Status: Finished!

What If You Stay?


Since arriving home after leaving the beach, I had spent the whole time getting ready for the movies. I wanted to look perfect for Paul so I went far than I would normally do if it was any other guy. My dad came to check up on me a few times because he was getting worried about me since he had never seen me act like this before.

After locking myself in my room to get ready, I straightened my hair from the messy waves I had it earlier and I pulled what used to be my bangs back, braided, and used a bobby pin to hold it back. For the first time since my mother’s passing, I used eyeliner and mascara hoping that it would play up my dark hazel eyes a little and it worked. I also applied some Blistex to add some shine to my lips.

I had spent the rest of the time trying to find the perfect outfit which I decided on a metallic shirt, shorts, black boyfriend cardigan and my black Nikes. I put in my silver heart diamond earrings and I kept my heart locket on, knowing that I would never take it off for anything, except for when I’m getting in water. Now I stood in front of my bathroom mirror looking over my outfit making sure it was just right and to see if I needed to change anything.

Finally agreeing that I looked alright, I heard a knock at the front door and I rushed out of my bathroom grabbing my wallet, cell phone and keys on the way out of my room before walking to the front door to answer it, but my father had beat me to it. I silently cursed my father hoping that he wouldn’t exactly scare Paul away. Walking further into the living room where I could get a view of Paul and found him laughing at whatever my dad had said to him.

I looked over to see that he had on a pair of destroyed jeans, green men v-neck shirt and black tennis shoes. Although he wasn’t as sexy as he was earlier at the beach, he still looked handsome. I saw him glance around my dad at me and gave me a smile that I happily returned.

Dad had noticed that Paul wasn’t looking at him any longer and turned around to see what he was smiling at to find me standing there. He took a quick glance over my clothes and I could tell in his eyes that he didn’t really like the idea that I was wearing short shorts, but didn’t say anything, which I was thankful for. Dad looked back over at Paul to find him still staring at me and cleared his throat, but Paul never looked away. Dad eventually rolled his eyes and walked back toward the sofa to go back to watching whatever was on TV.

“Hey.” I said walking up to Paul.

“Hey. You look nice.” Paul stated making me blush.

“Thanks.” I replied before I heard dad cough from the sofa and I knew that it was a fake one.

“Ready?” Paul asked understanding why my dad had coughed.

“Yeah.” I answered walking outside, pulling the door close behind me.

I followed Paul toward his car that sat parked behind my dad’s car. I was surprised to find Paul opening the door for me like a gentleman. I bit back my smile and climbed into his car with Paul closing the door behind me before jogging to the driver’s side and climbed in. Paul glanced over at me giving me another smile while starting the car and pulled out of the driveway, heading toward the movie theater.


“It’s practically empty.” I said when Paul and I entered the right theater for a comedy movie.

There were only a few people that were seeing the same movie, but other than that the place looked empty. I guess everyone came and saw it the first week it was out. Paul found us seats toward the back and sat down with me beside him on his right. I turned my head to ask him something when he shoved a handful of popcorn in his mouth with a few kennels on his lip.

I quietly giggled at the sight, but he still must have heard me because he looked over with a confused look. I reached over and brushed the kennels off his lips taking in the feeling of how soft they were before pulling my hand back. Paul smiled shoving another handful of popcorn in his mouth with more kennels sticking to his lips. I shook my head at him reaching for some popcorn to eat.

“I’m not going to sit here and wipe off your mouth during the whole movie.” I said.

“There is always other ways you can help clean off my lips.” Paul said leaning forward.

I leaned forward also mentally smiling at my plan. My lips were nearly a centimeter away from his before I stopped. A smile came across Paul’s lip and I returned it.

“Not. Happening.” I said before pulling away from Paul.

His smile dropped and stared at me with a shocked look. Smirking at his reaction, I reached for the popcorn bucket for some more popcorn, but Paul quickly reached out and caught my hand. I let my eyes meet with Paul’s warm brown eyes and I swore my heart nearly skipped a beat. I mentally took a deep breath trying to keep myself together to keep myself from attacking himand his lips.

“That was uncalled for.” Paul said.

Smiling, I said, “You’re a big boy. You can clean your own mouth.”

Paul let go of my wrist and started laughing. This time I stared at him confused wondering what I said that sounded so funny to him. I continued to sit there, looking around the room to see that some of the other people in the room were looking back at Paul just as confused as I was.

“What did I say that was so dang funny?” I asked quietly with a harsh tone.

Paul stopped laughing and looked over at me. I stared back at him waiting for him to answer my question, but he just shook his head that told me not to worry about it. I continued to stare at him making him squirm in his seat showing me that it was working.

“It’s just an inside joke that my friends and I have. Nothing you need to worry about.” Paul said looking away from me toward the screen.

This time I laughed, but not as loud as he was facing the screen while picking up my drink to take a sip. I saw Paul look over at me at the corner of my eyes with a confused look again.

“Now what are you laughing at?”

“Inside joke. Nothing you need to worry about.” I said, mocking him.

Paul smiled, shaking his head at me. Smiling in return, I reached for a handful of popcorn and shoved it in my mouth feeling a few kennels sticking to my lips. Paul again laughed reaching over to wipe my mouth the same way I had done him and I noticed how hot his hands were, but I didn’t say anything. The lights started to dim and previews started to play on the screen and I turned my attention toward the screen seeing Paul do the same.
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