
Chapter three

I opened my eyes. The edges of the room was blurred and unclear, pain swelled at my wrists and I felt like I had spent the night chugging a full bottle of vodka.

I glanced down at my wrists. Tightly wrapped bandages covered each arm, along with a morphine drip and hospital bracelets. So I was still stuck here. I remembered faintly the boy coming into the room shouting out for help and whispering soothing slogans to me. I sighed heavily and wondered what was next. Was I stuck here to rot on this earth forever?

There were footsteps down the hall, and I looked towards the door. Coming into the frame was the boy who saved my life-whether I wanted him to or not. I tired to speak, but my mouth was so dry. When was the last time I drank anything? How long had I been here. From the worn look on mystery boy's face I assumed it had been a while.

He didn't say anything at first. He only walked to the edge of my bed and sat down.

"Are you okay?" He asked. I was sitting in a bed with my wrists bandaged, my head spinning, and I was on suicide watch and he was asking if I was okay? "Right, stupid question." He answered himself. I gave him a weird look. It was like he knew what I was thinking.

"Why?" I asked, finally able to get out the word, but not quiet the whole statement. Why had he saved me? How had he known? And why did he care?

"Because every life is worth living, Daniella. No matter how bad it gets, you have to keep going through." I grimaced at my full name. It figured that they told him it, although it was a little weird that I still didn't know his. But he didn't understand me. He didn't know what was going on, how much things hurt, how I didn't see a point, or how I knew there was no purpose for me. I was an empty being, nothing was left for me. Nothing was good in my life. Instead of saying all that I crossed my arms and corrected him. "It's Dani." The boy smiled. Why would he smile over something like that. It was something minor, something not worth smiling over, but maybe that was just the type of person he was. Smiliey McSmiles.

"What's your name?" I asked, just to fill the silence.

"Zander Gray."
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It's my birthday. Enjoy. :D