Status: Inactive. Ideas are welcome.

I'm Not My Sister

Bonfires,Dancing and Figths

I turned off the water and stepped out of the shower. I dried my body off and slipped my robe on so I could walk across the hall without being caught in an embarrassing situation.

Once safely in my room I locked the door and brushed my hair out. I decided to let it be tonight. I grabbed clean underwear and slipped it on, along with my favorite black bra. I slipped on a pair of black daisy dukes that covered about 3 inches of my thigh. I began rummaging in my drawer searching for the shirt I really wanted. I had almost given up hope when I found it. I slipped the lacy white spaghetti strap tank on over my head and slipped the blue and white plaid short sleeve button down on over it. I tied the ends of the shirt in a tight knot in the front, just under my chest. I then located my lace up black oxford ankle boots and fastened them on my feet. I applied my eyeliner, eyeshadow, mascara and dark lip gloss. I smiled at my reflection as I teased my hair little.

I quickly grabbed a small purse and placed my phone, lip gloss and iPod inside it. Since it was still light out I grabbed my sunglasses and slipped them on my head before walking out of my room. My grandfather was the only person there and his eyes bugged out slightly at my outfit but I smiled at him. "It'll be fine." He nodded and smiled. Just then my parents walked in as did Heather and Nathan. Heather had changed into a blue sun dress the hit her knees and ballet flats, plus a white sweater. My mother was wearing something similar. My father was wearing jeans and a button down plaid shirt and sandals. Nathan was wearing the same except his shirt was a wife beater with a white open button down over it.

I will never forget their reactions to my outfit. My parents almost fainted, Nathan's eyes glazed over with lust and Heather's glare burned with such intensity that I had to ease the tension. "I'll be in the car," I said walking outside.

The ride over to the beach was very awkward and I couldn't wait to get out of the stuffy car. I literally jumped from the car once it was parked. We were early and the only people there were the Clearwater's and Emily & Sam. "How's my people?" I asked walking towards them. They stared at me, and since my family was still getting out of the car I said,"It's to bother my family." They nodded then hugged me, causing me to laugh. My family finally arrived by the bonfire when the rest of the guys did. As I walked over to hug Quil I received wolf whistles (no pun intended) from the guys. I laughed as I noticed my parents were slightly uncomfortable.

After we all ate, and after the legends of course, Quil produced a portable speaker. I squealed and hugged him. I grabbed my iPod from purse, distantly aware of the fact that my parents and grandfather left. I plugged my iPod into the speakers and searched for the song I was looking for. "Obsessed" by Mariah Carey blasted from the speakers. I started dancing slowly, just swaying, and singing along lightly. Pretty soon I was singing along loud enough for human ears to hear and actually dancing along. Next "Discovery Channel" came on and I pulled Leah and Emily to come dance with me. Paul and Jared sang along and the others laughed. Heather and Nathan however looked uncomfortable.

I hated the "gyrating" dancing of my generation however I didn't hate it if I did it by myself and when I started I got stares. I laughed at my friend's reactions. The song switched to "Starstrukk" by 3Oh!3 and the dancing continued. Finally I sat down on the sand, leaning my head against Quil's knee. He smiled down at me and I returned it. "So Heather, how long have you Nathan been going out?" Quil asked.

"A little over 2 months," she answered, leaning more into Nathan's embrace. I almost gagged. It was obvious she was trying to make it seem like they were the happiest couple on the planet. I stood up and stretched.

"The ground is uncomfortable," I mused loudly.

"Come here then," Paul motioned toward his lap. I looked over at Quil who nodded. Okay good, Paul was just playing along. I grinned and sat on his lap feeling his warm strong arm wrap loosely around my hips. "I'm just helping you out," he whispered in my ear. I kissed his cheek lightly.

"Thanks. I'm grateful," I whispered in his ear. He hugged me lightly from behind. I giggled.

"Are you sure you aren't going out with anyone?" Heather blurted. Everyone turned to stare at her. "I mean come on Riley. You're sitting on his lap, dancing with another guy and you are even being flirty with Quil!"

"Take a chill pill Heather. It's called "Seth and Quil are my best friends and like my brothers and Paul is being nice"! God what's wrong with you?" I asked getting angry but not moving from Paul's lap.

"You. That's what's wrong with me! Have you not noticed Nathan has been staring at you all day? And since when are you the pretty one? And the popular one?" She was standing up and staring me down.

"First of all, thanks for the boost in confidence sis," I said with a bit of hurt evident in my voice,"And second Nathan's your boyfriend isn't he? Even if he is staring at me he's dating you!" I jumped up. "And maybe I can be popular here and maybe I actually want people to notice me for myself and not a clone of you!" I stalked off but then turned back. "And FYI I was madly in love with Nathan when you started dating him! That's why I started acting out! That's why I'm my own person now! And that's why I detest you and your "perfect" life Heather!" I turned to the guys. "Who can I stay with tonight?" Quil jumped up.

"Come on Ri," he wrapped his arm around my shoulder as tears streamed down my face and we walked away. Quil shot a quick look back at everyone and glared at Heather before picking me up like a baby and walking back to his house.