Status: I update about once a week, twice if I get feedback ;) or if I have enough time.

My Parents Are Going To Kill Me, Why Did I Do This?

chapter 23


She doesn't move, doesn't eat, and never talks. All she does is stare out the window, and you're lucky if she lies down for sleep. I'm worried, if she keeps this up, there will be no baby. Mum's already been planning for it. Since it's a girl she's having a blast. Everyone was catching up with Dad, we even had a barbeque, the neighbors were here and everyone was having fun. Well, except for Katie she never moved once while people were coming over, staring at her, their kids staring at her, their kids poking her, or me trying to talk to her. Not one sound. I try giving her food, and she won’t eat, nor will she drink water. I saw Mum feeding her bits and pieces when she's asleep, the same with water. This wasn't healthy; I didn't know what to do. If I took her to a doctor, which I doubt she'd let me do, he'd tell me the same thing I know she should be doing. I didn't know what to do.


I sat by her side staring into her eyes, and holding her hand with both of mine. I didn't know what was wrong, or why she was doing this. I had no clue. I wanted to find out, and put a stop to this though.


I hadn't heard from Katie since our break up. Emily told me she was back from her cruise, and that Katie was staying with at Devon's house. Emily also said something about Katie acting really weird, and that she was freakishly skinny despite her pregnancy. I hadn't stop thinking about her since our break up, and how she would even be attracted to someone like Devon. Maybe I should go over to see her, I don't know think she'd like that though. By this point I didn't care, I had to see her.


As I drove up to Devon's house, I saw the blinds open to one window with a really pale person sitting there. I parked my car, and then made my way over to the front door. I rang the doorbell, and Devon's mom answered it.

"Hello Byron. Are you here to see Katie?" She said.

"Um, yes ma'am."

"Well, then come on in, she's on the couch. Poor thing." She shook, as she opened the door further for me to come in. "If you need me, I'll be upstairs."

I glanced at her; she was so pale, and skinny. Rushing over to her, I grabbed her hand, and gazed into her eyes. "Katie, are you okay? What happened?" She didn't even look at me, her eyes were still glued to staring out the window. Suddenly there was a voice beside me.

"What are you doing here?!" It was Devon.

"I wanted to see Katie; Emily told me she was acting weird." I glared at him.

"She's fine. You can leave." He glared back.

"Well, she's obviously not that! Look at her! She's really pale, super skinny; she won't talk, or even look at you! What's going on?!" I was now standing looking down on him.

"I don't know! She's been acting like this ever since my dad came home!"

"Your dad? Where did he come home from?" I questioned.

"The military. You know he could have died overseas, but I glad he didn't." Devon answered. Katie flinched.

I looked down at her, then back to Devon. "Can we talk somewhere else?"

He just stared at me for a little, and then replied. "Sure, I guess." He led me outside, to the front of the house. "What's up?"

"Katie. Has she never told what happened to her dad?"

"Her dad? No."

"He got cancer when she was little. It was one where you wouldn't have long to live, or to try to do something about it. She was closer to her dad than she was anyone else in the world. When he was gone, it took a while for her to recover. That's why no one brings it up. Your dad coming home must have triggered her grief for her dad that's been contained for all these years. If something doesn't change now she and the baby could die!" I explained.

"Wow, so her staying at my killing her." He looked down. "How could I have been so stupid?! I should have known something was up! Wait." He brought his eyes back up to mine. "How did you know this if it was too painful for her to talk about?"

"Katie's mom told me when I first started dating her." I told him.

"So what do we do? She can't stay here. It's killing her."

"I could take her to my house." I suggested.

"Wait, what about your dad?"

"No, that's not going to do anything. She's already gotten to know mine. I think that because yours could have dies, but is now back is the thing that did it. She'll be fine with me."

"Oh. Okay then." He glanced into the window staring at her. I knew he would miss her, and I knew that he had feelings for her. But somehow, I was okay with it.


I helped Katie out of the car and into my room. "Katie? Katie, can you hear me?" I was staring into her eyes. "Katie, it's me, Byron."

She blinked a couple of times, then looked around the room. "By-ron?" She asked.

"Yes, it's me. Are you okay?"

"Ugh, no. I'm starving. I feel like I haven't eaten in days." She put her hand to her stomach.

I chuckled softly to myself. "I'll go make something for you to eat." I stood up and reached for her hand.

She took it, but looked at me. "Where's Devon? I thought I was at his house."

I sighed, and sat back down beside her knowing this would come up sooner or later. "Look, Katie. Being at that house was killing you and your baby."

"Killing us? How?" She was confused, like she had slept through the whole thing.

"Something triggered you into a sadness to where you didn't want to do anything. You sat on a couch all day and didn't eat anything, basically starving yourself. But don't worry, everything's okay now, as soon as we get you some food to eat." I reassured her.

"Do you know what caused it?"

I sighed again, not knowing how this would end. "Devon's dad coming home from the military. Now please, can I get you something to eat?" I stared at her, begging with my eyes.

"Okay, but you'll have to tell me more about this later." She smiled at me.

I took her hand and led her downstairs to the kitchen. I got out a lot of food to make up for her not eating. While she was eating, I tried to think of ways of how to go more into detail about what happened, without causing anything drastic. But I knew she could get through this with some help.



Watching her leave with Byron was the hardest thing I've ever seen. But I knew it was best for her. I mean, just by her being here was killing her and the baby. I should have taken better care of her. And that cheesy saying, 'you never what you've had, until it gone'. Well. I now know how that feels.
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Hey guys! I'm really sorry for not posting in.....forever! I hope this chapter makes up for it. I was just off doing stuff for the summer. Anyway, I hope you've enjoyed the chapter. And hopefully I'll update again, soon.

Love ya! <3