Status: Inactive. Ideas are welcome.

I'm Not My Sister

New Friends & Old Legends

Luckily the boys didn't press as to why that was. Quil introduced Jacob and Embry to me. We hung around for a bit but then I decided to go bug the adults. "Gramps, can I go home?"

"Did something happen?" he asked concerned.

"No. I just feel as if I'm intruding on the guys," I shrugged. He nodded and handed me the house keys. I thanked him and walked the short distance back to his house. I let myself in and set the keys on the table by the door. I walked into my room and turned on my computer. As I waited for the internet to open I ran a hand through my hair. Finally it opened and I logged into my Facebook. I played around on Farmville and Cafe World for a bit until I got bored. I closed the internet and sighed. I spotted my camera and smiled. I wrote a note for Gramps, telling him what I was doing and then left it on the table by the door. I snatched my iPod and camera from my room. I grabbed the keys he had given me and walked out the door. I locked it and placed my earbuds in my ears, setting the music on shuffle. The familiar sounds of Owl City filled my ears as I walked along the small town. I wandered around for a bit, snapping pictures of anything I found interesting. Buildings, plants, people. Anything really. I had raised my camera up to my eye and was about to take a picture of the quaint store when a body blocked my lens. I lowered the camera to see the smiling face of my cousin. Behind him were Embry and Jacob. Plus another kid I hadn't met yet. The thing I noticed though was that unlike earlier, they weren't wearing shirts. Just knee length ripped jeans and sneakers. Not that I was complaining.

"Hey Riley! Why'd you ditch?" Quil asked. I just shrugged and turned my attention to the sidewalk I was walking on. I noticed how the cracks made abstract shapes and quickly snapped a picture of the cement. "Did you just take a picture of the sidewalk?"

"Yes," I stated simply. He stared at me.

"Okay. Wanna hang out with us?" I shrugged again.

"Not talkative?" he asked, grabbing my arm lightly and pulling me over to the others.

"Not at the moment, no," I stated simply. I turned to the boys. "Jake, Embry. Boy I don't know."

Jake and Embry nodded at me but the other boy spoke up,"Hi! My name's Seth. You must be Riley."

"That's me," I nodded, absentmindedly twisting a blue highlight around my finger.

"Your hair is pretty different," Seth smiled.

"He's right," Quil agreed. "When did you get them?"

"'Bout a month ago," I answered, suddenly self conscious.

"They are pretty rad," Quil grinned down at me.

"Thanks," I smiled lightly. I randomly turned to look at Jacob. The expression on his face was interesting so I quickly brought my camera back up to my face and snapped a picture. I looked at the camera screen and smiled. Perfect.

"Did you just take a picture of me?" he asked.

"Uh yeah. I hope you don't mind. Just your expression was interesting so yeah...Sorry," I blushed, slightly embarrassed.

"It's okay. No worries," he smiled. I smiled back.

"So, what are we doing?" I asked.

"Ice cream?" Quil suggested.

"If you pay oh dear cousin of mine," I joked,"Considering I have no money on me."

He agreed and we went into the ice cream store. Afterwards we walked along the beach and I got to learn more about the guys. Quil, Jacob and Embry are a little older then me (which I already knew) and Seth was a bit younger then me. So being almost sixteen made the trio (teehee :3) sixteen and a half and Seth was fifteen. I learned that their favorite colors, animals and movies.

"Okay enough with the interrogation," Quil piped up. "What about your favorites, huh?"

I rolled my eyes,"Fine. My favorite color is green,favorite animal is probably a dolphin. My favorite number is 3. My favorite song of the moment is Down by Jay Sean and my favorite movie is probably," I paused to think,"The Princess Bride. Enough info?"

"For now," he smiled. I laughed.

By the time we got back to Gramps I felt like I had hang out with Quil and Seth my whole life. Jacob and Embry weren't as open but I figured they would warm up to me eventually. Quil and Seth hung around after Jacob and Embry spilt so I asked them to come inside. "I'm back," I called out.

"Did you have fun?" Gramps asked as he came out of the kitchen.

"Yep. You don't mind if Seth, Quil & I hang out in my room, do you?" He shook his head so we walked into my room. I set my camera and iPod down and then sat in the chair by my desk. Seth sat on my bed and Quil looked through my books. He picked out one and looked through it.

"You like old legends?" he asked.

"Love them. My mom used to tell me the Quileute legends as bed time stories. I know them almost by heart," I told him, smiling. I thought back to the fond memories. "When I turned eleven my mom gave me a book of them so I could read them whenever I wanted."

Seth and Quil shared a look. "What attracts you to them?" Seth asked.

"I think the fact that there are people who are given a job to protect their people is just so.. heartwarming? I'm not sure. I just love them. Imprinting sounds amazing but slightly.... annoying."

"How so?" Quil asked with an amused look on his face.

"The fact that you have a soul mate, your other half. Someone you would die for, is just so romantic. But the fact that you are forced into doesn't seem fair to me. But I'm just a hopeless romantic so what do I know?"
Little did I know that one conversation was going to change my life forever.