Status: I update about once a week, twice if I get feedback ;) or if I have enough time.

My Parents Are Going To Kill Me, Why Did I Do This?

Chapter 8

It had been a whole week of misery! Why? One word, Devon. He wouldn't leave us alone, he sits at our lunch table everyday! Lately he's been walking me to every class, which Bryon, and only Bryon is supposed to do! When I get out of my classes, there he is by the door. It's like I can't get away from him! After school when we hang out by our cars, he's there too! Also some traitor gave him my number! Good thing he doesn't know about me living at Emily's house.

But for some strange reason, he's always texting me, and asking if he can come over. 24/7

It was strange, me thinking about Devon on my free-time. Flipping through the channels, all the science-history was on all the channels. I turned off the T.V. And suddenly I heard yelling.

"SHE WHAT?!?!?!?!?" I heard Emily's mom scream. I jumped in place. Emily ratted my secret out? Was it showing? I looked at my stomach. Nope. Still the same. Emily's mom ran in the room, Emily waddled after her. "YOU HAD SEX? AT YOUR AGE? UGH! I DON'T NEED THAT INFLUENCE ON EMILY!"

"I didn't mean to! I was drunk!"


"That was the only liquid at the party! And I was really thirsty!" She grabbed my hand and started towing me outside, and to her van. "Where are we going?"

"I'm getting you to a hospital!"


The drive took forever, about an hour. Forever to me though. Emily sat in the back seat. I was in the passenger seat, wondering what my fait would be. We walked through the entrance, and to the front desk. Emily's mom filled out a form, regarding me.
The front desk lady took the sheet back, looked at it and said, "Katie Walker?" She looked to her computer and started typing. "Miss. Myers, it seams your not on the list to take her here....Next!"

Emily's mom stuck her face into that lady's face. "Listen! This girl and her mom don't live together anymore, I'm the next thing she's got!"

The lady returned back to her computer again and started typing. "My mistake. I'll just add you to the list, he he." She then picked up the company phone and said stuff into it. Then turned back to us, "The doctor will be with you shortly."

We walked away and satin the brightly colored leather seats. Emily looked at me with sad eyes, "Are you mad at me for telling my mom?"

"No. I didn't even have the guts to tell her. But I'm glad you did."

She smiled, "Thanks for not being mad."

"Thanks for telling your mom, I couldn't have....That's a compliant," I smiled back.


a boring 30 minutes passed, and I was just sitting here reading Gossip Magazines.
'Whats new? The true you! This month's hottest bachelors! And you can be in it all! Read up on Celebraty drama, see who's Justin Timberlake's dating. Does Miley Cyrus really care about Disney Productions? Find all of it out here in this special magazine called G.M. that stands for Gossip Magazine!'

I can't really say I'm into all that stuff. Then the doctor called, "Katie Walker!" I stood up, Emily and her mom followed. Dr. Greg showed us into this little room where they do operations. The E.R. smelled of old-people, and dead fish.
"Come sit on the bed Katie." I did what I was told. "Now what's the problem?"

"Well, a weekend a half ago..."

"Can you just see if she's pregnant or not!" Emily's mom said impatiently."

"Certainly, lay down please." Again I did what I was told. Dr. Greg pulled a tube of gel, and a device out of the cabinet. Then he put his gloves on. Lit up your shirt please, and pull down your pant a little."

I gasped, "All the way?"

"No, just till the top of your tummy."

"Okay." He smeared the gel all over my stomach. Clicked a button on the device, and rubbed it in the gel. Then the device set of my ticklishness, and I started laughing. "None of that please. It makes it unclear."


"All done, now I just have to decode this."

"Can I wipe the gel off?"

He chuckled, "Of course." With that he walked out of the room.

"Do you think you'll turn out pregnant?"

"I don't know."

"Do you want to?"

"I don't know."

The doctor walked back in the room, "I've got good news and bad news."

"Lets hear the good news first." I told him.

"Well actually their both the same news, anyway...Your pregnant!"

"YAY!" Emily squealed. She bolted over to me and started shaking my hand, while jumping up and down.

"No offense, but I've got a lot of other patents waiting, so if you don't mind checking out."

"Not at all," Emily's mom said politely.


The car drive home was quiet, until Emily's mom said something. "Congrats!" She squealed just like her daughter.

"Huh? i thought you didn't want me to have to have a baby?"

"Well I do, and I don't. Can I be the grandma?"

"I'm not related to you."

"Not technical, but for the baby's sake?"

"Mom!" Emily complained, "Isn't that going over the top?"

"I guess, but can I?"

"Sure, Sure!"

"Can I be the god-mother/aunt?"

"Of course!"

♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks for reading and commenting!

This chapter has been edited.