Don't Make Me Do It.

Chapter 12

Bert's POV

I awoke and freaked. I don't remember what happened to me. I started to try and get up but pain seared thou my body. I looked down to see both my legs in cast and a bandage around my head. Just then a nurse walked in. She look at me with shock and walked out.

A doctor then walked in, Smiling generously at me. Creepy..

"Nice to see you have decided to join the living Mr. McCracken." He chucked. His face churned when I simply glared at him. I could see he was uncomfortable now.

"What happened to me?" I croaked. My throat felt horrible.

"You have a minor concussion. You've been in coma for 3 weeks and your legs are broken. You were hit by a semi Mr. McCracken. Your very lucky to be alive." He said impassibly. "Do you know a Mr. Wil Francis?"

"Um, Yes but-"

"He was the driver in this accident, Correct?" He said. I nodded and he continued "He was on Heroin while driving. He was been charged and is in Rehabilitation now."

"What about Gerard!?" I said loudly to him.

"Mr. Way is in intensive care at the moment. He suffered a Sirius concussion and is still in coma. We don't know if he is going to wake up. " He said sympathetically

I started to cry. how could this happen?

"I'm sorry Mr. McCracken. Mr. Jeph Howard would like to see you. Did you want me to send him in?" He asked and I nodded right away.

Jeph's POV

I bolted off my seat when the nurse called me. I ran to the front counter.

"Mr. McCracken is awake and has requested to see you." She said. I thanked her and ran to Bert's room. I walked in and saw his emotionless face starring right at me.

"Hey." I mumbled, Sitting by his side. In a matter of seconds we were both embedded in sobs, holding on to each other right.

Needless to say, I slept at the hospital with Bert that night.


[Remmember people, comments are loved!]