Status: Finished!

What If You Stay?


This can’t be happening, I thought. It was suppose to be a dream, a nightmare. Paul can’t be a . . . shape shifting wolf.

I slid my hand from his face taking a step back before running my hands down my face letting my fingers tips stop at my lips. I didn’t know what to do or what to say to him, I didn’t know how he would have wanted me to react, but I guess I was doing a pretty good job at keeping calm about it at the moment.

“Can you say something or do something?” Paul asked taking a small step toward me.

“You where that wolf I saw a minute ago, weren’t you?” I asked feeling my feet get glued to the ground. Paul looked down away from me while nodding his head. Smiling, I walked forward and kissed his right cheek. “You look very handsome . . . both human and wolf form.”

“You’re not freaked out?” Paul asked shocked looking back up at me. I shook my head no taking the last step toward him wrapping my arms around his waist resting my head against his chest. I heard Paul sigh wrapping his arms around me, but something told me that there was something else. “There’s also something else that I need to explain to you.”

I pulled away, keeping my arms around my waist looking up at his face wondering what else he needed to tell. He reached around him to pulled my arms from around his waist before walking over to a fallen over tree to sit down patting the spot beside him for me to sit down next to him and I did. I sat there watching him, easily noticing that he was nervous and slightly scared so I reached over taking one of his hands in both of mine.

“Whatever it is Paul you can tell me.” I said resting my chin on the side of his upper arm seeing how I couldn’t reach his shoulder. Paul nodded his head, using his other hand to run down his face.

“There’s this thing called imprinting,” Paul started. I nodded waiting for him to continue. “It’s when a shapeshifter finds the one for them. It’s stronger than love at first sight. When we look at that one person in the eyes we realize that it’s not gravity holding us anymore it’s that person. It’s our way of finding our soul mates. And Colby?”

I nodded. My heart was nearly beating a hundred miles per second and I had a feeling that Paul could hear it by the smirk that was slowly making its way on his face. I pulled away slightly from Paul to look around his shoulder to get a better look at his face and he slowly looked over at me, sighing loudly.

“I imprinted on you.”

My breath got caught in my throat as my heartbeat stopped for a mere second before speeding up again. Did I hear him correctly? Did he say that he imprinted on me meaning that I was designed to be his soul mate? I was not expecting this at all and I took a deep breath shifting my eyes away from him, unaware of what to do or say again. I was lost for words.

Imprint. Soul mates. Gravity. Love. I was Paul’s imprint. I was Paul’s soul mate. I was Paul’s gravity. Was Paul in love with me?

A smile slowly appeared on my face thinking about everything he told me. I could feel Paul’s questioning looks on my face as I continued to stare forward for a while longer until I looked back over at Paul. Ignoring his look and interrupting him about what he was about to say, I leaned forward and pressed my lips against his, taking him by surprise.

It took him a while for reality to set in before he started to kiss my back. I reached a hand up to rest on his shoulder feeling heat radiant off of his body. Paul was the first to pull away with a big smile on his face, one that I couldn’t help but return seeing how happy I had actually made him. He shot up from sitting and pulled me up with him before throwing me over his shoulder.

I let out a squeal of being surprised as Paul ran the direction of where we came from back to the beach. Reaching the beach, Paul placed me back down on my feet before leaning in to press his lips against mine. I couldn’t help but smile into the kiss while running my fingers through his hair stopping at the nape of his neck.

The sound of someone whistling caused us to pull apart and look over to see who it was. Coming from the woods was Jared and Jacob both with a huge grin on both of their faces. I playfully rolled my eyes looking up a Paul to see that he was giving them a death glare along with a warning look.

“We were just passing by.” Jared said as he and Jacob took a sharp turn to leave the beach glancing back every few steps with smiles still on their faces.

Paul sighed turning to face me again with a frustrated look on his face and I could instantly tell that it was because of Jared and Jacob ruining the moment, although I found it quiet . . . cute in a way. By the look on Paul’s face, I could tell that he wasn’t going to be kissing me first again anytime soon so I did.

“Where were we before we were interrupted?” I asked giving a smirk. Paul then smiled widely before pressing his lips back onto mine.
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Here is another update!
I really appreciate all of the comments and hope that they keep coming.
Also I would really like if I could get some banners, if anyone can make me one.
Thanks for reading and hope you comment!!