Status: I update about once a week, twice if I get feedback ;) or if I have enough time.

My Parents Are Going To Kill Me, Why Did I Do This?

Chapter 10


As I walked down stairs, well I walked. Got a bowl of cereal, then poured in the milk. I sat down at the table, and shoved my spoon in the bowl full of that "Special K" stuff my mom gets.

Mom stomped her feet into the kitchen. "Do you know what I just looked at?"

"No, what?" I said smirking in a 'I don't really care' smirk.

"Your grades mister!"

I gasped a fake gasp, I didn't really care about my grades. "So." I shoveled a spoonful of cereal in my mouth.

"You have an "F" in math! I thought you loved math, what ever happened to you in that math club?"

"Ugh! Mom, that was sixth grade! I'm in high school!"

"Are you going through puberty? Is that it?"


"Okay, okay. Sorry too personal." She looked at the sink, and saw what mess I left it in. Then she glared at me, "You will clean this up by the time I'm done eating breakfast!"

"Mom! I need to eat too!"

"Fine. Finish eating first."

"I will!" I glared back. Then she stomped her way back out.

Gosh, whats her problem? I ate the last bite of the cereal and started to clean the sink.


I could have sworn when I cleaned it, it sparkled. I looked around. Mom didn't even get her breakfast yet! That meant I could have done it a lot later! Oh well. I walked back up the steps to my room. I flopped down on my bed, and instantly I thought of Katie. So I picked up my phone and dialed her number, which I had memorized. And I wasn't a stalker, just because every time I thought of her I got a warm, fuzzy feeling in my stomach. Then she answered.

"Hello?" She asked.

"Hey Katie."

"Ugh, its you."

"Sorry I don't please you."

"No. You don't!"

"Then what will?"

"For you to stop bugging me!"

"I'm sorry again."


"Because that won't happen."

"I've got a boyfriend Devon! And I love him!"

"And my kid is inside of you!"

She gasped, "How do you know about that?"

I smirked, "I'm not dumb."

"Yes you are," she mumbled.

I chuckled, "You are so cute!"

"Leave me alone, and stop calling me!"

"If you want me to leave you alone, why haven't you hung up yet?" I know I was ticking her off. But its fun, and her reaction is So cute.

"Ugh!" The line went dead.

I closed my phone and looked at it. Why is she so hard to get to?



Emily walked in, "Are you having trouble with your phone?"

"No! I'm having trouble with the person who keeps calling my phone!"


"Who gave him my number in the first place?"

"Ha ha, I wonder." She whistled.

I looked at her, "Do you know something about this?"

"Hm." She tried closing her mouth and keeping it shut with her fingers. 'I'M SORRY!" She blurted out.

I stared at her shocked, "You gave him my number!"

"Yes," she admitted. "But it was only because I thought he was someone else."

"Who'd you think he was?"

"Chris Kellen."

"Chris Kellen? You would've thought he was Chris Kellen!"

"I'm sorry!" She glanced at her feet, then back up at me with a crocked to the side smile. "I know how to get him back though."

I liked the way she was thinking, so I smiled back. "What's the plan?"

She ran over to me and whispered it in my ear.

"Lets do it!" I agreed.

"Okay, call Devon back!"

I nodded and dialed his number that somehow got into my contacts.

"Hi Katie, whats up?"

"Hi Devon," I tried to use my sexiest voice.

"Whoa, since when did you start this....Toward me?"

"I don't know...I just am!"

"Well, what do you want?" He used his sexy voice back.

"Well why don't we meet at the park? And then I'll tell you!"


"By that one romantic picnic table, and I'll see you there." With that I hung up.

Then I typed in a new number in my phone. "Hi Cali!"

"Hi Katie! What's up?"

"Well I think you owe me for that one soda I bought for you fresh from the soda factory."

"You bought Cali a soda fresh!" Emily shrieked.

I nodded at her, then listened to what Cali had to say. "Well sure Katie, I do owe you. What do you need done?"

Then I whispered her the plan too. She agreed and hung up.

"What did she say?" Emily wondered.

"She said 'yes', and fool Devon bad!"

"I wish I could see his face when he sees Cali!"

"Well Cali does kinda look like me from far away." I reminded her. "And Cali promised to tell me how it went!"

"Ha ha! Wow! This will be SO funny!"



I ran to the park as fast as I could, to get there when the sun set at the exact time! The best part, I could even see Katie. But her back was turned toward me. I had a great idea, sneak kiss!

"I know you're there," She said her back still toward me.

"You caught me! Now, what did you want to tell me?"

"What was the reason you came?"

"Well, if you don't mind, I'd like to kiss you."

"I don't mind at all! But you have to keep your eyes closed!"

"Oh I will!" I promised.

I closed my eyes tight, and then her lips were to mine, and I wondered if this was a dream. But it wasn't because I was pulling her closer, and she hummed. Then I wondered why we were still standing, I wanted it to go further! She'd never allow it though, so I tried something she would allow. Or I hope she would. She had warn sweat shorts, so I put my hand in down her pants and grabbed her butt. She jumped a little, but kept kissing me. Apparently she did really like me. I made it more than a kiss now, by making her mouth open. She didn't even reject when my tongue snuggled by hers. Actually, she kissed me harder by me doing that. But then for some reason she was slowing down, and then stopped. When I opened my eyes again, she was turned around again.

"Why did you stop?"

"You'll be angry."

"And why is that?"

She turned around to reveal herself. I gasped. That wasn't Katie at all!!

"CALI! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? WHERE'S KATIE?!?!?!?" I yelled questioning.

"Sorry," she smirked. She then grabbed her purse and walked away.

"AH!" I screamed at the top of my lungs!
♠ ♠ ♠
This was a very funny plan when I thought it up! Poor Devon!

This chapter has been edited.