Status: I update about once a week, twice if I get feedback ;) or if I have enough time.

My Parents Are Going To Kill Me, Why Did I Do This?

Chapter 5

I called her name, still no answer. She might be in her room I guessed. The door was closed, that was unlikely. Mom never shut her door, never. But there was a light coming from the inside. She was in there, and she shut her door? It would be impolite to just open it, she raised me better than that. So I knocked.

"Mom, are you in there?" I know, it was a stupid question for me to ask, because I already knew she was in there. I heard a deep voice mumble. Then a lighted voice answered it in a mumble.

I knocked harder, because there was still no answer. "Mom!" I literally yelled!

"Ugh!" I heard her voice say. Now she was just ignoring me.

If she was going to be rude, so was I! I turned the knob, and slammed open the door. My eyes were in shock! There my Mom was with a total stranger, making out on her bed, going to bring it to another step until I opened the door. Mom Stared at me with disappointment, and the man glared at me with the angriest eyes I'd ever seen.

He had his hands in her shirt. "Mom," I whispered.

She got off he bed and walked over to me. "Sweetie, I... This is Phil."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Well, Phil wanted to keep our love secret."

She tried rubbing my shoulder, but I slapped it away. I left the room the way I came, and slammed the door behind me. I rushed to my room, and got the biggest suitcase I could find. And started to throw everything I found in my closet in it. Melissa didn't even bother coming.

My room was cleaned out. There was nothing left in it. I didn't know where I was going, but I wasn't going to stay here. Obviously, I wasn't wanted. I walked out of what used to be my room, pulling my suitcase behind me. My keys to my car in the pocket of my jeans. But unfortunately Melissa heard the clanking of the wheels of my suitcase on the stairs.

"Where are you going?" She asked.

"Anywhere away from here."

"Is it just because of Phil?"

"Your involved, and I can see I'm not wanted!"

"Of course your wanted! Go put your stuff back upstairs! Your being ridiculous."


"Well... Don't yell at me!"

"Don't change the subject!"

"Well, you can't leave if your.....if," She looked around, "If your grounded!"

"I'm past the legal age of moving out! You know Melissa, I've had enough of your crap! I'm leaving." I opened the front door walked out calmly, then slammed the door. Where was I going to go? I had nowhere to go. I opened up the driver's side door, and got in. I stuck the keys in the ignition, and turned them to start the car.

I was driving up and down random streets, I stopped because something caught my eye. Just a random blond headed girl walking down the street. Wait Blond headed girl, I got a crazy idea. I put the car in drive, and drove all the way into a different neighborhood. But in the same school district. I stopped my car into the familiar cream colored house I went to every morning to pick my BFF to get her and I to school.

I jogged up the steps, and rang the doorbell. Emily answered the door. "Katie? What are you doing here," she yawned, "I thought you'd be sleeping off that party last night. It's like 2:30 p.m."

"I know, but my Mom and I got into a fight. So I moved out." I explained.

"That explains the suitcase," she assumed. "Come on in. You can stay as long as you want as you want. Only if my mom says okay."

"Thanks Emily!" She welcomed me inside, and I took the offer joyfully.
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Thanks for the comments.

This chapter has been edited.