Don't Make Me Do It.

Chapter 6

*Mikey’s POV*
Beep Beep
The sound of my annoying alarm clock beeped as I opened by eyes.

“Errgggh.” I moaned as I kept hitting my fist on the bedside table, searching for the off button on the alarm clock.

With a huge failure to turn the clock of I threw it across the room, against the wall as it shattered into pieces.

I climbed out of bed and slowly ambled down stairs in my underwear.

“Michael Way! Go upstairs and put some clothes on!” Mum shouted as I grumbled and headed for the stairs.

I got changed into my usual band tee and went downstairs for breakfast, appropriately dressed. Quickly eating the waffles mum had made me at the dinner table, I left the house and walked the New Jersey streets alone for the nearest Starbucks.

I entered Starbucks to the comforting smell of coffee.

“What can I get you?” The women behind the counter asked.

“Latte.” I grumbled and then sitting down at a table, resting my head in my hands.

“Hey cheerful!”Jeph grinned sitting down on the chair next to me.

“Humph.” I muttered.

“Okay, what’s pissed you off?”

“You know Jephs. I’m pissed off that I’m a man in my twenties still living with my mother. That all. I spend my whole life over Gerards and he needs his space. You know, he’s my brother and I’m now beginning to miss the guy.”

“You know Mikey, he is four years older than you, and he is most likely gunna move out before you. It’s hard, you’ll miss him but at time like these you’ll need your friends to help you. And they will.” Jephs said attempting to reassure me.

I put my arms around Jeph in a friendly hug.

“I’ll tell you what, let’s go visit him. Bert should be there too because he stayed over.” Jeph grinned.

“Let’s go wake the bastards up.” I laughed.

Jeph and I finished out coffees and left Starbucks. The journey to Gerard’s was about 10 minutes so we ran, and it took 5.

I opened the front door to my brother’s house with the keys that he left in the door. Jeph and I snuck up the stairs with cushions we had taken from the couch in the living room. We opened the door to Gerards room.

“Oh god.” I said, feeling quiet ill seeing my brother in bed with Bert.

“Ha, we always thought Bert was gay.” Jeph laughed falling on the floor with laughter.

Gerard and Bert slowly opened their eyes and turned to the door.

“Fuck, it’s not what it seems! Gerard shouted shocked.