Status: Re-writing

No I don't Break Bones just Hearts

Don't Give Up.

Living far away from someone you care about really causes problems. Especially when your only five. Your father and mother took your partner in crime. The one that only understood you. Gone forever or not. It really changes the person. You don't get to see them grow into your best friend that said he or she would be their for you all the time. The thing is he or she was their all the time in your thoughts. I based all my dissensions of you. Which in the end didn't work out. All I did was question what you would do. All my images of you were basically wrong. Who knew you would turn out so nice and a goody-two-shoes, and I well was the opposite.

But after that one fight, you want to throw everything we fought for to go down the toilet? I don't I'm afraid of losing you again. You were the only thing that brought me to life and now I won't have nothing if you leave again. I would never forgive you

I sighed as I re-read the letter in my hands. Do I really want to give up now. Do I really want to lose someone like him.
♠ ♠ ♠
updated. Also please read the journal! So you can understand more.
I'm also taking a new run on this story. I'm not all way ready to go but I have a lot planned for up-coming chapters
