Don't Make Me Do It.

chapter 11

*wiL POV*

“Gerard, Jeph, Bert. Are you okay?” I asked.

“wiL, I can’t move. The car is crushed and I’m stuck.!” Jephs answered.

“Are the other guys okay? They weren’t wearing seatbelts.” I sobbed.

“I don’t know, they’re not answering.”

“I’m gunna try and move myself round.” I sobbed.

I slowly twisted my body around. My bones were stiff and I could feel blood dripping down my face from a gash on my face.

“I can’t see them. What hit us Jeph?”

“A truck hit us wiL. And it sped off. WiL I’m scared. I don’t know what to do, is someone coming to help us." Jeph sobbed.

“Don’t worry, I can hear a siren. We’re gunna be okay.”

I looked to my right and saw an ambulance draw up. A lady came to the window and tried to open the door.

“Leigh, it’s jammed.” She shouted.

A man came across and pulled the door off it's reckless hinges with a crow bar..

“Hi I’m Leigh. Your safe with us now. Is it just you and this man in the vehicle?” Leigh said.

“No. "Jeph sobbed. “There are two more people in the back.”

Leigh and the women gave a concerned look at each other. Like something bad had happened two them.

“There going to be okay, right?”

“Just get the others out. Leave me until last. I want them to be okay.” I shouted at the paramedics, with tears running down my face..

“I’m sorry, but you’ll have to get out first before we can get the others out.”

A fire fighter cut the roof off out vehicle and they pulled us from the vehicle and onto stretchers. I don’t know how long Jeph and I was lying there waiting for Bert and Gerard to come out from the reckage. It seemed hours.

“Jeph. I’m gunna try and see if they’re out yet.” I stuttered.

I soon slowly began to get strength to move my neck. I turned my neck to the right. My heart started pumping and I could feel myself panic. I saw the two missing guys, on stretchers, lying there, motionless..