning against. Their loud bickering stopped when their eyes landed on us.

“Toreh!” Lee yelled as he tackled my best friend to the ground.

“Lee!” She shouted back with giggles. I watched as a bit of envy took over me. Sometimes I wished I was as free as her. Victoria never let anything or anyone ever bring her down.

“’Ey Em.” Tom’s cheerful accent came from behind me minutes before his arms wrapped around me and squeezed.

“Hey Tom.” I gently patted his hands that were settled on my middle while his chin rested on my shoulder.

“Ello Emileh.” Oliver stood in front of me with a sheepish small smile. I gave a curt nod and leaned back into Tom. “We’d betteh get goin’ if we’re goin’ teh get there before ‘er plane lands.”

“That or she’ll be squakin’ all night.” Tom agreed as he released me and went to pull Lee and Victoria from the ground. I crossed my arms and waited for them to return. Though it only took seconds, it felt like forever that I stood there with Oliver looking at me. Neither of us said a word until the other three joined us.

I stayed close to Tom at the airport, trying desperately to avoid another awkward moment with just Oliver and I. Victoria and Lee ran off a while ago in search of coffee. Course it wasn’t ten minutes later that I realized we were standing in front of a Starbucks. I rolled my eyes as I stood between Tom and Oliver, closer to Tom, and sighed as a large group started to file from the gate. I searched the faces as they passed, not finding a single one that looked similar to Tom or Oliver. Then I thought about how different Tom and Oliver looked from each other.

“There she is,” Tom’s low voice brought me out of my thoughts as I tried to follow his eyes. My gaze landed on a petite girl with long dark brown hair like Toms. She was fumbling with her luggage and purse. As she approached us she sent glares at both boys beside me.

“Yeh wankers can’t ‘elp meh carreh meh shit, eh?” She had their accent, though hers sounded much thicker and deep hazel eyes like Oliver.

“They won’t let us pass the line or we get kicked out.” Oliver chuckled as he pointed to a red line on the ground in front of our feet. I hadn’t noticed it before, but it made since that Tom had pulled me back when I’d stepped forward earlier.

“Righ’,” the girl rolled her eyes and threw her luggage at him. “I s’pose yeh won’t mind carryin’ it for meh now, will yeh?”

“Course,” Oliver lifted the heavy bag with ease. The girl scoffed and turned her attention to me.

“This must be Emileh.” She smiled widely and enveloped me in a hug. I stood stunned and gently patted her back while both Tom and Oliver stared at me. “Meh brotha’s talk ‘bout yeh so much,” she giggled as she pulled back, “I can tell we’ll be great friends.”

“Don’t I get a hug teh?” Tom whined and held his arms out.

“Of course, Tommeh.” She replied sarcastically and fell into his arms, making a face toward me that made me giggle. “I thought yeh said Lee was comin’ with yeh.” She smacked Tom’s arm before going to give Oliver a hug too.

“’E’s ‘round ‘ere somewhere with Toreh.” Tom answered as he glanced around the busy airport.

“The otha merch girl I’ve ‘eard so much ‘bout? ‘As ‘e put the moves on ‘er yet?” She winked at me while Oliver’s arm draped over her shoulder’s. His steady gaze on me was highly unsettling as I briefly wondered if anyone else noticed.

Then I realized all their eyes were on me. “Kind of,” I muttered and shrugged, wishing to be invisible again.

“Right, well, give ‘im a ring Tom. Tell ‘im we’re leavin’ ‘is arse behind, curteseh of December.” She walked out from under Oliver’s arm and threw her own around my waist. “Let’s go now, I’m starved.” She groaned and started to pull me towards the door. “I’m December by the way, December Sykes.”

“Pleased to meet you.” I giggled and rested my arm around her waist. There was something about her that just eased the tension in me. “I’m Emily, Emily Hale.”

“I know who yeh are, love.” She glanced over her shoulder at the two boys and lowered her voice. “Meh brothas fanceh yeh quite a bit.” I felt my cheeks flush as she giggled.
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I finished writing this about two days ago : ( but that's good news for you guys.
updates should be about every other day now depending on how much I get typed.
thanks for the support! I'd love it if somebody made me a banner; I suck at them.