Status: Finished!

What If You Stay?


Who's going home with you tonight
Who’s going home with you tonight
Can you tell what it wrong and what is right
Who's going home with you tonight

It's getting harder to sit here alone
I've been waiting I've been waiting and you still ain't home
I have never ever felt so low
I've been thinking I've been thinking Oh where did you go

Who's going home with you tonight?
Was it real or am I part of your collection
have you crossed the line
Who's going home with you tonight?
Oh I feel like you're an open invitation
Is this how we say goodbye?

I stopped jogging to rest for a second to catch my breath. I doubled over to touch my toes when I felt a strong gush of wind blow through my hair. I stood back up yanking the headphones out of my ears to be greeted with the sound of ocean water.

I stood quietly trying to figure out in which direction the water was coming from before I continued on ahead. I wrapped my headphones around my iPod, after I turned it off and walked through the woods easily finding a path that lead me toward where the ocean water was coming from. Following the path until it lead me out of the woods, I saw that it didn’t let me to what I was expecting to be, it lead me to a cliff.

I walked to the edge of the cliff and looked down to see the ocean water. The sound of the water was soothing to my ears and I sat down on the edge of the cliff letting the soft breeze ruffle through my hair. Getting annoyed with my hair blowing in my face, I pulled my hair back and put it up in a ponytail with a hair band that I had around my wrist.

I leaned back using my hands to support me as I stared outward watching the waves roll up onto the shore of the beach or smashing into rocks. Closing my eyes, I let my hearing become more powerful than my other senses and relaxed.

Paul’s POV

Some of the guys and I were off from work and patrol today so we decided to go to the beach to hang out. Jared brought his football for us to play a game. Jacob had the ball headed toward one end of the beach to score a touchdown and I was running after him to get the ball.

Getting close to tackling Jacob, I had sensed someone else was around. I stopped chasing Jacob to look around the beach to only see the guys that I had came with and some of their imprints, but I knew that it wasn’t them. I looked over toward the cliff to see a body sitting on the edge of the cliff. From the distance between where I was and where the person sat, I couldn’t tell if it was a male or female.

“Paul! What are you doing?” I heard Jared call from behind me.

I just ignored Jared’s question and continued to stare at the figure on the cliff almost like I was waiting for them to jump off. I felt a body presence from beside me and I looked over to see Jared was standing beside me with a questioning look. Looking away from him, I looked back toward the cliff where the person still sat now leaning back on their hands.

“Who’s that?” Jacob asked walking over, looking back toward the cliff.

“Who’s who?” Embry asked also walking over with Quil and Seth following him.

“That.” Jared answered pointing up toward the body.

“Looks like a girl.” Seth said taking everyone’s attention.

Seth looked around at everyone with a confused face before shrugging and walking off to get some water. Jared and Quil followed him to see their imprints while Jacob and Embry decided to toss the ball back and forth. I continued to stand where I was and looked back up at the girl to see her standing up and walking away from the cliff.

I had this strong urge to follow after her to see what she looked like up close and to ask her name. Still watching her until she was out of sight, I realized that she had to be new around here seeing that I had never seen her around the reservation before. Almost everyone knew everyone on the reservation because it was just a small area.

Looking away, I headed toward the small cooler that we had brought and grabbed a bottle of water. I took a large gulp of water looking toward the parking lot of the beach to see the same person from the cliff walking across it down the road. Putting the lid back on the bottle, I placed it on top of the cooler before running to the girl to see what she looked like.

She was already around the corner when I reached the edge of the parking lot so all I saw was her back. Frowning as she slowly disappeared from site, I turned back toward the beach to see everyone staring at me with a confused look. I ignored their questioning looks as I reached for my water bottle again to finish it off.

Colby’s POV

After sitting at the cliff for a while, I started to head back home. I walked past the beach, which I hadn’t noticed that I passed on my run, and saw a few people there stretched out in the sun or play football. I just ignored them and continued on the way home only stopping when I spotted a car shop that had a help wanted sign in one of the windows.

I looked down at the clothes I was wearing mentally cursing myself at not looking more appropriate so I could go inside and ask about the job. Making a mental note to myself about coming back tomorrow to apply for the job, I continued my way home preparing myself for what will come from my dad when I walk inside.
♠ ♠ ♠

Song – “Who’s Going Home With You Tonight” – Trapt

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