Status: I update about once a week, twice if I get feedback ;) or if I have enough time.

My Parents Are Going To Kill Me, Why Did I Do This?

chapter 15


"I can't believe it!" Emily shrieked. "It's a girl!"

"Yeah!" I hollered back.

"When are you going to have a baby shower?" Clara shouted!

"Mom," Emily complained.

"I know, I know." She told her daughter.

"Yeah....well....about that..." I started.

"What is it?" Emily said.

"I don't think around this time is a good time for a baby shower. I mean, I just got the results! What if it turns out there is no baby? What if it just dies?" I almost shouted those last words.

"We'll keep you safe, so the baby will be safe." Clara reassured.

"Thanks," I told her.

"When was the last time you visited Byron?" Emily asked.

"Uh....." I had completely forgoten to tell Emily what had happened at the hospital between me and Devon. "I was going to go visit him today." I had to make up something quick.

"Okay......Katie? Do you need to lie down? You look nauseous." Emily wondered.

"Actually I think it's the baby sickness. I'm going to go lie down." I rushed upstairs.

I sat on the pull out bed, and put my head in my hands. How could I forget to tell Emily? She's almost like my sister! Almost.

I heard someone come in, "I knew you were lying...Whats bothering you?"

I had to confess, "While at the hospital, after the results, after I texted you and Byron.....Devon kissed me....and I kissed him back!" I started crying, "I knew it was wrong! But I couldn't help it!" Emily sat down next to me.

"It's okay," she patted my shoulder, "It's okay."


After Emily had calmed me down, her phone stared ringing. She answered, eying me, making sure I didn't start crying again.


I couldn't hear who was on the phone, or what they were saying.

"Oh my gosh! Are you serious?"

What was going on?

"Get out! That's great! Okay, bye!" Emily hung up. She smiled at me, "Katie you know my sister Lola?"

"Yeah." I answered.

"Well she's coming home for a visit!" Emily yelled excitedly.

"Wow! That's great, how long is she in town?"

"Oh, a couple of days."

"Okay, wow, um....Sorry I can't react big enough."

"That's okay, plus we need to go to the airport to pick her up. And I need to tell my mom."

"Okay you do that, while try to put on my shoes." I said, thinking of how much pain I'd be in with trying to bent over and put on my converse.


We were at the airport waiting for Lola's flight to land. My stomach was hurting.....bad.

"American Airlines, flight 214 has landed, and is now exiting." The announcer called over the speakers.

"YEAY!" Emily cooed. She ran over to Lola and gave her a hug. "It's good to see you!"

Then Lola gave Cara a hug, "Hey mom!" she looked at me, "and you must be Katie! Emily tells me a lot about you." Lola announced.

"Same, but about you." I told her.

She gave me a hug, "It' good to meet you."

We went over to the conveyor belt to pick up Lola's luggage. After that we all piled up into the car.

"Hey Katie, why don't you go visit Byron. He's probably missing you!" Emily suggested.

"Oh, okay." I said. I understood. Her sister was in town, and they didn't want me in the way.



We dropped off Katie at her boyfriend's house...What's his name again? Oh well, I didn't really care. When we pulled up to the house I noticed that it hadn't changed. After all those years that I been moved out, there had not been one change.

"Uh mom? Emily?" I asked once we were inside. "I know you've worked really hard with Katie so....." I pulled out the tickets, "I have three luxurious tickets for all three of us!"

We all cheered until Emily stopped. "What about Katie? Isn't she coming?"

I froze, this is suppose to be a break from Katie. Emily kept calling me to complain about Katie. Why is it all of a sudden she cares where she goes? "Uh, well I didn't have enough money to buy four. You know how much things cost these days." I nudged her arm with my arm.

"Oh we can find some place for Katie to stay while were away. But Emily, I really want to go on this cruise!" Mom yelled.

"Okay." Emily sighed.

"Well then, I'm going to put my stuff in my room." I said heading upstairs.

"Oh sweetie!" Mom called. "Well since you moved out.....and I wasn't expecting this....well to just get to the point, I turned your room into the media room.

"WHAT!" I screamed!

"Well you moved out!" Mom objected.

"SO WHERE AM I GOING TO SLEEP? Oh wait...There's a pull out bed in Emily's room." I reassured myself.

"About that," Emily said, "Katie's sleeping there."

"THEN WHERE AM I GOING TO SLEEP?" I screamed again.

"Well...the couch." Mom told me.

"I am not sleeping on the couch!" I disagreed.

"It's either the couch or the floor." Mom tried doing one of those 'one or the other' situations.

"Fine! I'll sleep on the couch!"

"Mom?" Emily asked.


"What about the guest room?"

"Oh yeah! I totally forgot about that place! I bet Katie's uncomfortable on the pull out-" I cut her off.


"Okay, it goes to you then." Mom said.

I grabbed my stuff and hurried along to the guest room.

Once I was settled in, I started thinking. 'My plan was set. With Katie out of the picture, I'll have my family crawling back to me. Also I'll have them so under my control that they will never see or hear from Katie Walker ever again!' i laughed coldly, and quietly to myself.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm about to go on a trip for the remainder of spring break, so if you see I haven't updated the rest of this week...that's the reason. Enjoy this chapter! :D Created by Daughter Of Poseidon on Wednesday, March 17, 2010.

This chapter has been edited.