Status: Hiatus

Welcome To the Black Parade

Chapter 5

“Surprise.” Frank muttered humorously. “What the hell are you doing here Gerard?” Frank finally asked.

“I could ask you two the same thing, I thought you were dead.” Gerard replied, staring at the two of them.

“That was a detective’s idea to put us in protective custody,” Frank said, grabbing Crystal’s hand and leading her to the kitchen.

“What’s with the gun?” Gerard asked nervously.

“Protection from nosy friends who can’t stay away.” Frank muttered.

“Protection in general.” Crystal replied. “Gerard, I’m so glad to see you!” She said, running up to him and giving him a hug. “I’ve missed everyone, especially Brian. Oh, he’s just miserable isn’t he?”

“Crystal, honey, give him a break,” Frank said, grabbing her around the waist and pulling her onto his lap.

“I’ve only asked one question.” Crystal defended herself.

“Yeah, but with you, one turns into a million.” Frank joked. Crystal stuck out her tongue, and Frank began tickling her, making her giggle.

“So, you’ve been here, alive, this whole time?” Gerard asked, looking between the two of them.

“Pretty much.” Frank said. “We’re sorry we lead you to believe we were dead, it was the only way
we could protect you guys.”

“We knew if Marvin thought Frank and I was gone, he wouldn’t come after any of you.”

“So you practically did give up your lives.” Gerard said, understanding. They both nodded.

“I knew it was you when I seen you at the store.” Gerard said.

“Why couldn’t you leave me alone?” Crystal asked. “We’re supposed to be dead Gerard, meaning we’re no longer walking or talking or even breathing.”

“Wait,” Gerard said suddenly. “How in the hell did you pull off the funeral? I mean, I would of believed if it was closed casket, but it was open and everything. It looked just like you two in those damn things and I was a Paul bearer to you Frank, and it felt like a body really was in there.”

“Dummies.” Frank said with a shrug. “People who work with make up their whole lives sure do pick up a few tricks.”

“Obviously. And the song?” Gerard asked, looking toward Crystal.

“That was me.” Crystal confirmed. “I wanted to send a last message to Brian before we separated. I asked the detective to tell the Funeral parlor runner to play it.”

“Look, Gerard, we can’t tell you everything, and we need a huge favor from you now,” Frank said. “Do NOT tell anyone we’re here or alive. No one, not even Brian or any of the other guys. They can’t know yet.”

“Okay.” Gerard said, nodding his head as he spoke.

“And it’s okay if you visit, I guess, but not everyday. Maybe once every two weeks.” Frank continued.

“Damn, you really are in hiding.” Gerard muttered. “So you never heard anything we ‘told’ you ove ther two years you’ve been gone?” Gerard asked. Crystal and Frank looked at each other.

“We heard some of it. That was us you chased that one day. We snuck back to the edge of the woods to listen to you guys.” Crystal said.

“And Gerard, don’t worry about our stupid arguments over my movie tastes.” Frank said. “I know you didn’t mean what you said. You need to give yourself a break man. We put you and everyone else through hell. I wonder if you have a girlfriend when your supposed to be dead if it’s considered cheating on your fiancée.” Frank said suddenly.

“Girlfriend, but-” Gerard’s voice faltered as he realized what was said. “About damn time. Jeez it takes you two dying to hook up?” Gerard asked, laughing.

“How long have you been away from the others?” Frank asked, a smirk on his face.

“About an hour.” Gerard realized, looking at his watch.

“Then you need to go.” Crystal said. “Remember, tell no one.” she said, standing up off Frank’s lap and walking up to Gerard. She gave him another hug. “Believe me Gerard, it was really great seeing you again, but you’re in danger now that you know we’re here.”

“They caught Marvin you two.” Gerard said. “Brian got the call this morning. He was caught.”

“We know,” Frank said. “The detective working the case and who put us here told us. We’re just following his orders Gerard. We’re stuck here until he says we’re free to leave and live life the way we want, which I’m not sure we can.”

“Why not?” Gerard asked, leaning against the wall.

“Think about it Gerard,” Frank said, running his fingers through his hair. “I was part of the most popular band of our time. You held a press conference announcing my death and even put out a tribute album for us. If someone just sees Frank Iero turn up, they’ll think they seen a ghost or something.”

“How did you know about that?” Gerard asked surprised. “The press conference and album I mean.”

“We’re in hiding Gerard, but we’re not completely cut off from everything.” Frank explained in a rush. “We still have internet and cable and stuff, we’re just very limited to what we do on the internet. No emails or anything, just news sites and things to keep us up to date.”

“Oh,” Gerard said, nodding.

“But yeah, we just can’t appear again.” Crystal summarized.

“We can just announce what really happened.” Gerard said, rubbing his chin, thinking.

