Status: I update about once a week, twice if I get feedback ;) or if I have enough time.

My Parents Are Going To Kill Me, Why Did I Do This?

Chapter 4

I opened my eye's, the sunlight was streaming through the window. I was tired, and had a Major headache. "Ugh," I said. I tired to get out of bed and get a drink of water, but Byron was in my way. Wait, Byron what's he doing in my room. I looked around, this wasn't my room. And on my left Devon was sleeping next to me. What did I do last night? Devon yawned, stretched his arms over his head. He looked at me, and saw I was awake.

"Whats up buttercup," he told me. He started to rub my back. That's when I noticed I wasn't wearing any clothes. None. I slapped his hand away. "Ow," he whined.

He was probably going to do something wrong to me, like he would any other girl. So I shook Byron awake.
"Huh?" He asked. Then I totally realized none of us had clothes on. "Katie? What are you doing here?"

"I don't think any of us left the party last night," I told them.

"You don't why not?"

"Hello, look around! Were in the same bed naked, and Devon's here too!" Byron didn't even notice Devon, but they were the worst enemy's ever! I turned to Devon, "What happened last night?"

"Well, if you really want to know. You guys got drunk, and-."

"Weren't you?" Byron asked.

"Of course I was! Now can you please let me finish if you really want to know?" Byron stayed quiet, so did I. "Everybody pushed us into one room, and we sort of did it."

"What?" I asked, "Did what."

"We, uh....Well we.... We all had sex 3 way!" He blurted out. My mouth fell open. I grabbed the sheets and wrapped them around me, and raced out of bed. I yanked my clothes of the floor and headed toward the bathroom. That left Byron and Devon in the same bed. They grabbed something and got out quickly.


Once I came out of the bathroom, Byron was by my side immediately. He was dressed too, so was Devon. I hugged Byron, "what am I going to tell my Mom?"

"We'll think of something." He put his arm around me. Devon came on the other side of me, and did the same thing. But I pushed him away.

"Hey, why can't I join in?" He complained.

"Because." I replied.

"Because why?"

"Because I said because." Byron laughed at Devon, so Devon glared at him.

Byron looked at me, "Come on, I'll take you home." I stood on my tippy - toes, and kissed him.

"Ahem," Devon said, pointing to his cheek. I walked over to him, I put my lips in kissing form. He closed his eyes. Instead of me kissing his cheek, I raised my hand and slapped him.

"Ha!" I said, walking back over to Byron.

"What was that for?" Devon asked.

"I dunno, I just felt like hitting someone," I turn to Byron, "But I'd never hit you." I leaned up and kissed him again.

"I'd better get you home."

"Your right. Melissa's probably freaking out." I agreed.

"Melissa? Who's that?"

"My mom."
Byron walked me to his car. Devon followed. "Devon? Why are you following us?"

"I need a ride home."

"Get a bus home."

"Ha, ha. Funny. Seriously, I need a ride,"

"I don't want him in my car," Byron said.

"We could tie him to the roof?" I suggested. Devon now had wide eyes.

"You know that's a great idea. I've got some rope in the trunk."

"Uh, I think I'll just walk home!" He shot off down the sidewalk. We started laughing. He actually believed us, well now he doesn't have to ride with us.

I got in, and so did Byron. As we drove down the long paved road. My house was right there at the end. We pulled to a stop. "I'll see you tomorrow Katie."

"Bye Byron. Wish me luck in there."

"Luck," He told me."
Then I got out. What would my mom think? She would be mad. I approached the front door, and pulled my key out of my purse. I unlocked the door, and stepped inside. I waved 'bye' to Byron as he drove off. Mom wouldn't just be mad, she'd be furious! "Mom," I called scared out of my mind.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks to everyone that's been reading!

This chapter has been edited.