Status: Hiatus

Welcome To the Black Parade

Chapter 7

Everyone quickly stood around Crystal’s bed, being careful to not set him off.
“What are you doing here?” Brian asked, looking around.
“We could ask you the same thing.” Mikey said.
“I was told you were here.” Brian said. “I’m just wondering why.”
“A friend of mine was bitten by a snake,” Gerard answered quickly. “She’s going to be fine though.”
“What friend?” Brian asked, trying to glimpse at the person in the bed. Gerard nonchalantly stretched, his back to the side, blocking Brian’s vision. “Come on, what’s really going on here?” Brian said, looking at each of the guys. A banging and curse came from the bathroom at that exact moment. Gerard groaned and covered his eyes.
“Who was that?” Brian asked.
“Her boyfriend.” Mikey replied instantly. “He ate something that didn’t settle with him.” Brian moved to the door, and before anyone could stop him, he opened the bathroom door.
“Okay, so where is he?” Brian asked, looking in the bathroom. Confused, Gerard looked at Bob, who moved to take his spot. Gerard ran to the bathroom, and seen Frank was nowhere in sight.
“Hm, maybe that was from a different room.” Gerard muttered, looking around, confused.
“Something’s going on here.” Brian said. He turned back to Bob, Mikey and Ray. “You’re all hiding something.”
“Believe us Brian, it’s better if you didn’t know.” Gerard said, being completely honest.
“Know what?” Brian asked, staring Gerard in the eyes.
“Just listen to him Brian.” Bob said. “It’s better for you not to know, at least not right now.”
“I want to know now.” Brian said, folding his arms over his chest.
“He’ll find out sooner or later.” A voice from the bathroom said. “He’s just like his sister, nosy and hating to be left in the dark.”
“Don’t you mention Crystal to me,” Brian said, turning around and freezing. He was staring right into Frank Iero’s eyes.
“Gerard, did they say when she gets out?” Frank asked, looking at Gerard.
“Tomorrow morning. They just want to observe her for tonight.”
“Okay, well then I’m trusting you with this Gerard.” Frank reached into his pocket and pulled out a key. “It’s a key to the cabin. It’s Crystal’s key. I have mine. I’ll go back and get things ready to take her back, but I’ll be here until you pick her up in the morning. I want you to gather everyone. Johnny, Jimmy, Matt, Zack, Brian, Ray, Bob, and Mikey, and bring them to the cabin. Bring them separately, and make sure your not seen. I’ll make you a map of the highway where you drive in at.”
“W-wait, y-y-you just said bring C-C-Crystal back.” Brian said. He pushed past Gerard and Bob, and seen his sister laying on the bed, a bandage on her arm and her eyes closed. She must of fallen asleep while they were keeping her protected.
“Sis?” Brian said, reaching for her uncovered hand, but Bob stopped her.
“Let her sleep.” he said.
“You said she was bitten by a snake?” Brian asked, turning to Gerard.
“I was outside getting something she forgot in the car and the thing crawled through a hole in the cabin.” Frank explained. “It snuck up on her.”
“I said that yes, but she’s fine.” Gerard said, putting his hand on Brian’s shoulder. “They’re just keeping her for observation.”
“Listen Brian,” Frank said, walking up to him. “Wait until we get to the cabin before you unleash on me, and please I’m begging you, don’t be to hard on your sister. She’s thought of nothing else but you and everyone else for the past two years. She missed all of you like crazy. We’ll discuss this more at the cabin.” Frank turned to Gerard. “Remember what I said, don’t draw attention to yourself.”
“You know I won’t.” Gerard said, staring Frank in the eyes. Frank nodded and handed Gerard the key to the cabin. “You guys get there, make yourselves as comfortable as possible, but just a few rules. Don’t use the internet, don’t use the phone, and don’t wander around the woods.” Everyone nodded.
“How do we get Zack, Jimmy, Johnny and Matt there?” Brian asked.
“You’re a creative guy. Act like your going on a camping trip or something. A chance to get away and relax.” Frank said. Brian just nodded, staring at Crystal’s sleeping form.
“You’re sure she’ll be okay?” Brian asked finally.
“Brian, I kept her safe for the past two years, I’m not about to change that.” Frank said. Brian just nodded. He quickly turned and walked from the room, not looking back.
“Brian!” Gerard called. Brian looked back into the room.
“Remember, not a word to the guys.” Brian just nodded again and left the room, walking to the elevators as fast as he could. He stood there thinking for a minute, wondering if what just happened really happened or if it was a dream.

~time elapse: the next day~ ~scene change: cabin~
Just as Frank had instructed, Gerard got everyone to the cabin safely and unseen. Gerard left to go pick up Frank and Crystal from the hospital. Brian was sitting on a couch, looking around cabin his sister had lived in for the past two years. Zack and Jimmy was on the couch with him. Johnny and Matt was on the love seat and Ray, Bob, and Mikey were sitting on kitchen chairs they brought in. There was nothing personal about this cabin. Nothing that looked as though his sister or Frank had been here. That it was just a place people rented out to get away from society.
