Status: Hiatus

Welcome To the Black Parade

Chapter 3

~Scene Change: Police Station~

“Sir, we got a lead on Marvin Haner.” one of the officers said. The detective nodded and took the paper from her. The officer returned to her desk and began typing feverously.

“This is no good.” The detective said, balling the paper into his hand. “The last known location he was spotted was 10 miles away from the place and it was the same time period.”

“Detective Armstrong, there’s a woman here to see you,” Betty, the receptionist informed him. “Claims it has to do with Haner.”

“Send her in.” Detective Armstrong snapped, sitting up straighter than he was before. The woman walked in timidly.

“Detective, your investigating the deaths of those two 24 year olds?” She asked.

“Yes I am.” he replied. “Would like anything to drink?”

“No, thank you. I want to remain anonymous.” the woman said. The detective nodded and pulled a legal pad of paper and pen toward him.

“What information do you have for me?” he asked. The woman sighed and leaned forward.

“I have Marvin Haner in my house right now. He’s alone and he thinks I went to my sister’s house, but he’s in my house right as we speak. I didn’t recognize him until I seen his picture in the paper.”

“Does he know you know?”

“Not that I’m aware of.” the woman said. “I don’t get the paper delivered and I seen him on the front page. He killed that boy and girl two years ago, I know he did.”

“What’s your address ma’am?” Detective Armstrong asked. The woman gave him the number and street name.

“Do we have your permission to enter if we see him?” Detective Armstrong asked. The woman nodded and handed him a key.

“My house key. I don’t want him to hear you coming. He’ll run.”

“Thank you ma’am.” Detective Armstrong said. “Please, remain here until we capture him. You can sit in here if you want, but just stay in the building.” The woman nodded. The detective ran from the room and announced the new lead.

“Consider him armed and dangerous.” He reminded the officers. He strapped himself with a bullet proof vest and made sure his weapon was loaded, though hoping he wouldn’t have to use it. He rode in the back seat, the ride seeming to take longer than it was. When they reached the house, there was a light in, in an upstairs room. Armstrong watched the window carefully and seen a shadow move in the curtain. The shadow then moved from the window and disappeared. A light came on in the living room.

“Move forward slightly so I can look in the window.” Armstrong whispered. The driver nodded and moved a fraction of an inch, but enough for Armstrong to see in the crack of the curtain. What he seen made his heart race and his blood run cold. Marvin Haner was in fact in the house. He was lounging as though he belonged there.

“He’s in there, get ready to storm the house.” Armstrong said through a microphone. He quickly and quietly jumped out of the car, and ran straight for the front door. He waited until the SWAT team drew level with him and put the key in the lock, twisting it to unlock the door. When he felt the handle turn, he held up a hand with three fingers up. He quickly counted three, two, one and stormed into the house. Marvin stood up, shock and fear and hatred on his face.

“Move and I’ll shoot!” Armstrong yelled. He grabbed Marvin’s arm and threw him on the ground, one hand pinned behind his back. An officer placed cuffs around Marvin’s wrists while another one searched him, coming up with a gun.

“Hm, maybe this is the gun that you used to kill your niece and her friend with.” Armstrong said to him. “I would read you your rights, but you know them by heart now don’t you.”

“What do you mean kill my niece and her friend? I didn’t touch the slut and the loser.” Marvin said, being pushed from the house.

“Yeah, and I’m the president.” Armstrong said. “Even if you didn‘t , your going away for a long time.” Marvin was thrown into a car and Armstrong pulled out his phone. He dialed the number only a few people knew.

“It’s done, but don’t do anything.” He said to the person who answered. “Stay there, I’ll be there with further instructions.” He hung up the phone and smacked the car, telling the driver to leave.

~Scene Change: Grocery store~

Gerard was walking through the cereal aisle when his phone vibrated. He pulled it out and seen it was Brian.

“Hey,” Gerard answered, grabbing a box of Corn Flakes and sitting it in the cart.

“Gerard, great news!” Brian said excitedly.

“What?” Gerard asked, moving the phone to get a better grip. Brian hasn’t been this excited since they were reacquainted with Crystal.

