Status: Inactive. Ideas are welcome.

I'm Not My Sister

Part Of The Pack

I knocked on the Black's door. Jacob answered smiling, "Hi Riley." I pushed past him and into the living room where I knew the elders were watching the television. Jacob walked in, an amused expression on his face as he watched me stand in front of the T.V set and cross my arms. I gave the men in front of me a blank look as I said,"All the boys are shifters, aren't they?" It had clicked last night after Quil & Seth left. I was flipping through my legend book and I recalled how warm the boys were and how they should not be that ripped for their age. I just simply put two and two together.

"I knew you were smart Riley," my grandfather smiled at me warmly.

"Well well Riley. You figured that out fast. Mind if I ask how?" Billy asked. I told him about my obsession with the legends and how the boys fit the description really well. "Bright girl you got there Quil!"

I smiled,"And no worries. I don't plan on telling anyone. They'd think I was crazy anyways." The old men smiled. "I'll let you continue your television watching. Good bye." I walked out of the house, smiling to myself at Jake's dumbstruck expression.

The sounds of Ashley Tisdale blaring from my stereo were cut short when Quil barged into my room. "Yo cuz! What's up?" I asked.

"You figured it out?!?" he asked, astonished.

"Um yes? It wasn't that hard," I told him, slightly confused. In two long strides he was in front of me and crushing me in a bear hug. "Quil! Can't breath!" I squeaked out. He immediately let go.

"Whoops sorry Riles."

"Hakuna Matata" I shrugged causing Quil to burst out in a roaring laughter. I rolled my eyes. "Let's go somewhere!"

Quil stopped laughing,"Where?"

"Don't care. Let's just go SOMEWHERE! I'm so bored here!"

"Okay. Then off to Emily's," he suggested grabbing my hand and almost dragging me out of the house behind him.

"What's 'Emily's'?" I asked as we walked.

"Emily's as in Sam and Emily's is our pack leaders house. Emily is Sam's imprint," Quil explained.

"Ah. Coolz," I mused. As we reached a quaint house Quil stopped and turned to look at me.

"Don't stare at Emily, okay? It bothers Sam." I gave him a questioning look but nodded nonetheless. As we walked into the house, and I do mean walked in because we didn't knock or anything, I heard loud, joyous laughter. Quil walked into a room off the entry which I assumed to be the kitchen. I stayed back for a minute, admiring the pictures on the wall.

When I walked into kitchen the conversation halted abruptly. "Well don't I know how to make an entrance," I muttered slightly nervous, running a hand through my multi-colored hair.

"Oh right!" Quil started,"Everyone this is my cousin Riley. Ri this is everyone. Sam, Emily,Rachel ,Paul, Jared, Kim, Leah and you know Embry,Jacob and Seth." I waved meekly before I was caught in a pair of very warm arms. I looked up and saw Seth grinning. I laughed.

"There is something about you La Push boys and tackling me in hugs, isn't there?" This caused everyone to laugh.

"They do that to every pretty girl," Emily smiled. I blushed slightly before recovering and somehow managing to wriggle out of Seth's arms. "As Quil said I'm Emily. Emily Young." She stuck out her hand. I grasped it, shaking it lightly.

"Rily Ackerman." I smiled.

"So you are the girl who figured out about us," Sam said, no emotion evident in his voice.

"That would be me," I nodded.

"Well in that case," he paused, "Welcome to the Pack!" Quil and Seth cheered and Emily smiled.

"Thank you Sam," I smiled at him.

Over the next few days I hung out with the Pack all day. Today we were at the beach. It made me glad that my parent's sent me off a few days before Summer Vacation started. I was wearing some cut off jean shorts and my yellow plaid bikini top. I was lounging on the sand with the girls when a few guys came over. They were good looking I guess but I wasn't in the mood for a dating possibility. "Can I help you?" I asked them, moving my sunglasses so I could see them.

"You could give me your number," the middle one said, winking. He had black, side-swept hair and brown eyes. He was wearing blue broad shorts and a wife beater. His friends both had brown hair as well but one had almost black eyes and the other had green. They were both wearing broad shorts and wife beaters, but in different colors.

"Honey," I stood up and stared at him,"The only number you are going to get is 911. Because you'll need it if you don't leave."

"Ooo. Feisty. I like," he smirked, moving closer to me. I stood my ground.

"I wear heels bigger then your dick. So I suggest you leave because I can and will kick your ass," I glared at him.

"And if she doesn't, I will," I heard behind me. The three boys in front of me turn and ran down the beach. I turned around to see Leah there, grinning. "That was amazing! I had no idea you had that in you! You look like such a goody-goody."

I laughed,"Thanks. I think."

"We are going to be great friends," she said slinging her arm around my shoulder. We burst out laughing.

I think I'm going to like La Push.
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I really hope you like this chapter. I wrote it in about an hour, maybe a little less.