“Why are we here anyway?” Zacky asked suddenly, looking around the place. “I thought you said this was your dad’s cabin. I don’t see anything that’ll make it seem like that.”
“Just be patient.” Mikey mumbled, staring at the ground.
“You all know something we don’t.” Johnny stated, looking at Ray and Bob, then to Brian.
“Johnny, just shut up and settle down. We’d tell you, but we’ve been told not to. You’ll see as soon as Gerard gets back.” Brian snapped, standing up and striding down a hallway. He came up to a bedroom, that looked more like someone lived in the place. There were actually pictures on the nightstands. On Crystal’s side she had a picture of her and him, right after they moved into the apartment when they found their mother shooting up.
“They’re back.” Mikey’s voice said. Brian just nodded, not making any effort to head back to the living room. Mikey’s footsteps went back down the hall just as Brian heard the front door open.
“Where’s Brian?” Gerard’s voice asked. He heard Mikey’s voice mutter something, then Gerard’s footsteps coming down the hall.
“Hey, they’re here.” Gerard said.
“Got the memo.” Brian replied, not looking up.
“What’s with you man? You get to see your sister again and you’re being an ass.” Gerard said, shutting the door to block out their voices.
“She’s not supposed to be here Gerard.” Brian snapped, finally looking up with blood red eyes. “She’s supposed to be in that damn cemetery, rotting.” He laughed humorlessly and looked Gerard in the eye. “How long have you known about this. I know you was the first one to find them, but how long ago?”
“A couple hours before you seen her yesterday.” Gerard answered.
“Bullshit Gerard!” Brian shouted. “You’ve known way longer than that.”
“I had a feeling, but I wasn’t betting on it!” Gerard shouted back to him. In the living room, everyone heard the shouting match, but only Ray, Mikey and Bob knew what it was about.
“Oh yeah, you had a feeling.” They heard Brian shout. “You had a feeling that Crystal was alive? How the hell is that even possible Gerard? She’s my blood sister and I didn’t even have that feeling.”
“Crystal alive?” Zacky asked, standing up. Mikey stood up and placed a hand on his arm just as the front door opened and Frank and Crystal walked in. Zacky stared at the two of them, just like Johnny, Matt and Jimmy, before he collapsed into a faint, Mikey just barely catching him.
“I can’t fucking explain it Brian!” Gerard’s voice shouted. “They were at the cemetery when we walked up on them. I glimpsed her face, then I ran into her at the store and seen her hair. I just kind of put two and two together...”
“And came up with 34.” Brian shouted. “It was a long shot that it was her Gerard, but yet you knew all along it was.”
“No I didn’t. Would you get your head out of your ass for two minutes and just listen to what the hell I’m telling you?”
“What’s going on?” Frank asked, looking toward the hallway.
“My guess is, Brian’s accusing Gerard of keeping you secret from us for longer than a measly few hours.” Mikey said as Matt grabbed Zack and put in on the couch.
“Why, so you can tell me more shit you’ve kept from us. I guess your going to tell me this was your plan all along.” Brian screamed.
“Why the hell would I do that?” Gerard shouted back to him. “What could I possibly gain from doing that?”
“Oh I don’t know. How about a nice little inside joke with your pal Frankie. Is he in on this as well? Is he pulling us for a loop as well?”
“This was all the police’s doing!” Gerard said, obviously becoming more and more frustrated.
“Yeah, sure Gerard,” Brian said, stomping to the bedroom door. “Have fun with your friends, they can all go the hell for all I care.” Brian threw open the door and stomped down the hall, pausing only for a second when he seen Frank and Crystal in the living room.
“Enjoy the rest of your life little sister.” Brian said, looking straight into Crystal’s eyes. He then looked over at Frank. “I know you’ll enjoy it,” he stormed out of the cabin, slamming the front door shut behind him. Crystal collapsed onto the floor, tears pouring from her eyes. Mikey disappeared down the hallway, and mumbled voices told them he was talking to Gerard.
“I told you I couldn’t face him.” Crystal moaned, rocking back and forward hugging her knees to her chest. “I knew he’d be like this.”
“He has no reason for it.” Matt said, kneeling down in front of her.
“Yes he does.” Crystal said, sniffling. “He’s been lead on by our parents way to much, and then for me to be doing this, it was probably the ultimate betrayal in his eyes.”
“You did this to protect him,” Frank reminded her.
“I don’t care Frank,” Crystal screamed. “He hates me now and I just lost my damn brother for good!” She stood and ran toward the bedroom, slamming the door behind her. Frank growled in frustration as he turned around, meeting the stunned faces of Matt, Jimmy and Johnny.
