Status: I update about once a week, twice if I get feedback ;) or if I have enough time.

My Parents Are Going To Kill Me, Why Did I Do This?

Chapter One

I was at the top of my game. I was in my senior year at my High School. My boyfriend is so nice, I've got tons of friends. Nothing could ruin this year.
"Katie," Mom called.
"Yes?" I asked?
"It's time to go to school."
I groaned.
"Come on, or you'll be late!"
I got up and went to my closet. All my clothes were in the wash. Great. I could either wear the stupid, ugly sweater my grandmother gave me for my birthday. Or get something I could wear out of Mom's room. I don't know why, but my Mom has the sexiest clothes.
I made up my mind. I wanted to look sexy for my boyfriend today. In order to do that, sexy me, and sexy clothes.
I was dressed and ready to go. I went to the garage, to get my car and drive to school. My car. the super new, shiny red, corvette. I gotten this for... Well, for the heck of it I think. I wanted it, so my Mom got it for me on no special day at all.
My boyfriend was sitting slightly on his car in his usual spot in the parking lot of the school. I parked next to him. I got out and he smiled.
"Hey beautiful," he said.
"Hi Honey," I replied.
"Did you do anything special over the weekend?"
"Yes," I answered, "me and a really hot guy hung out, and made out all weekend long."
Here comes the fake madness. "Oh, really? And why didn't you tell me there was another guy in your life?"
"Well I didn't think I'd needed to. Since you were that one special guy over the weekend!"
"I'm just kidding with you honey. I know it's me."
"Oh Byron, you can never keep me up---." The first bell rang.
"Oh crap! We got to get to class!" We held hands and ran inside.
*lunch time*
"Hey Katie."
"Hey Emily."
"Whats up?"
"Nothing much."
"Oh, I know. Did you kiss Byron before school?"
"We didn't have a chance. We were talking in the parking lot, but then the first bell rang."
She frowned, "Pitty." Emily was my best-est friend, and I could always count on her for stuff! My Mom and her mom had worked together since we were babies! Our parents are still at the same job. The job they do is their managers for some guitar playing and singing guy. Who's got talent, but wants to become famous.
Byron walked up to me with his tray, he was behind me. I leaned my head back, so he could kiss me, and he did.
What are they selling in the line today?" I asked him.
"Crap, crap on a stick, or crap in a bowl."
"Great. Good thing I made my Mom pack my lunch." It's true, the school cafeteria literally wants to kill the kids with their evil lunch food.
*End of school*
"Hey Katie?" Emily asked. "Can I have a ride home. My Mom's busy with work, and can't pick me up.
Byron laughed as he sat on his black Camry.
"What?" I asked?
"Oh nothing. It's just Mark sent me one of those forward, that if you don't forward it..." He made his voice sound creepy. "Forward it, or you die."
"Ugh! As much as I hate those,u should forward it." Who cares if I hate those messages, I don't want my boyfriend dying!
As I drove Emily home she said something that surprised me.
"Hey are you going to Shelby Clan's party tomorrow?"
"Party? I didn't know about any party? Well, as long as there's a party, I going. Wait, did she give personal invites?"
"I don't think so. She stuck fliers in every ones locker."
"I didn't go to my locker today. Oh well, I'm still going."
I dropped Emily off at her house then drove home. Mom wasn't there, so she must be still at work.
I don't even know why that my selfish father left. Wait, I do. He hated us! I knew we didn't have school tomorrow, so I was going to stay up till 1 a.m. Probably watching T.V.
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Hope you like the first chapter. :)

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Dear editors, this chapter has been edited.