Status: it's slowly but I'll still update!

On Your Side

come on!

As usual on Sunday afternoon they all gathered at my house. We chat, laugh, and do the other stuff, but my mind is goin somewhere. Suddenly I thinking back to that day, day when I met Nick for the first time..

" Hey? "

" Yea? "

" So? what ya think? "

" Hmm.. What? Sorry I didn't hear what you said Dys. "

" Ah.. Never mind! "

Ugh! I was extremely uncomfortable at her.

" I'm so sorry Dys! "

" Yeah. That's fine. Btw, you thought about him, dont u? " while she winked at me.

" Him? Who's ? Ohh.. Nick? NOOO! "

" YOU! ARE! such a stupid liar girl! ahhhaha " and they all laughed at me. Hell yeah Finny right. I can't being a liar, I can't lie to them -everybody exactly- OH GOD. Why You made someone who can't lie even though just to hide her feeling, like me?

" NOOO! I dont love him! Like! or something like that! I just know him yesterday! How people can falling in love if just met once and chated on ten minutes? " I still hide 'it'.

" I CAN! " Tria said, and we all looked at her. " with Justin Bieber! hehe. "

" ugh! Not that way ! " I said.

" Whatever! The point is still... you are falling in love with him! haha. " Fira said.

" Whatever. " I can't hide 'it' now, i guess..

" So when he would give your comic back, Cha? " Finny asked me.

" next saturday, the same place and the same time. " I repeated what Nick said that day.

Nobody talk. We all lost in our own thoughts. Suddenly Tria said, " you must be cant wait next saturday, right? "

" yeah! " everyone smiling now.. Ugh I hate this, " I miss my comic , you know! "

" when are you going to give up shaaawty? " Tria said.

I can't say anything now.
♠ ♠ ♠
uh yeah! I can't lie to my friends, my family and all :)