Status: Hiatus. Rewriting the chapters. (: New ones soon!

Out of Focus

Lemon Lake

"Oh thank you Mrs. Drexel! Thank you! I'll help Justin as much as I can! Everyday! I promise!" "Okay okay okay. Your welcome." Mrs. Drexel laughs. 
"What about me? All my hard work? For nothing?" Tim says. 

Just then Justin walks in. The hospital had released him at lunch time. So he came for practice. 
"I got my part back?" he says. Suprised. 
"Yeah. All my work for nothing."
"Well there's two shows. We could do half & half. I don't mind." 
Tim starts to say something. Then glancing at me pauses. After a minute he says, "No. Take your role. You deserve it. Is can we talk after?" "Uh yeah. Yeah sure." I say. 

"Okay. Off to practice." "Thank you Mrs. Drexel." "No problem Justin."

After fitting costumes for the day Justin finds me. 
"Do you want me to wait? I don't trust him Bella."
"I'll be okay. It's just school." He sighs & looking doubtful says, "Okay. Just be careful. Promise?" "I will. Promise." 

By the front doors I find Tim waiting. 
"Hey. Wanna go to Lemon Lake to talk? It's really nice out."
"I don't know Tim." "Hey. What happened. It'll never happen again. I need to tell you the truth. About Elizabeth & Justin."
"Okay." I sigh. "We'll take my car." "Kinda have to. Becca drove today." 


When we get to the lake we walk towards the pier. 
"The night of the dance he told you. I know he did."


"The night of the dance he told you. I know he did. He told you he dated Elizabeth. That Beth was my twin sister. She's the one who fell in the lake. He didn't save her. Didn't love her enough to save her. He killed her. But he saved you. 
He saved you. I don't understand myself. You of all people. It disgust me. Makes me sick really."
"Tim. I-it was an accident. He couldn't save her. He tried." she mumbles. 
"No! He didn't try. But he liked you. He tried savin you. And he did it. I watched him. I was at the lake that day. I wanted to hurt him. Bad. 
So I came up with a plan to kill him. But then I realized after watching the two of you at your house that day, that the best way to hurt Justin was to hurt you."
"Watching us? What day?" 

"Watching us? What day?" I ask. Scared. 
"The day you fell in. Afterwards. Had some fun huh? To bad you'll never have a chance to lose your virginity. I tried giving you the chance but he ruined it. Killing you will kill him. Maybe this time he'll suceed."
"Tim please. Don't." I beg. Tears forming in my eyes. I had no way out. No car & his keys were in his jean pocket. 
"It ends here Is. Or should I call you Bells. One last time for good times sake huh? Hahahahahahaha."

Then he grabs my shoulders & steers me towards the edge of the lake. Where I'd fallen in before. Even though it was warmer out the water was still freezing. A few mintues in I might drown. I'd die. 

He knocks me to the ground then taking a weight from the car he ties it to my legs with a rope. "No!" I scream. 


I don't know why but I can't just leave him with her at the lake. It's a gut reaction. I have to protect Bella.
So I speed there. 
As I pull in I see him knocking Bella in. She sinks 

fast. I run from the car. 
I shove Tim. He pulls out a knife. "I figured you'd show up. She's about dead Justin. Just like Beth. She has a weight on her ankles. She ain't comin up for air anytime soon." 
Then he lunges for me.
As we struggle he pins me to the ground. 
"You killed my sister. God's gonna send you to hell."
"Somehow I think he's gonna forgive me. You on the other hand," I miss a stab. "Aren't going to be so lucky. You're killing Bella & you almost raped her." I turn us so I'm pinning him with the knife & stab his stomach then I say, "You're the one going to hell." I then stab him in the thigh. 
Then I get up & dive in to save Isabella. 

The water is so cold. God it's numbing. But I gotta save Bella. That's what matters. Damn I should have called 911 first.
I make my way towards the bottom of the lake. About six feet deep just at the shore. It's a big lake. Then I see Bella passed out. 
I take the knife still in my hand & cut the rope that's attaching her to the weight. I grab her around the waist & swim to the top. 
As I pull her up on the shore I'm exhausted. But I have to get to my car to call for help. 
I get to my car, grab my cell phone, & then dial 911. 

"Yes. My names Justin. I need police & two ambulances at Lemon Lake. Yes. Thank you."


The last thing I remember was Tim throwing me in the lake & the numbness taking over my body. Then falling into a deep darkness. I open my eyes. 
"Justin?" I say. He sits right next to me in a chair. 
Relief fills his voice as he says, "Bella? Oh Bells your awake." "Yep. What happened. Tim?" "He put you-" "I know that. But how'd you know I was there?" 
He smiles. "Bella I knew not to trust him. I was behind you in the hall. I wasn't gonna follow you. But in the parking lot I just had the worst gut feeling. I knew something was going to happen. I had to get to you. You were my priority.
When I got there I saw him shove you in. I ran over & he pulled a knife on me. We fought. He had me pinned to the grown. Then as he was telling me it was my fault Lizzie was dead I knew he was wrong. I finally had the strength to over power him. All because of you. Bells you showed me that it wasn't my fault. It was an accident. 
So I turned us. I pinned him stabbed him in the stomach & the thigh & I dove in to save you. Cut you free, called for help, & here we are."
"Oh wow. Oh god. Justin he wanted me dead. He wanted-he wanted to kill me to kill you. He saw us. That night. New years eve. He was watching. Everything." 
Justin's eyes go wide. 
"Oh. Oh Bella. I'm-I'm so sorry. I-I can't believe. That's just...Oh Bell's."
"It's not your fault. It's just..."
"Awkward. Especially when we never really talked about it ourselves. Let me just say I don't regret it. I care for you Bella. A lot. I'd do it all over again if I could." he pauses & smiles, "I just felt like we needed to wait because-" 
"Of Kaden & Rebecca. I know. And I don't regret it either. I just don't see how with-" "Our dads? I know. Me neither. I can't do that to my dad & Luke."
"And I can't do that to my dad & Richard. I love them to much."
"Me too."
"Where is he?" 
Justin knows who I mean.  
"They took him to Sweet Seas."              
♠ ♠ ♠
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