“And piss off millions of people?” Crystal asked. “For deceiving them, and especially Brian and everyone else. They’re going to be so ticked off at us. Brian’s been deceived enough Gerard, I can’t just appear out of nowhere and announce we faked our deaths.”

“This really did give up your lives didn’t it?” Gerard asked suddenly, looking between the two of them. “You lose your brother anyway and you’re stuck in this cabin basically 24/7.”

“We got out once a week to get groceries and supplies.” Frank said. “That’s all we can risk.”

“And what was all this for?” Gerard asked. “Exactly what was all this for?”

“To protect you and everyone else.” Crystal said. “To get Marvin behind bars.”

“You give up your lives for us and to put your loony uncle away?” Gerard said shocked.

“It’s what we had to do.” Frank muttered, wrapping his arms around Crystal’s shoulders. She buried her face into the hollow of his shoulder.

“Is there anything I can do?” Gerard asked, feeling his heart breaking over the news.

“Just, don’t tell anyone we’re here. Not a word about it to anyone.” Frank said. “Especially the guys. We’re fine. We’ve survived this for two years, we can keep it up for however much longer Armstrong has us doing it.” Crystal didn’t say anything, but the tell tale drooping of her shoulders and occasional sniffle told Gerard she was crying. Frank rubbed her back, trying to sooth her.

“Crystal, I promise I won’t tell anyone.” Gerard said.

“It’s not that.” She whispered, turning to face him. “I’m fine.” she said, wiping the tears from her eyes and cheeks.

“Yeah right Crys,” Gerard said. “You never cry in front of anyone unless you’re really upset.”

“I’m fine Gerard, honest.” She said. “It’s just this place is getting to me a little bit. I think I’m starting to lose my mind, or I’m about to start my monthly thing I’m not sure.” She gave a weak smile. “I promise I’m fine.” She said to Gerard again. “I have Frankie with me. I’ll live.”

“Okay,” Gerard said slowly.

“You better get going man.” Frank said, helping Crystal sit on the chair he just vacated. “Everyone’s going to be worried about you.”

“Yeah, especially Mikey. He took everything really hard.” Gerard said.

“You can tell us all that later, maybe next week.” Frank said. “I won’t mind the occasional visit from you, but just nothing that’ll look suspicious to everyone else.” Crystal nodded her head.

“Here, something for you guys real quick.” Gerard said, reaching into his pocket. He pulled out his wallet and pulled out a photo of him and a girl.

“I dumped Eliza right after everything happened.” Gerard explained. “That’s my new girl. You’ll love her Frank.”

‘Thanks Gerard.” Frank said, giving his friend and strong hug. Gerard gave Crystal another hug and grabbed another picture from his wallet. She looked down and tears sprang to her eyes again. It was all the guys at a wedding. Jimmy’s wedding. Jimmy and Leana was in the middle. Gerard, Ray, Mikey and Bob was standing off to the right of them, each with girls Crystal barely recognized. To the left of Jimmy was where Crystal’s eyes were stuck. Standing right beside Jimmy was Zack, his arm around a woman’s waist. Standing directly behind Zack was Brian. Crystal looked up and Gerard and gave him a more fierce hug.

“Thank you.” she whispered. “Go, get going before they send out search and rescue.” Gerard nodded and laughed.

“I’ll see you guys next week.” Gerard said. “Same time.” Frank and Crystal nodded. They walked him out and pointed out the direction he should head to get back to the cemetery. Frank and Crystal went back into the house as soon as Gerard started walking, but he turned and seen them watching him from a back window. He waved and they waved back. He walked more slowly heading back to the cemetery. He didn’t realize how green the woods he was walking through was. This was the first time he was able to stop and take a look around him.
When he reached the edge of the woods, he stopped. Mikey was standing at the grave, looking around obviously for him.

“Gerard!” Mikey called, not being able to see him. “Damn it Gerard where are you.”

“Don’t curse here bro.” Gerard said, walking out of the woods. Mikey jumped and nearly fainted as he seen Gerard walking toward him from the woods. “It’s disrespectful.”

“Where were you?” Mikey asked. “I’ve been looking for you everywhere here.”

“Hiking through the woods.” Gerard replied, telling the slight truth.

“For what?” Mikey asked as Gerard started walking toward his car.

“Fresh air, exercise.” Gerard took a deep breath and smiled a true smile. “Great day to be alive isn’t Mikes?” he asked out of nowhere.

“Gerard, come here.” Mikey said, walking up to his brother. He placed his hand on Gerard’s
forehead, feeling his cheeks and the back of his neck as well. “Are you feeling okay?”

