Status: I update about once a week, twice if I get feedback ;) or if I have enough time.

My Parents Are Going To Kill Me, Why Did I Do This?

chapter 18


"Devon!" yelled the voice! "How could you! You too Katie!"

"Mom! You can't just come in here!" Devon screamed.

"You better explain! Both of you!" She yelled.


"Devon! I'm ashamed of you! That's why you've been acting weird lately! You got this girl pregnant!" She yelled at him some more.

"Well, Mrs. Fords, we don't know who the father is yet. There is a possibility that the baby could not even be related to Devon." I said calmly, then looked at Devon. He was frowning, probably because he was thinking the baby actually could not be his.

"Well then......who's the other possible father?" She asked.

"Byron Castro," I whispered softly, wincing at the name, knowing what all I had done with Devon would hurt him.

"Byron Castro!" Devon's mother screamed.

"Mom!" Devon yelled back!

"What's the gender?" She asked when she calmed down.

"It's a girl."

"Katie, does your mom know your here?" his mother asked me.

"No! And I hope she never has anything to do with me!" I yelled! I ran upstairs, hearing of my mom brought back the last time I saw her.

I called her name, still no answer. She might be in her room I guessed. The door was closed, that was unlikely. Mom never shut her door, never. But there was a light coming from the inside. She was in there, and she shut her door? It would be impolite to just open it, she raised me better than that. So I knocked.
"Mom, are you in there?" I know, it was a stupid question for me to ask, because I already knew she was in there. I heard a deep voice mumble. Then a lighted voice answered it in a mumble.
I knocked harder, because there was still no answer. "Mom!" I literally yelled!
"Ugh!" I heard her voice say. Now she was just ignoring me.
If she was going to be rude, so was I! I turned the knob, and slammed open the door. My eyes were in shock! There my Mom was with a total stranger, making out on her bed, going to bring it to another step until I opened the door. Mom Stared at me with disappointment, and the man glared at me with the angriest eyes I'd ever seen.
He had his hands in her shirt. "Mom," I whispered.
She got off he bed and walked over to me. "Sweetie, I... This is Phil."

I heard a knock on the door of Devon's room. They opened it anyway. I looked up, I wasn't crying, but I was getting close to. It was Devon.

"Hey," he said, "you okay?"

"Yeah, I guess so. Is she going to call my mom?" I asked, gaging at the name of her.

"No, I asked her not to." He rubbed my back.

"Thanks. I need to tell Byron."

"Tell Byron what?" He gasped.

"I need to tell him whats been going on between us."

"Because he's my boyfriend! I shouldn't even be here with you! It's making me more guilty!" I knew it, I started crying.

"It's okay, we can tell him together if you want."

"No, it has to just be me, please." I told him.

"Okay, if you want."


I rung the door bell, once I was at Byron's house. He opened the door with a cheery smile. He got confused when he saw my frown.

"Katie what's wrong?" He asked.

"Byron, I'm so sorry!" I started crying all over again!

"Sorry about what?" He asked.

"I cheated on you! I don't deserve you!"

His mouth hung open while his anger was boiling up. "Who did you cheat on me with?" He almost growled.

"Devon." I whispered. "I'm so sorry, if I could take back what I did I would, just so I could have a clean record with you."

"Katie! How could you! I mean Devon? I thought you hated him!"

"I did, but because of the baby thing he seemed so sweet, and nice."

"Katie, I used to be friends with him. He seems that way when girls think their getting to know his real side, but he told me it was a trick. A trick just to get them in bed with him!" He temper was overloaded now.

"I'm sorry! I didn't know! I understand if you can't forgive me, I completely do! I just came over here so I could apologize for hurting you, and I don't want to hurt you! I promise!"

"Katie, I don't think i can!"

"But....the baby....what if it's yours?" I asked in a very small voice.

"I pay some bills of child care, I'll even have some custody over it if you want! But I'm sorry Katie, but I can' know. Not after you cheated on me."

"It's a girl, by the way." I said before turning away, and started walking back to my car.

Byron grabbed my arm, and pulled me into an unexpected kiss. He squeezed me so tight to him, and he was kissing me so roughly. Which was unlike him. I slid my tongue into his mouth, having the moment last. I put my hands in his hair, pulling lightly on the strands. He pulled away, "I love you, and I always will."

"I know, and I love you too." I told him, wishing the kiss lasted longer.

"But you know I can't do this." He said.

"I didn't expect you too, I'm just so sorry."

"I know you are," he kissed my lips one more time, before pulling away again and walking inside. I stared after him, thinking I was a terrible person for cheating on him.

I got back into my car and drove back to Devon's. I parked my car in the driveway, and stopped at the front porch before I went inside. I looked at the moon, it was kinda of lonely up there, only having the stars around it. I went inside, seeing that Devon was already on the couch, asleep. What time was it? I pulled out my phone and looked at the time. 12:35.

I got in the first pj's I saw in my bag, and crawled in bed.


I woke up later that night, hearing thunder storm. The sound rumbled in my ears, I didn't feel like sleeping alone. I walked down stairs, and climbed in next to Devon on the pull-out couch.

"Huh?" Devon started getting up, feeling me next to him. "Katie is that you?" He whispered.

"Yeah, is it alright if I'm here with you?" I asked, not wanting to get rejected.

"No, it's okay, you can stay." He wrapped his arms around me, and kissed my hair. I snuggled in next to him, making myself comfy.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it's taken a long time to post, but the Internet is still down at my house, so were all having to share the Internet cord.
please comment!

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