Status: I update about once a week, twice if I get feedback ;) or if I have enough time.

My Parents Are Going To Kill Me, Why Did I Do This?

Chapter 11


It had been a week since our little prank on Devon, and we were still laughing about it!
I grabbed my jacket, walked out of Emily's room, and walked to the front door. Emily was swinging on one of those swinging benches.

"Where are you going?" She asked curiously.

"To Byron's house."

"Cool. Have fun." She was just sitting on that swinging' thing, reading a book.

"Okay then, bye."

She waved a sincerely goodbye, as in 'aren't you going? If your gonna go, then go.'

I waved back as I got in the car. I know Emily says she doesn't, and won't, get bored. But I know she wants to have a break from me, so that's what I'm giving her.

I parked right out front of Byron's house. Sure enough he was here as he had said he would, when I called him earlier. I walked up the steps to ring the doorbell, once I had he opened the door immediately.

"Hey sweetie!" He greeted enthusiastically.

"Hi, long time no see....Sort of."

"Come on in." He stretched his arm out welcoming me inside. He even bowed. He was so sweet.

We went up to his room, and he had it just the I remembered it. The walls painted blue, his black covers, with white dots on them that looked like spattered paint. His dresser dark brown, and posters on one wall basically of the people from Fall Out Boy. And the pictures he keeps closest by his bed, pics of me. I thought that was really sweet.

"I got some more pictures of the band 'Fall Out Boys'." He informed.

"Nice." I sat on his bed.

Suddenly his dad walked in, "son, Devon called, he wants you to go over to his house."

"Dad! He's not even my friend! And plus, Katie's here."

"Then she can go to!"

"Ugh." He complained.

"Now you come down in 5 min you kids." His dad mentioned.

I hadn't even spoken the whole conversation. How did he know I was over here? Byron looked at me, 'Are you alright, you don't look so good."

"Him? Why him? What did I do to deserve this?"

He sat by me, then stroked my hair, "It's okay. Every things going to be okay."

I looked at him, and gave him a huge bear hug!

"It's okay, its okay." He repeated over and over again. While I just dug my face into his chest, he still stroked my hair.

"Devon is a big, fat jerk. I hate him."

Then he tried to make it into a joke, "Don't you forget it!" I couldn't help but laugh.

A big booming voice came from down stairs, "Come on you two!"

Byron stood up, taking me along with him. He turned toward me, kissed me, then we started walking out the door.


When we got to Devon's house I sighed, I didn't want to be here. Anywhere but here. Even in a thrash can! But unfortunately I had no choice. Byron put his arm around me, pulling me closer to him. He extended his arm out, and rung the doorbell.

"Oh your here, what a surprise." Devon said joyfully.

"Yeah, a surprise. But not a good one," I frowned.

"Well don't just stand out there, come on in."

"Are you sure, I don't mind standing outside. I love nature."

Devon grabbed my wrist, "Come on in, don't be a stranger."

I pulled my hand back, and stomped on his foot.

"Oh," he cooed, "your feisty. I like that."

"Okay, lets just go in." Byron said frustrated.

"Whatever," I agreed.

"Alright! This way," Devon clapped happily.

We followed him up to his room. It was dark and gloomy, unlike his personality. He had a piece of rotten cheese on his dresser, and dirty clothes scattered around the room.

I scoffed, "can we go to a cleaner room?"

"You don't like my room?" Devon said, faking to be offended.

"Pretty much," Byron agreed, plugging up his nose with his finger.

"Fine, we can go to the patio."

"Couldn't we have gone there in the first place." I smirked.

'No, but now we can go there." Devon said.

Devon left the room, I followed and thought Byron following. But instead, he yanked my hand.

"What?" I asked.

He shushed me, "I have to go to the bathroom, but I don't want to leave you alone with him in this whore house!" He cationed in a whisper.

I gasped, still quiet. "Oh no! Your right."

"At this point in time I don't know what to do" Byron mentioned.

"I'll just go with you."

Byron did the 'well duh' face. "Ugh, and I should of been able to figure that out." I laughed.


We rejoined Devon soon after, he was curious where we went. But we refused to tell.

2 miserable hours later, and we were finally allowed to leave. Thank gosh.
♠ ♠ ♠
My sister annoys me to death, and that's how Katie feels about Devon.

This chapter has been edited.