Status: Finished!

What If You Stay?


A week had passed since I started working and everything was going well so far. A big shock to me was that my dad was still sober and hasn’t touched a beer in a week. To be honest it was sort of scary to me, but I was proud of him to stop drinking. A week of no insulting words or hurtful statement from him and I surely was enjoying it. During the week, I had gotten pretty close to the guys from work, mostly Paul.

For the past few days, Paul had asked me to have lunch with him and sometimes Jared and Jacob, which I agreed to. I had gotten to know them better and close to Paul. I was shocked when I heard that Paul and Jacob were single because they look like they could get anyone that wanted, but wasn’t that shock when Jared told me he had a girlfriend named Kim. He added that he would introduce us one day, which I also agreed to.

Today was Saturday, one of my days off from work. I was spending it sitting in the bed of my truck at the beach. It was relaxing watching the waves flood the shore and feeling the soft breeze blow across my face blowing my hair back. I would have gone to the shore to dip my toes in the water, but I made the mistake of not dressing appropriate for the beach because originally I had planned to just drive around.

Taking a deep breath, I leaned back on my hands tilting my head back and closing my eyes letting the breeze brush against my body. It would be nice to be able to do this every day, but I have a job and in two months school is going to start up. Thankfully it would be my last year, which I was happy for.

“I didn’t expect to find you here.” A voice said taking my attention.

Lifting my head up and looking to my right, Paul was standing there, shirtless might I add, leaning on the edge of my truck. A smile was playing his face and I couldn’t help to smile back at him, sitting up straight.

“I didn’t except to see you here either.” I said.

Paul chuckled nodding his head before looking out toward the beach. “Why are you out there in the water?” he asked looking back toward me.

“If you haven’t noticed I’m not dressed up for the beach.” I said lifting one of my legs to show him my jeans and black Nike shoes.

“How can you come to the beach and not be dressed for it?” Paul asked laughing as he climbed up over the side of the truck to sit down beside me.

“Well, I was planning on just driving around for the day until I came across the beach and just stopped to enjoy the view.”

Paul nodded looking back toward the beach again leaning back on one hand. I let my eyes graze of his body taking in his abs and muscles that were pulsing around his arm. He looked so muscular that it almost looked like he could easily break something. It was pretty scary in a way, but yet almost sexy at the same time.

I had to force myself to look away from Paul to look back out toward the beach. From the corner of my eye, I saw Paul look back at toward me and just stared at me. I acted like I didn’t care for a while before it started to make me self conscious and looked over at him expecting him to quickly look away from me, but he never did. Instead he just smiled at me and I felt butterflies explode inside of me.

“What?” I asked, feeling myself smile back at him.

“Do you have anything planned for tonight?” he asked.

“Nope. Nothing.” I answered.

“Well, I was wondering if you weren’t busy if you like to go see a movie or something.”

“Sure. Sounds fun.”

“Really?” I nodded trying to make it not seem eagerly. “Cool. I mean . . . um . . . pick you up around seven?”

“Sounds good to me.”

“Great.” Paul said climbing out of the bed of my truck with me following behind him. “I’ll see you tonight then?”

“Yeah.” I answered forcing back the urge to squeal.