Don't Make Me Do It.

Chapter 7

Bert's POV

"Fuck, It's not what it seems!" Gerard shouted. I Turned around to see jeph and Mikey standing there with grins on their faces. Fuck.

I glanced at Gerard, seeing his face falling tired once again.
"Its fine. I'll take care of them, you sleep." I whispered to Gerard. he laid back down on the bed and closed his beautiful eyes.

Jeph and Mikey were still standing there like sitting ducks. I gave them the evils and they ran out of the room, laughing.

My hand rested on Gerard's chest as he soundlessly sleeped. I studied his face, his smell, his everything. I took him in, Loving this moment we shared. I wished it could always be like this.

I snuggled up to this beautiful man laying beside me. I noticed he was smiling. Soon I too was in a peaceful sleep.