Status: I update about once a week, twice if I get feedback ;) or if I have enough time.

My Parents Are Going To Kill Me, Why Did I Do This?

Chapter 7

Emily's mouth was hanging open, "Katie....Why didn't you tell me?"

This is were some people were starting to look, "Shh, people are looking." I cautioned.

"Whats the big deal sweetie? Does it really matter if people know?" Devon said smug, leaning back in his chair.

I punched him in the arm, he wasn't expecting it. He made a quick reaction by wincing. Even though he wasn't hurt. Bryon hadn't said anything since Devon came to our table. "Do you know what would happen to my reputation? I would be one of those low-life whores!" I yelled in a whisper.

Byron rubbed my shoulder, I scooted my chair closer to him. Then he put his arm around me. "It's okay, no one will find out," he told me in a calm voice, but glaring at Devon. Like he already knew Devon would 'spill the beans'.

Devon didn't like when Byron glaring at him."What? I'm not going to tell!"

"Keep your voice down," I said punching him again.

"I will if you stop hitting me." He mumbled.

"Do you know?" Emily said looking down at her food.

"Know what?" I wondered.

"If your...your..." she whispered so low that I could barley hear her. "if your pregnant?"

I gasped, I totally forgot something like that could happen! "No, I don't!"

Byron shuttered, "we should find out....and soon."

"But I'm not sure if it will say anything, since it happened two days ago. It's still early."

"Maybe if we do it again it will increase the chances," Devon smirked.

I hit him, "that's not funny!" He obviously did not like getting hit, but what could i say, he deserved it!

"We'll check in a week?" Emily suggested.

"Good idea," I agreed.

Devon leaned back in his chair again, and closed his eyes smirking. I took two of Bryon's green beans, and shoved them up Devon's nose. They blocked his breathing, and they were slimy, he reacted badly. The principle noticed, and thought Devon put them in there himself. So he got sent to the principle's office.


Mr. Konos was pulling me by my shirt, the collar of it. I looked down in shame as this one hot chick passed by me giggling. Mr. Konos rolled his eyes.

When we finally got to the principle's office, I plopped down in a chair in front of his desk. "Mr. Fords, do you know why your in here?"

He was expecting me to say 'no', so I did. "No," I said in my 'whatever' voice.

"Well Mr. Fords, you," he pointed to me, "were playing with your food and stuck green beans up your nose."

"It was Katie Walker's fault!"

"I didn't see Katie do anything! She is instant. I will have to call your parents."

I sighed, this is about the....hmm....I think fortieth time I've been in here. Ugh, no big deal.
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