Status: Hiatus. Rewriting the chapters. (: New ones soon!

Out of Focus

SweetHeart Dance

Between that night at Georges & the time Justin & I spent in school & at home we didn't see much of eachother. I was with Tim. He was with Kade & Becca. I was with Becca & Kade, he was with Jerry & Richelle or off exploring with his camera. Alone.  

To me it seemed as if Justin was becoming withdrawn from everyone he'd been close to. I felt as if that was my fault.  As if I had replaced him. Even with Libby.

It was the dance that night that set things off. It was my first real high school dance. I had been in the hospital back home during all the others. 
I knew Justin & Tim hated eachother, I just didn't know why. Well I sure did find out. 

"Bella!" "Oh hi Justin." "You look great tonight Bella." "Thanks so do you." In his black skinny dress pants, converse, & white shirt & black tie he did. Not under dressed but not over the top like some of the other guys either.
"I was wondering if we could talk?" "Bout' what?" "Tim."
That's when I got angry. 

I hadn't told Bella what had happened between me & Tim. Not because I was scared but because I didn't have the time. Or at least that's what I told myself.
She knew I had a girlfriend for a long time. She just didn't know what had happened. Why things were over. I was running around crazy trying to find her. I had to tell her. Everything. 

"Kaden man, do you know where Bella is?" "She's over there by the stage with Becca. Dude what's going on?" "I'm going to tell her." "Tell her?... Oh about Liz? Are you sure?" "Yes. She has to know." "Ahh shit. I'd heard--" but I'm already turning away. 

"Bella!" "Oh hi Justin." she says with a suprised look on here face. "You look great tonight Bella." And she did. She had on a long strapless dress. The bottom half black with silver swirls & the top half sapphire. She wasn't under dressed like some or over dressed like many of the other girls were.   
"Thanks so do you." 
"I was wondering if we could talk?" "Bout' what?" "Tim."
That's when I could see her getting angry.

"Hey Becca?" "Yeah." she turns around. "I'm stealing Bella for minute."

"You have no right to lecture me on Tim. It's none of your business. I don't care if you hate him. I like him." she says once we're in the courtyard. 
"I did ask you here to lecture you Bella. I just want to tell you why he has a problem with me. My side of the story." "Finally. I get to know what's going on." "Wait he didn't tell you?" "No." a look of hurt on her face I run my hand through my hair. "Oh boy." "Just say it."

"Okay. Well the day at the rink. Blade-n-skate? Well that girl Elizabeth? I flinched at her name. I'm sure you noticed. It's Tim's sisters name." "He doesn't have a sister."
"He did. They were twins. I dated her Bella. I dated her for a few months freshman year. Over two years ago because it was Christmas time." "Oh god."
"Lizzie loved to skate & photograph. We'd go all the time. That's how we met. Tim was there. We all hung out all the time. Best friends. Then I fell for her. Hard. One day it was just us skating. Two weeks before Christmas. She went to the spot where you fell. Where everyones fallen."
"Oh Justin..."
"She fell." I said as I fell to my knees, "I tried getting her out but Bella, I couldn't. I couldn't save her Bella."


I understood everything now. 
"Oh Justin." I kneel down next to him where'd he'd fallen to his knees. "It's not your fault. Oh..." I wrap my arms around him. "I killed her Bella. I killed someone. I murdered her." "Oh no. You did not kill her. That was an accident Justin. What makes you think that?" "Tim." "He told you that?!" 
"Yes." he croaks between tears, he clears his throat. "Yes. When he told me that he'd get back at me one way or another. Through friends. Anything." 
Now I understood what he was getting at. 
"He's not using me Justin." "I think he is Bella. I'm sorry. I didn't want you to get hurt."

I stand up. "Your're lying!" Justin stands up too. "No Bella. No. I'm telling the truth. He's bitter Bella. He'll do anything."
"No!" I scream. "I hate you! You liar!" I turn around crying, as I head inside towards Becca & Kaden I run smack into Tim instead. 

"Tim."  "Hey. What's wrong Bell?" "Justin he he--" 
"Bella? Why are you crying?" says Becca.
Kaden comes up behind her. Understanding fills his face. 
"Tim, I think Becca & I should take Isabella home. No offense." "Okay." Tim nods. "The dance is almost over anyway. Just calm her down. Text me Is."


"So the girl drowned?" Becca asks. We went to her house after the dance. "Yeah. He feels like he killed her. That's all I know."
"That's not all. Justin thinks Tim is out for revenge." "On Justin? But Bella I don't see Tim as the type." 
"Actually that explains what I heard." "Heard? Heard what Kaden?" 
He hesitates before he says, "That Tim was only using you. No one said why but I think it was because I was around. But it was all implied." 
"I don't believe he'd blame Justin like that. I talked to him about the ice at the skate-n-blade. He's just scared of it. He's upset."
"Bella, are you sure? Maybe you guys should just slow things down a bit." "No. Everythings fine."

£ove Runs Deep

I need her. I need her so bad. I miss her. I want to hold her. I--I love her. But I can't, she's gone.

Then he took the blade to his hip & cut deeper than he'd ever cut before. 
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