Status: Finished!

What If You Stay?


An annoying sound of something beeping around me woke me from my sleep. Slowly trying to open my eyes, I snapped them close again when I saw how bright the room was. I laid there trying to fight myself to open my eyes against the bright light to feel a hand, a hot one at it, to wrap around one of mine. The hand felt familiar, but I could quiet picture the name or person for some odd reason.

“Colby? Can you hear me?” a husky voice asked.

Again, I tried to open my eyes waiting for the bright light to blind me to close my eyes again instead, I saw someone leaning over me blocking the light. That someone was Paul, who let out a deep breath leaning down to kiss my forehead. When he pulled away, I looked around the room to notice that it wasn’t my room or any bedroom at all. It was a hospital room.

“Thank God, you’re okay.” Paul said taking my attention. I looked over him to see that he was sitting in a chair that was beside the bed. “I thought I was too late when I got you here. You really scared me, Colby.”

Not knowing what to say, I asked, “What happened?” I looked around again to see that I was attached to IV bag and a bag of blood along with a heart monitor that was beeping. After I finished looking around, I glanced back over at Paul.

Paul gave me a worried and confused look. I began to wonder if I had missed something or another. “Don’t you remember what happened last night? I had found you locked in your room. You were bleeding from your head and there were actually quite a few pieces of glass in the side of your head. You had to get a few stitches to close up some of the cuts.”

Confused, not remembering anything from last night, I raised a hand to touch the side of my face to feel the cuts along my hair line. I winced slightly when I had managed to mash a little too hard feeling the stitched that held some of them together. Paul too my hand in his to pull it away before I was to cause any more damage or some stitches to come undone and held it.

“Be careful.” Paul whispered.

I nodded letting myself relax a little with Paul near me until I felt him tense beside me and looked toward the door. I followed his gaze to see him glaring at a blonde man in a doctor’s coat. He looked like he was just twenty-five years old with his pale, smooth skin. I had to admit, he did look quite attractive, but Paul still looked better to me, probably because of the imprint bond.

“Nice to see you awake, Colby. You gave us quiet a scare there.” the doctor said, smiling up at me and I saw that his eyes were an odd golden color. “I am Doctor Cullen. How are you feeling?”

“Fine.” I answered.

He nodded as he checked the IV and blood bag. I took this chance to look back at Paul to see him still glaring at Dr. Cullen making me worry about what was going on. I lightly squeezed his hand trying to get his attention was lucky to do so thinking that I wouldn’t be able to the way he was staring at Dr. Cullen. Giving him a questioning look, he just gave me a soft smile and leaned over to kiss me softly. Leaning away, he brought a hand up and began to lightly pet my hair.

“Miss. Mason, do you remember anything that happened last night that might have caused the cuts?” Dr. Cullen asked taking my attention from Paul.

I shook my head, not remembering anything from last night. The last thing I remember was Paul dropping me off at home, anything after that was a huge blur to me. I then began to wonder if maybe my dad knew what had happen. With that thought, I looked around the room again noticing that he wasn’t here.

“Where’s my dad?” I asked looking between Paul and Dr. Cullen.

“We tried contacting him, but there was no answer.” Dr. Cullen said.

I looked over at Paul who also shook his head telling me that he didn’t know either. I began to wonder if my dad even knew if I was here or if I was hurt for that matter. It was unnatural that my father wouldn’t answer the phone, all house, cell and work phone.

“Do you want me to call the guys to go by your house to see if he is okay?” Paul asked.

As much as I didn’t want to drag the others in, I would have felt better if someone did check on him if something had happened so I nodded. Paul gave me a nod standing up from the chair bending forward to kiss my forehead before walking out of the room. Dr. Cullen checked a few more things before excusing himself to go to another patient before Paul walked back in the room.

“Jared and Jacob are on their way to your house.” Paul said sitting down. “They’ll call me when they get there.”

I nodded lifting my hand to gently cup his face. He gave me a small smile reaching his hand up to take mine in his before bringing it down toward his lips and gently kissed it. I smiled back at him and went to move the bed where I was sitting up a little. The room was quiet between Paul and me for a while until his phone started to ring and he quickly answered it. He said a few quick things before standing up and rushing out of the room in the direction Dr. Cullen went. I sat there wondering what was wrong, well more along the line of what happened.

I lost track of time of how long I was sitting there alone wondering what was going on when I heard a bunch to people talking and a doctor ordering coming closer toward the door. I pushed myself up more knowing that I wouldn’t be able to get up and walk with the fact that I was still attached to a bunch of machine. In a matter of minutes, the voices got louder and some people where walking by the room pushing a gurney, but I couldn’t see who it was, probably no one I knew since Paul and the guys from work along with Kim were the only people that I knew.

I looked around the room for the remote to the television that was hung on the opposite wall corner above what I guessed was the bathroom door and found it on the nightstand next to the bed. I reached over to get the remote and turn the TV on to the ABC Family channel hoping that there was at least a movie on even though the weekends is when they show movie after movie. Thankfully there was a movie on, Step Up and leaned back against the mattress of the bed to watch the movie.

I had watched most of the movie until both Paul and Dr. Cullen came into the room. I sat up ignoring the movie looking between the two to see that they both had hurt expressions on their faces. Paul walked around the side of the bed to sit in the chair again taking my hand in his and I knew by that gesture that something happened, something that I wasn’t going to like.

“Jared and Jacob found your dad Colby.” Paul said softly having trouble looking at me in the eyes. “They had found him on the floor in front of the stairs.” He took a deep breath looking over at Dr. Cullen letting me know that he was having a hard time telling me.

“Colby, your father’s body had too much alcohol that it took over the brain. I’m sorry, but your father is gone.” Dr. Cullen informed me.
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Ten Comments Or No Updates

Although I didn't get ten comments last time I figured I would go ahead and update.