Status: I update about once a week, twice if I get feedback ;) or if I have enough time.

My Parents Are Going To Kill Me, Why Did I Do This?

chapter 19


I was shook lightly; my eyes didn't want to open. All I gave was a grunt; I refused to open my eyes. But I had to sooner or later, just a little longer.

"Katie," Devon said softly, "wake up, I made a bowl of cereal."

I knew I was beat, and slowly opened my eyes. I sat up in bed..............I looked around. Apparently I was on a couch. Then I remembered what happened last night, and what Byron told me what Devon does, Devon's game plan with a girl. I shivered, would that still happen to me? Would Devon still try to get in bed with me even after he already did? I looked up at him.

"Are you alright?" He asked. "You look worried, tired, and confused all at the same time."

"Huh? Oh. It's nothing." She didn't really want to talk to him, even though she couldn't get away from him. "You said you made pancakes?"

"Well.......kind of. If you count them as the messed up version that I stuck in the fridge." He rolled his eyes playfully.

"Okay but....." I paused, "did you say you stuck them in the fridge?"

He nodded, "Yeah, why?"

"What time is it?" I said looking around for a clock or something.


"12:30p.m.!" I shook my head, "How did it get that late?"

"You slept in. It seemed like yesterday was a little too messed up for you. And, I think you needed the extra sleep." He picked up my hand; he looked as if he were to pull me along to the kitchen. But he just held it. "Come on, you should eat something."


I lead her into the kitchen, and grabbed the bowl I filled with cereal and started dumping milk on it. I walked back over to Katie, handed her the bowl of cereal, and then kissed her on the cheek. As I did so, I felt her stiffen. I looked at her weirdly, what’s up with her?.

I sat down next to her, and set a new can of whip cream and strawberries beside the bowl. She then covered the top of the bowl entirely with the whip cream and topped it with the strawberries. Strange-pregnant-diet.

"Katie, are you okay? You seem more......hesitant around me." I said.

She paused from eating her strangely coated-deformed-breakfast. "Well......" I could see whatever it was she didn't want to tell me.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." I told her.

"No....I need to ask you something." She hesitated. "Why are you.........being so nice to me?" She stared me down in the eye.

"Why wouldn't I?" I asked trying to delay the answer.

"A few months ago, way before this," she motioned her hand around her belly. "I hated you, and you hated me. Now everything seems out of whack. Byron told me you were nice to girl to get them in bed, and I kind of believe-........ Well, I do believe that. Don't' say that he's lying, because I know he's not."

"Well, it was that way for me. Once I realized you got pregnant that changed things. I felt guilty for that, since I might be the father. And I've seen stories like these on the news of teen aged girls getting pregnant and ruining their lives, money wise. They get kicked out of the house because their parents don't want to deal with the baby. Then they become unhappy with nowhere to go or something. I thought it was a bunch of crap...........until it happened to you." I said. I just couldn't believe it was so easy to tell her everything.

She just nodded. She turned in her chair to hug me. I knew that was all she wanted, and nothing more. So I wouldn't push it. I hugged her back, hopping there was a good relationship for us in the future.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I don't know how often I'll update this story, but I'll try.

This chapter has been edited.