Status: I update about once a week, twice if I get feedback ;) or if I have enough time.

My Parents Are Going To Kill Me, Why Did I Do This?

chapter 17


After I waved goodbye to Emily and her mother, I saw that Lola had a smirk on her face. I knew she was up to something, but what? I squeezed myself into the car, and ended up pulling the seat back. So I wouldn't squash the baby. I put the car in drive in off I Devon's house. I shuttered at the thought. How would this end up? More importantly..... What would Byron think?

I pulled into his driveway, thinking that would be alright, since I'd be staying here. I walked up to the door and rang the doorbell.

Devon opened it-looking sad- but when he saw me, his face perked up. "What are you doing here?" He was eying my bags.

"Emily's mom arranged for me to stay over for a while." I told him.

"Cool, except we didn't know.....when did she call?" He asked.

"Well actually, Lola said she would call and.........she didn't call.....did she?" Lola hadn't called at all! Lola had it in for me, I thought she liked me!

"We didn't get a call, but come on in. Make yourself at home. Here, I'll get your bags." He took my bags and headed for the stairs.

"Where do I sleep," I asked when we walked into his room.

When he heard what I asked he dropped one of my suitcases on his foot. "What? Oh! Dang! We don't have an extra bedroom."

"Oh..well that's okay. I can always call Byron, I'm sure I can stay with him." I reached for one of my suitcases, but Devon pulled it away from me.

"No! I can sleep in my room. I'll just sleep on the couch downstairs." He said looking at his bed, then out the door.

"Are you sure?" I asked him.

"Yeah no problem."

"Okay, thank you."

He strode over to me, and wrapped me in his arms. "You know I love you." He whispered to me, then kissed my cheek.

"I know." I whispered back.

He turned me around, and kissed me. I kissed him back, and feeling his tongue inside my mouth made me melt. Then I heard the door open, and a gasp. I turned to look at the door, and was shocked who i saw.


I totally saw the lifeguard checking me out! He started walking over to me. He was like a model walking down a runway.

"Hey, beautiful." He said in a deep, manly voice.

"Hey." I said back, pushing down my sunglasses.

"Your hot." He cooed.

Did he just go there? Oh well, "Thanks.........wanna make out?"

"Yes!" He almost screamed. I didn't want to, but hey, no good to pass up an opportunity like this.


I swam quickly up and down the swimming pool. I stopped along side of the pool, after like 5 laps in 5 minutes.

"That was some fast swimming," said a guy from behind me.

I looked around, it was a boy with dark, brown, curly hair, and was smiling. He even had dimples. "Thanks."

"I'm DJ, what's your name?" He asked.

"Emily." I told him.

"Well Emily, have you ever played poker?"


"Then lets go test your luck!" He said grabbing my arm, and dragging me toward the poker place.

He sat us down at a table where some older men were sitting. "I think I'm under age." I whispered to him.

"It won't hurt anybody if they don't know." He whispered back, I giggled. Wow, I never giggled at anything! Hm.... "Here, this for the game, you'll need it." He slid a bunch of cash under the table.


"Okay, place your bids in. $10 each." i looked at the guy who spoke. He had a pin on his shirt that said 'dealer'. I did what I was told, and saw the other men piling in their money as well.

The dealer eyed DJ, wondering why he didn't put in his money. "Oh, I'm helping her. It's her first time playing." the dealer nodded and started passing out cards. I looked at my cards, great, a bunch of cards with numbers on them, and I didn't even know what to do with them. "Great! You got a flush, keep all your cards." DJ whispered.

A lot of the men switched out their cards, but I did what DJ told me to do.

"Bet a $20" DJ whispered to me. I put a $20 in the middle.

"I fold." Said one of the old dudes, looking at how confident I was.

"Me too,I fold." Said another guy, agreeing with him.

"Not me, there's no way that noob can win on her first try!" One of the men glared at me, his buddy nodded. they both put in $20.


i had won a lot of the rounds and ended up with around a thousand dollars. DJ seemed to like me a lot. He even gave me his number, I did the same.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know, I'm evil by not saying who opened the door on Katie and Devon. He He.

This chapter has been edited.