“I just got a phone call from Dad. They caught him Gerard, they caught him.” Gerard knew who he was talking about right away. Marvin.

“They caught him?” He asked, a little to loudly. A woman a few feet in front of him froze. “They caught Marvin? When, where?”

“Last night, in some woman’s house where he’d been staying.” Brian answered. “Gerard, they caught him.”

“Fuck yes!” Gerard shouted, causing him to get stared at by another passing shopper. The woman was still standing frozen. He couldn’t see her face though. She had a hood around her head and dark sunglasses over her eyes. “Do they need us or something?”

“No, I’m still at the hardware store, I just thought you wanted to know.”

“Fuck yes I wanted to know. I’ll tell Mikey, Bob and Ray as soon as I can.” Gerard said. They said bye and hung up the phone. Gerard was ecstatic. He opened his phone and dialed Ray’s number. He knew Mikey was there as well.

“Ray, Mikey there?” he asked, just to make sure. When Ray answered he was, Gerard told him to put the phone on speaker.

“I just got a call from Brian.” Gerard said. “They caught him you guys!” he shouted.

“Caught who?” Bob asked stupidly. A couple ouches can from Bob along with the sounds of skin hitting skin.

“Marvin you ‘tard.” Mikey said. “The police caught Marvin. This is awesome!”

“Hell yeah it is!” Ray said. Gerard heard Bob grumble, still upset over getting smacked, or for being so slow.

“I’ll be there in a few.” Gerard said, hanging up his phone. He looked toward the sky and sighed, a true smiling forming on his face.

“They caught him Frank and Crys.” he said. “Your deaths are going to be avenged.” the woman finally moved on, but was still lingering.

“Can I help you?” Gerard asked her finally. She squeaked and quickly left the aisle, but not before Gerard seen her shoes. They were covered in mud and the same style as one of the people from the gravesite.

“Hey,” He said, grabbing his cart and following her. Gerard turned the corner when he seen her readjusting her hood, but not before he got an eyeful of black hair.

“I thought I recognized you.” he said, walking up to her. Before he could say anything else though, she ran toward the front doors and out into the bright New Jersey summer day. Gerard stood where he was for a minute, thinking. It couldn’t of been her. No, it couldn’t of been.

“No," he said, shaking his head. "Impossible."

~Scene Change: Hardware Store~

Brian was picking out screws when a woman ran into the store. She headed right toward a man standing a few aisles from Brian. He didn’t pay attention to her. The woman spoke very rushed, as though something just frightened her.

“It’s okay. He doesn’t know.” Brian couldn’t help but overhear.

“Yeah but, what if he did?” the woman asked.

“He doesn’t know. It’s fine.” the man said. Brian found the screws he was looking for before heading to the front counter to check out. He guided his cart when it crashed into something. He looked up and seen it was the guy and woman from a few aisles over.

“Sorry about that.” Brian said, looking at two of them. It wasn’t bright in the store, but they were both wearing dark sunglasses, with hoods covering their heads. They didn’t reply, just quickly went to a different aisle. Brian stared after them for a minute before walking the rest of the way to the counter.

“Odd couple aren’t they?” The cashier said, scanning the wood in Brian’s cart.

“Yeah,” Brian agreed.

“You know they’re in here almost every week? Dress the same way every time. Hoods on their heads, dark glasses. Everything.”

“Yeah, I’m not into gossip and I’m in a hurry.” Brian said, realizing the kid had stopped working. The kid nodded and finished ringing Brian up. He quickly walked to his grandmother’s van and quickly loaded everything up. He pulled out of the parking lot and headed toward his grandparents house. When he walked in, he went straight to his grandmother.

“Grams, I just got a call from Dad.” Brian told her. “They caught Marvin Grams. He’s in custody.”

“That’s wonderful. May your sister and friend finally rest in peace.” She said, grabbing Brian’s hand. He smiled and hugged her.

“Hopefully Grams.” Brian said. “Hopefully.”
♠ ♠ ♠
hmm...Gerard seeing strange people and Marvin's caught...solitude at last maybuh?
thanks for the comments and subscriptions more for this chapter?