Don't Make Me Do It.

Chapter 10

Bert's Pov

Maybe he really does love me?

Is he faking it?

I heard scrambling so I opened my eyes. Gerard is pacing around the room angrily. I pretended to still be asleep just starring at his ass the whole time.

"I know your awake." Gerard huffed smiling at me. I groan and sit up, continuing to admire his ass.

My phone starts to ring. I giggle and answer it.

"Hey wiL." I said

"Hey bitch. We're going to lunch." wiL said excitingly

"I'm at Gerard's." I said quickly. I smiled at Gerard as he popped up at the sound of his name.

"I know Jeph told me. EEEK WHAT HAPPENED?" He screamed the last part. Gerard probably heard that..

"Nothing. see you in 10?" I asked.

"ha yeah. see you." He said quickly, hanging up on me.

"lunch?" I asked Gerard as he finally found something to wear.

"I don't have much.." He said trailing off.

"No, babe, Do you want to do go out for lunch?" I said slowly.

"Yeah. I gotta- FUCK I HAVE NO CLOTHES TO WEAR. DAMN IT." He screamed.

"You look beautiful." I said whilst kissing to back of his neck. we were both standing in front of is full length mirror.

We look good together.

"Thanks." he said, beaming. "so when is-"

"HEY FUCK HEADS. WE'RE HEEEERE!" Jeph screamed at the top of his lungs. Fuck you Jeph, you ruined our moment.

We dashed downstairs.I smirked at them and we all raced to the car screaming 'SHOTGUN' like little 5 year olds.

Gee and I hopped in the back seat, while Jeph drove and wiL was in front.

"I love you.." I said. I smiled giving him a little peck on the lips.

Soon we were full-on making out. hands racing to find any skin they could. my breath catches when he placed his hand on my crotch, making me moan loudly.

"STOP IT!" Jeph screamed, not even paying any attention to the road at all. We stopped making out long enough to look to our right. The last thing I saw was a huge semi crashing in to us. I blacked out.