Status: I update about once a week, twice if I get feedback ;) or if I have enough time.

My Parents Are Going To Kill Me, Why Did I Do This?

Chapter 22


I sat on the couch gazing out the open window, watching some little kids skate down the street with their little scooters. What time is it? I thought, but what did it matter? It didn’t, nothing did. I wasn’t sure where Devon was, he was probably off with his Dad. I shuttered at the word. I refused to think of such things, somehow it just cam creeping back in to my mind. I couldn’t get rid of it. Why? Why did it have to be like this? Why did he have to get cancer, and leave Mom and I? My eyes opened widely. Mom. I put my eyes back into their normal position. I wouldn’t care about that slut anyway. Shaking my head, trying to get those thoughts out, I saw Devon.

He was getting out of the car, and with you know who. I blanked my mind of everything that was in it, and kept my sight straight ahead, in to the forever ness of nothing.


Slamming the door, I ran to catch up with Dad. We had just come back from the bowling alley, and it had felt like he had never left. Although, he had spent a lot of time with Mom, which I get, but I was just glad that our family was together again. Nothing could be better.

Once inside, Dad had stopped in mid-step after shutting the front door; my eyes followed his gaze into the living room. There sitting on the couch was the most beautiful thing I had forgotten about. Katie. “Is she okay?” Dad asked, “She’s just sitting there, no expression, no…nothing.” I glanced at him, and he knew that look, he nodded, and then left the room.

Rushing over to her, grabbing her hand, and taking a seat next to her, I focused my eyes on her. “Katie? Katie?” When there was no answered, my voice turned into pleads, “Katie, are you okay? Speak to me.” She didn’t even glance at me, and said nothing. I looked down at her hand; it was so pale, her skin felt cold too. “Katie?” I paused for a second, as the doorbell rung.

I got up, walked over, and opened the door. My mouth fell wide open, what was she doing back so soon? “Hey Devon, where’s Katie?” She inspected me not saying anything and gawking at her. “I’m back.” She sung. I still didn’t move. “Okay, stop playing games. Where’s Katie?”

“Emily, I…She’s….She’s over there.” I told her. Emily stepped around me and headed in the direction I was pointing.

“Katie, what happened to you?!” She gasped. “Come on, get your things, we’re leaving, now!”

I walked over to join them. Katie had flinched, which means she had moved. “I’m not going anywhere!” She spoke, her voice sounded so worn out, in lack of use.

“What do you mean? Have you seen yourself? You’re as white as a ghost, your hair’s like a bird’s nest, and…ugh….Have you even taken a shower?” Emily was ranting at her.

Katie crossed her arms, and glared at Emily. “I said I’m not going anywhere! I’m staying here.”

“Why? Aside from the baby weight, you’re freaking skinny as heck! That’s probably not good for the baby!” She yelled.

“You don’t even know my baby! If it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t still have this stupid thing. Why would you care about me anyway? What about Lola?” Katie shouted back.

“What about her?” Emily questioned.

“She wants me gone, that’s why I didn’t get a ticket for the cruise. You can’t see it, but it’s true! The only reason I didn’t reject, or throw a fit about going over to Devon’s is that I saw her glaring at me the whole conversation! Not one of those ‘I’m just mad at you’ glares, but an ‘I’m going to kill you’ glares.” Katie shout/explained the whole thing.

“Is that why you’re not coming back?” Emily said with sympathy.

“No, I could fight Lola if she challenged me, even with this sack of potatoes!” She said motioning toward her belly.

“Then why?” Emily asked.

“Because! Why do I even have to say ‘why’? I said no, now leave it alone!” She spat.

“Fine, then stay! What do I even care? Rot here, and kill your baby!” Emily yelled in her face.

My gaze followed her out the door, left wordless. Katie had moved, talked, but mostly shouted, probably all she was going to do. She glanced at me with a stern expression, “What? Are you going to yell at me too?”

“No.” I breathed.

“Then why are you still here? Why don’t you go play with your daddy?” She said sarcastically. “And abandon me.”

I sat down beside her, and then hugged her tiny body. “I won’t abandon you; I just got preoccupied with my dad being back. He’s been overseas ever since I was little. It’s a miracle seeing him again.”

“Yeah, I bet.” She whispered.

“I’m just glad he’s not dead.” I said with a smile. She flinched, and said nothing. “Katie, are you okay? Katie?”
♠ ♠ ♠
Heyy, it's been FOREVER since I last updated. Sorry guys, I've been really busy with school. I hope you've liked this chapter.

OOH, OOH. Just want to say this, but it was a REALLY long chapter. This was probably the first chapter that I've made up to 850 words on. Be happy, because I most likey won't get another chance like this.