“Perfectly fine.” Gerard answered. “Come on, let’s go home.” Gerard said. He climbed into his car as Mikey climbed into his own. He looked at the clearing where he entered the woods, memorizing the spot for next week. He smiled and put his car into gear and pulled away from the grass, tuning the radio to his favorite station. He seen Mikey turn at the light, meaning Mikey was heading to his own place. When Gerard was stopped at a red light, he thought for a moment before turning on his turn signal. He turned right and took the exit taking him onto the freeway. He merged with the traffic and just drove, listening to the song that was playing through the speakers. When he seen his exit was coming up, he switched lanes and made the turn. When he seen the tall building, he pulled up a side street. He was at another cemetery, but this time he knew the person in here was gone. He pulled up to the grass and stopped the car. He pulled out his cell phone before getting out of the car and called Bob, letting him know he’ll be back soon.
Gerard finally got out of the car and started walking, looking at headstones and reading names before finding the one he was looking for.

“Hello grandma.” Gerard said to the headstone that read Elena Lee Rush. He knelt on one knee and wiped at some dirt that had covered his grandmothers headstone. “Sorry I haven’t been here in a while. Busy you know, rockstar stuff.” He sat on the grass, crossing his legs pretzel style. “I’m not part of the band anymore Grandma, it’s over. We ended it because Frank, our guitarist, was killed. Or so we thought. He’s alive Grandma. He and Crystal both are alive. They’re under protection from the police.” He felt tears falling from his eyes. Tears of relief and joy, of pain and sorrow. Tears of every emotion he’s felt for the past two years.

“The only think that got me through was thinking they were with you Grandma.” Gerard continued. “I thought that the three of you was watching over us, but it turns out, you was watching over all of us at once. I know you’ve been looking out of them two. You loved the two of them like they were your own grandkids.” he stopped and looked around the small cemetery, his eyes falling onto his childhood church.

“I still believe Grandma,” He said, standing up. “I still believe in everything.” He walked back to his, car getting ready to go home when something from the corner of his eye caught him. It was a little girl, looking lost and scared.

“Hey, are you okay?” he asked the girl gently, not wanting to scare her.

“I can’t find my auntie.” the girl said, looking around.

“Where was she last?” Gerard asked, looking around the cemetery.

“Over there.” she pointed toward the church.

“Maybe she went inside.” Gerard suggested to the girl. He grabbed her hand and lead her to the church doors, opening them slightly to peek inside.

“Hello?” he called, walking into the big room with the girl in tow.

“Melinda.” a frantic voice called from behind them. Gerard turned, and was amazed to see it was Lyndsey, his knew girlfriend, standing behind them.

“Auntie Lynds.” Melinda called, running up to her.

“Where did you find her Gerard.” Lyndsey asked, hugging her niece.

“Outside. I was visiting my grandmother’s grave.” Gerard said. “This is your niece?” he asked, looking at the little girl. Lyndsey nodded.

“Yeah, this is Melinda. Melly, this is Gerard, a very good friend of mine.” she said. The little girl looked at Gerard and giggled, hiding behind her aunt’s leg.

“She’s shy.” Lyndsey explained. Gerard just laughed.

“Very nice to meet you Melly.” Gerard said. Melly giggled again and went further behind her aunt.

“So, your grandmother’s here?” Lyndsey asked, turned back to Gerard.

“Yeah, I just went to visit Frank and Crystal and just had this sudden idea to visit her as well.” Gerard said, not completely lying.

“Oh,” Lyndsey said. “You doing okay?”

“I’m great.” Gerard replied, completely honest. “Couldn’t be better.” Lyndsey smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck.

“Uhm, your niece is here.” Gerard reminded her. “And we’re in a church.”

“Oh, they won’t mind one little kiss.” She said, standing on her tip toes to press her lips to his. He kissed her back gently.

“I say we need to get out of here.” Gerard said, putting his hands on Lyndsey’s waist. She giggled like her niece and nodded.

“C’mon Melly, we’re going home.” Lyndsey called to her niece.

“I actually have to get home as well. I told Bob I’d be there..” he stopped to look at his watch. “ about 5 minutes.” he finished, laughing.

“I haven’t seen you this happy Gee,” Lyndsey said suddenly. “I like it coming from you.”

“Be prepared to see me even more happy.” Gerard told her. “I’m finally starting to get a grip on things.”

“That’s good. I’m glad.” Lyndsey said, wrapping her arm around his waist as they walked toward her car. Gerard made sure they were strapped in and they were okay leaving before heading toward his car. He was about to start the engine when his phone vibrated in his pocket. He pulled it out and looked at the caller ID, but didn’t recognize the number.

“Hello?” Gerard answered, confused.

“Gerard, thank goodness you have the same number.” Frank’s voice said. “Can you come over here? There’s something going on and we can’t do anything about it.”

“I’ll be right over there.” Gerard said, turning on his car and throwing it into gear. His tires squealed as he drove out onto the road. “What’s going on Frank?” he asked as he got onto the freeway.

“I’ll explain when you get here.” Frank said before hanging up his phone. Gerard cursed and dialed the apartment’s number.
♠ ♠ ♠
update...who expected to see this?
thanks for readers/comments/subcribers *if I had any lol*
more coming soon!