Status: I update about once a week, twice if I get feedback ;) or if I have enough time.

My Parents Are Going To Kill Me, Why Did I Do This?

chapter 24


The day after I brought Katie to my house from Devon’s, I immediately took her to the doctor. I knew how much the baby meant to her, I heard her talking to it the other day. The doctor said the baby would be fine, but that Katie should never do something stupid and reckless like that ever again. Although Katie still doesn’t really understand what happened to her at Devon’s, even after all the countless times I’ve explained it to her delicately. The other day, she went over to Emily’s to apologize. I would know, because, I had to drive her. But she told Emily that she was going to stay with me. The whole time Katie and I were there, I could have sworn I could feel a cold, dead stare of hatred on me. Then as we were leaving, I saw Lola with a smirk on her face. What was up with her?

“Katie, lunch is ready.” I knocked on her door. There was no answer. “Katie?” I knocked some more. There was still no answer. I started to worry, what did she do? Was she mad at me for something? “Katie?”

“Come in.” As soon as I heard her voice, I was reassured. I twisted the handle and pushed open the door to see her sitting there on her bed in the guest bedroom.

“Katie? Are you okay?” I walked over to the bed and sat next to her.

“Yes. No. Well, I’m not sure.” She shook her head, eyes still glued to the floor.

“What are you not sure about?”

Her head snapped up to look me in the eyes, “Us!”

My face was filled with confusion, she could tell. “Us?”

“Yes, after I got pregnant, cheated on you unintentionally with Devon, all of it. You still make it seem like nothing happened.”

“Well, Katie, what do you want me to make it seem like? Do you want me to point out a lot that you cheated on me?” I questioned.


“Katie, I can’t take seeing you hurt, and feeling the guilt that I caused it.”

“Byron. You didn’t cause anything. I’m sorry we’re in this mess. I’m sorry-,” She babbled.

“Shh. I don’t blame you for anything. It was just as much as my fault you’re pregnant as it is yours.”

“What if the baby’s not yours?” She asked.

“Well, obviously I would help take care of it. We all know Devon couldn’t, after what happened with you. And I’d only be around at that point if you wanted me to. I know you have feelings for Devon in there somewhere.” I said the last sentence with a bit of sadness in my voice.

“Of course I would want you around. And I’m not sure yet what feelings I have for Devon. I never want them to bother you though.”

“Well, anyway. Um, lunch is ready.” I informed.

“Okay, let’s go grab something to eat then.” She rubbed her stomach as she got up, and then followed me down to the kitchen.

** *


As I sat in a chair in the kitchen, I thought about Devon. I thought about how nice he was to me while I was there, before his dad came. I lifted another bite of spaghetti to my mouth. Byron was also in my mind, no matter what happened he was still there. Would Devon always be there? Most likely not, but who knows, he does seem like he’s changed ever since I lived with him. Or maybe it was since I got pregnant. I felt the baby’s foot jam into my side, as I softly winced. This baby was special. I didn’t know who the father was, or who I wanted him to be. Either Devon or Byron, but I knew I just wanted to raise my baby with all the tender, love, and care I could possibly give.
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Heyyy guys. I'm going to try and post more often now since I might actually have the time :D
This might be a short chapter, and I'm sorry. I tried to make it longer. Then again, when are my chapters that long anyway.

-Sarah <3