“Any of you have anything to say?” Frank snapped, picking up the bag that dropped to the floor when he walked in and stalking to the kitchen. Everyone followed him.
“If you don’t want to talk, we’re not gonna force you.” Jimmy said, leaning against the door frame.
“Gee, thanks.” Frank muttered.
“Just tell us, was it your idea?” Matt asked, staring at Frank.
“Slightly.” Frank replied honestly. “We did it all to protect all of you. We knew if Marvin thought we were dead, he’d end up leaving you alone and that’s the one thing that mattered to us.”
“How long have you know Gerard?” Johnny asked, looking toward him.
“Only about a day.” Gerard replied, not believing it had been such a short time. It seemed like weeks had passed since he first seen his best friends again.
“Your not lying to us?” Jimmy asked, glancing toward him.
“You know I don’t lie to you guys,” Gerard said, running his hand through this hair. “I told Mikey, Ray and Bob I thought I seen Crystal, but they didn’t believe me, which I knew they wouldn’t. Hell, I didn’t even believe myself.”
“We’re in a huge fucking mess now,” Frank muttered, staring out the back window. “None of you was supposed to know until we were told it was safe.”
“It is safe,” Matt said, confused. “They caught him, days ago.”
“I know,” Frank said, hanging his head and staring at the floor. “The detective hiding us told us, but also informed us to remain hidden because he was an escape risk. He’s going to try to convince the jury enough to execute him, since he’s been arrested so many times and escaped so many other times.”
“Will that work?” Ray asked.
“I don’t know.” Frank muttered. He looked up, his eyes red from unshed tears. “It doesn’t fucking matter now. Crystal won’t want to leave now that she thinks Brian hates her.”
“He’s pissed.” Gerard said. “He thinks we’ve been plotting against him or something.”
“I know, I heard your little shouting match with him.” Frank muttered, glaring at him.
“Frank, you fighting with Gerard won’t help nothing.” Mikey said, walking in between the two of them. Frank just shook his head and turned back to the window, sighing again.
“I’m not trying to fight with anyone.” Frank said finally, still staring out the window. “I don’t want to fight with anyone. I just want my damned life back.” He sniffled as tears escaped from his eyes. “I want my life back and I want Crystal to be happy again.”
“It wasn’t a dream,” A voice muttered behind them. Everyone but Frank turned and stared at Zack.
“Good afternoon sleeping beauty.” Johnny muttered.
“Where’s Brian and Crystal?” he asked, ignoring the comment.
“Crystal’s in the bedroom and Brian left.” Gerard replied, sitting at the table.
“What happened?” Zack asked, looking around at them all.
“Brian’s pissed,” Frank answered, turning to face Zack finally.
“I think we all are a little bit,” Zack said, glaring at him. “What the hell were you two thinking?”
“I’m not getting into this,” Frank said, storming toward the kitchen door. Zack stopped him by grabbing his arm.
“I think I deserve an explanation on what the hell happened to my ex girlfriend.” Zack snapped. Frank glared into his eyes.
“She’s no longer your responsibility.” Frank said, jerking his arm from Zack’s grip. Zack didn’t let go.
“It doesn’t matter, she’s still my friend Frank. I still love her like a sister, even if it’s over between the two of us. I still worried about her, and I was fucking miserable when I had to carry what was supposed to be her casket.”
“Look,” Frank finally snapped, turning to look at all of them. “Listen to me because I’m only saying this one damn time to you! If you think it’s been just a constant party over here for the two of us, your 100 percent WRONG!” Frank jerked his arm from Zack’s grip again, this time actually getting free. “That girl in there has been miserable since day one, as have I. All we’ve ever wanted since all this started was to be able to have you guys back, to be able to hang out with you the way we used to. That girl in there has cried her eyes out over losing all of you, especially over losing her older brother, the only family she really has left. Don’t think this was what we wanted to do. It’s what we HAD to do in order to keep you safe!” The front door opened, and Frank reacted quickly, he reached into a cabinet just off to the right of him and drew out a gun, hiding it behind his back. He stalked into the room and seen Brian standing in the middle of the living room.
“Is all that true?” he asked, staring at Frank.
“Why would I lie?” Frank asked, putting the gun down on the table. “What would I gain from it? We’re sorry we had to put you all through that, but you have to realize. We might be alive, but we really did lose our lives doing this. All we’ve had for the past two years was each other. Only risking going out once a week to get whatever we needed.”
“You’ve taken care of her for two years,” Brian said, blinking back tears. “That’s a hell of a lot more than I was able to do. I get her into a coma, then nearly get her killed after her being awake for only a few months.”
“Believe me Brian, I know how hard it was on her. I have a sister who doesn’t remember everything, and she still thinks I’m dead.”
“Where is she?” Brian asked, looking down the hall.
“Bedroom,” Gerard answered. Brian nodded and walked down the hall. He took a deep breath and knocked on the door.