Status: Finished!

What If You Stay?


A loud buzzing alarm went off waking me up, definitely something I was not used to. Something moved across me to turn the noise off and I looked to see that it was a clock that had gone off. When I looked to see who cut it off, a smile appeared on my face when I saw the familiar body of Colby. She was lying, curled up beside me using one of her hands to rub her eyes free of sleep, something that I couldn’t stop smiling at.

“Morning, beautiful.” I whispered brushing some of her hair out of her face when she looked up at me also smiling.

“Morning.” she said her voice a little raspy from waking up.

I moved down a little to gently kiss her lips good morning before she sat up to stretch. Not wanting to get up and go to work, I wrapped my arms around Colby’s waist pulling her back down beside me, but instead she ended up falling onto my chest causing her to let out a yelp. Chuckling, she turned over to look up at me with a glare that I couldn’t control myself to lean forward and place a kiss on the tip of her nose.

“That wasn’t nice. I need to get up to get ready for work as well as you.” Colby said trying to push herself up from me but failing miserably with my arms tight around her waist holding her down. “Paul.” she whined, still trying to push away from me.

“One kiss and I’ll let you go.” I said smiling.

“You promise?” Colby asked looking at me straight in the eyes. I nodded before she moved herself further up to lightly peck her lips against mine. I thought about breaking the promise to keep holding her, but I didn’t want to upset her so I let her go so she could make her way off the bed.

I laid there watching Colby head toward her closet quickly finding some clothes that she would normally wear to work and then turned around to face me. I smiled waiting for her to start changing, but she just stood there and crossed her arms over her chest making them look a little bigger. I felt myself instantly harden at the sight, but kept myself under control to not take her then and there.

“Well?” Colby asked still standing there staring down at me.

“Well, what?” I asked smirking.

“Aren’t you going to leave so I can change and you can go home to get ready for work?”

“What if I want to stay?”

Colby rolled her eyes uncrossing her arms before making her way toward me. She leaned down over me causing her long brown hair to fall around her face like a waterfall. Her face was getting closer to mine and I thought that she was going to kiss me, but stopped when her lips brushed against mine and said, “Leave before I get my father.” She pulled away with a smirk to stand beside the bed.

I groaned sitting up on the bed to look up at her not really wanting to leave or go to work today. I just wanted to spend the day with her taking her to places and just hold her in my arms where she can always be safe at. Standing up from the bed, I heard footsteps coming down the hallway and stopped in front of Colby’s closed door. Instantly, I could tell that it was her dad so I quickly kissed her forehead before jumping out of her window and raced home.

Colby’s POV

A knock came from my door not even a second after Paul jumped out of my window and took off. I walked over toward my door to open it to see my father standing there in jeans and a t-shirt telling me that he had the day off. I smiled at him seeing him give me one in return.

“I came to make sure that you were awake and getting ready for work.” Dad said.

“Thanks. I’m awake. I have my alarm clock set to wake me up.” I replied.

Dad nodded kissing my forehead before walking down the hallway toward the kitchen. I closed the door and started to get ready for work. I slipped out of my pajamas and got my pulled on my work clothes which consisted of jeans, tank, black work shirt and my black boots. I threw my hair up into a ponytail not wanting to mess with it today before grabbing my wallet to shove it in my back pocket, cell phone and keys. I exited my room to head toward the kitchen to fix me a bowl of cereal to see dad standing at the stove fixing bacon and eggs.

I got me bowl from the cabinet and killed it with cereal before walking toward the refrigerator for milk, but froze when I saw what covered most of the first shelf. Beer. I looked over at dad to see him scrapping the eggs onto a plate where a few pieces of bacon sat not even noticing me staring at him. Looking back in the refrigerator, I reached for the milk trying to ignore the beer that sat there practically screaming at me and walked over toward my cereal to pour the milk in before putting it back.

I quickly at my bowl of cereal wanting to get away from the house and try to forget about the beer, thinking of the reason why it was in there. After eating, I rinsed the bowl out before putting it in the dishwasher. Turning to tell my dad that I was leaving, there was a knock on the front door. Dad was still eating so I ran to open the door to see Paul standing there with a smile on his face.

“Yes?” I asked smiling.

“I came by to see if you wanted a ride.” Paul said also smiling.

“Yeah. Thanks. Dad, I’m leaving.” I called out toward my dad.

“Okay. See you later tonight.”

With that I left the house my mind still stuck on the fact that there were a lot of beers in the refrigerator.
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