Status: I update about once a week, twice if I get feedback ;) or if I have enough time.

My Parents Are Going To Kill Me, Why Did I Do This?

chapter 12

I already had my whole day planned out, I was spending it with Byron. Emily was off hanging out with one of her other friend, getting more time away from me. Even through she says that's not the reason. Anyway, Byron and I would first go to the movies, then a restaurant of my choice, then to his house and hang out there.

In fact, I was in the car with him right now.

"So, hows Emily and her mom?" Byron asked, breaking the silence.

"Good, very welcoming."

"great, hows"

"good, very healthy. But i haven't figured out yet if its your or Devon's," i shuttered at the name, "baby."

"Right, right." He said pulling up to the movie theaters

We looked at each other, he kissed my lips softly. Then he pulled away, and got out of the car. I did too, and we heading into the theaters.


"That movie was.....I didn't know there were zombies in it. The critics said it was a chick flick." I breathed, secretly insulting it.

"It was okay," Byron said, not wanting to offend me. I could tell he didn't like it. "anyway, where do you want to eat?"

"Chilies!" i almost screamed in excitement.

"Chilies it is!"

I couldn't tell if it was just me, or that Byron drove really fast. Or that my time goes by fast whenever I'm with him. When we got there, Byron quickly got out and went to my door to open for me. I let him, and took the offer. Now that i think about it, Byron's not one of those guys who get some random chick knocked up, then go off to someone else. He was a loving, caring, charming guy that I really loved.

When we walked inside, the waiter named Chuck took us to our table. Then asked what we wanted to drink, I got milk, and Byron got water.

By the time Chuck got back with our drinks, we already knew what we wanted to order. "What do you want to eat?" Chuck asked me.

"Um.....I'll have Mac & Cheese." I said proudly, while Chuck stared at me like I was kidding by ordering kiddie food. But that's what I wanted.

He turned to Byron, "I'll get the Chili Cheese Burritos, please."

Chuck nodded and left. Once he did, Byron and I started laughing. "Did you see the way he looked at me?"

"Yeah, it was weird and funny all at the same time!" We laughed.


After lunch, I realized that the Chuck guy didn't like me, well its not that he didn't like me it just....He hated me.

Byron drove back to his house, like super quick. Thank gosh his parents weren't home, because every time I came over and they were there, we got sent to Devon's house. We went up to his room, I plopped down on his bed and he laid next to me. I rolled over onto my side. He looked into my eyes and could tell what I wanted. He granted that want unexpectedly, and I kissed him back. My tongue slipped past our lips felt my way around his mouth. His hand went up my shirt, and rubbed my back. Both of my hands went up his pulling him closer. By that time, his shirt was off, and my hands were knotted in his hair. Then I thought to myself, best day ever!
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I hope you really like this chapter. The first time I wrote it, it erased itself. I was SO mad! But I'm glad it posted.

This chapter has been edited.