Status: I update about once a week, twice if I get feedback ;) or if I have enough time.

My Parents Are Going To Kill Me, Why Did I Do This?

Chapter 9

I was running through the woods, with laughter. Someone ran after me giggling too. He caught up to me, I turned around "He He!" I yelped. He tackled me, could this really happen in my dream? one of my dreams? Now he was bouncing on top of me, and I was humming. This was happening in my dream! NO!

"AH!" I woke with a start.

Emily was startled by my screaming, "WHAT, WHATS WRONG? IS IT THE BABY?!?!"

"No, I'm fine. It was just a bad dream....." I trailed off.

"Well, do you want to talk about it?"

"I don't think so."

"Come on," She urged, "That's what BFF's do!"

"Maybe later."


I looked at my feet, "What time is it?"

Emily looked at her clock, "9:30 a.m."

"Okay, thanks." I got up and yawned. Then I smelt something very good, and maybe a hint of strawberry. "Whats that delicious smell?"

"I don't know...Wanna go find out?"

"Sure." I said as we walked out of Emily's blueish, purplish colored room. I slumped down the stairs, still tired. Stupid Devon, why does he have to show up and my dream. That's unfair, poisoning my head with himself. Unfair!

Turns out Miss. Myers was making pancakes when we walked in the kitchen. "Hey girls, I'm making pancakes!"

"Yum, thanks Miss. Myers." I said.

"Your welcome, and Katie you can call me my first name, Clara."

"Okay then, thanks Clara."

"Don't mention it." she winked.

"Anyway," Emily but in, "what kind of pancakes are they?"

"Strawberry, I hope that's okay. I read online that pregnant girls always crave strawberries." Clara informed. She turned to me, "You do like strawberries, right?"

I nodded, "Yeah, strawberries, yum." I tried to smile.

She smiled back, "I'm glad." Then got back to cooking. "There are already some pancakes on the counter over there."

"Awesome," Emily cooed and grabbed a pancake.

I picked one up too, and nibbled on it. "OH MY GOSH! THESE ARE SO GOOD!" I snatched two more.

"Well I'm glad you like it. And if you don't mind eating those on a plate."

I looked down, I was getting crumbs on the floor. "Oh yeah, sorry."

"Its alright, I know it's only an accident."

Gosh, Clara must be a clean freak!


"SO anyway, what was your dream about?" Emily reminded me after breakfast when we were back in her room.

I shut the door, "Well..." I sat on the bed net to her, and gave her sad eyes. "I had a dream where Devon was in it, we were running through a forest. And...... the next thing the image in my head was taking it to where.....we were having sex.

Emily gasped, "What, that's terrible!"

"I know! I'm going to have to punish my mind!"

"Wow, how are you going to do that?" Emily laughed, but with worry.

"I don't know. But something to get Devon OUT of my mind!"

"Maybe you should go and visit Bryon."

"Hm.....Maybe I should."

"Oh please," she smirked, "you only like Bryon for his kissing!"

"Oh shut up!"

"You know its true! You know its true!" She sang!

"I love Bryon, he's the best boyfriend ever."

"Yeah, like I've heard that before."

"You haven't....Well not from me!'

"Oh course! Your just going to go over there to make out with him!"


"Only because you love his lips!" Emily was making kissing lips at me.

"What? You think your any better?"

"Yeah I bet I am!" She smirked.

"Prove it!" We leaner closer to each other. "No! We be lez. if we did this. And I know I'm not!"

"Of course! Ha ha! To think you really thought I'd kiss you! I am So not lez. " She looked down, "So which one do you like?"

"Bryon! Definitely!!!! It'd be sick if I liked Devon! HE'S A SLUT!"

"Yeah, but girls still wanna do it with him."

"Yeah!" I sighed, "Emily do you think I should have a baby? I mean I could always get an abortion."

"And kill the poor thing? No way! Who cares if he/she was an accident. It'd be terrible to just end it's life!"

"I know. But I'm not ready! I'm just a teen!"

"But once you have the baby, he/she will be a blessing!" She rubbed my stomach, "I wonder if it's a boy or girl."

"I wonder," I agreed. She quickly got her hand off me. "I want Ice cream."

"We just had breakfast!" She objected.

I glared at her and pointed to my stomach, "I'm the one who's having weird cravings. I'm pregnant for pete's sake!"

"Okay, okay!"


We pulled up the ice cream shop, known as 'Ben's Fro-Yo'. I got out and rushed inside, Emily stumbled after me. When I walked inside I smelt the air, "Ah, ice cream." I said in satisfaction.


"Devon?" I gasped.

"Yeah, what are you doing here?"

"Getting ice cream, what else?"

"Oh well, which one do you want?"

"Well," i looked at the choices. "Moca Chocolate chip."

He smiled, "Sure."

"Why?" I asked, but he already walked off. He went off to the counter and pointed to the flavor I chose. The clerk there nodded and scoped the flavor and put it in a cone. Devon took it and paid for it.

He walked back to me, "Here you go, one Moca Chocolate chip."

"Thanks, why are you being nice?"

"Well I just thought I owed it to you."

"Well, thanks again....." i looked around, Emily was shocked. Then I turned back to Devon, "Aren't you going to buy Emily a cone?"

"Do you want me to?" he asked?

"Yes, please."

"Sure," he looked at Emily, "Well?"

She snapped out of it quickly, "Minty Vanilla."

He did the same and bought a cone for her too. We ate in peace, but since Devon bought the ice cream we couldn't ask him to leave. He was acting very charming. But I knew his trick, it was just to get me into having sex with him. Again. But was never going to let that happen. Not again.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks for all the lovely readers and commenters. :)

This chapter has been edited.