Status: Finished!

What If You Stay?


“Colby, there’s something that I need to tell you about me.” Paul said looking straight at me.

“What is it?” I asked with a smile on my face as I continued to cup his face.

“There is no other way to tell you this, but I’m . . . I’m a werewolf.”

My smile disappeared and I pulled my hand away from his face to take a step away from him. I was starting to get so close to him and he has to go ruining it with a sick joke. God, he must think I’m stupid.

“Colby? Say something.” Paul said making me realize that I had stood there staring at him longer than I thought.

Taking another step back, I said, “You’re sick.” I turned around to run off, but I couldn’t get far before Paul grabbed me from behind to pull me back to him. A yelp escaped from me feeling how tight Paul’s hand was around my arm, which caused him to release his grip.

“Colby, please you have to believe me. I love you and I can’t live without you.”

“Prove it then, Paul. Prove to me that you’re a werewolf.”

I watched him walk toward the middle of the small clearing that was in the middle of the forest and started to strip from his clothes that he was wearing. When he started to pull off his pants and boxers, I didn’t bother to look away so I can truly see if he is tell me the truth, but I didn’t look down to save us the embarrassment. Keeping my eyes on him just like he was with me, I noticed his body was started to violently shake before a loud ripping noise was made in stood before was no longer Paul.

Instead it was a silver-gray wolf.

I shot up drenched in cold sweat looking around to see that I was I my bedroom under all of my covers clearly remember I only had pulled my sheet and quilt over me leaving the comforter folded up neatly at the end of the bed. I ran my fingers through my hair feeling a few rough knots from tossing and turning most of the night. I kicked the bedding set off of me closing my eyes trying to take deep breaths.

It was just a dream, I tried telling myself. There couldn’t be any possible way that Paul is a werewolf. They don’t exist. It’s just a dream, Colby.

I looked over at my night stand to see what time it was and read that it was 9:29. Slowly, I climbed out of bed placing my feet on the rug spread out on the floor thanking myself later when I walked into the hard wood floor to see how cold it was. I made my way to the bathroom to do my business and to wash my face free of sweat. Standing there, I stared at my reflection in the mirror for a while before exiting the bathroom to head to the kitchen to see dad standing over the stove once again fixing breakfast: bacon, eggs and biscuits.

Stepping into the kitchen, dad looked up and smiled. “Morning Colb,” dad said before going back to scrambling the eggs in the pan. “Hungry?”

“Um . . . yeah.” I answered still surprised about how my dad was acting now compared to the way he was acting with me back in Tennessee. I have to admit that it’s a little scary because I’m not sure how long this will actually last before he starts drinking again bringing back those times we had before we moved here.

“Sit down. I’m almost through.” Dad said looking back at me and smiled. “Oh, there’s a note there for you. Some guy named Paul came by this morning and asked me to give that to you.”

Sitting down, I spotted the note on the table with my name written on the front and reached for it. I opened up the folded, torn paper to see a messy hand writing. I glanced over at dad to see that he was still messing the eggs before looking back at the note to read.


I really had fun last night and I was wondering if we could hang out today. I could have called you, but I had realized that I didn’t have you number, so if you want to hang out meet me at the beach at 12. I’ll wait.


Smiling, I closed the note and pushed it aside when I saw dad set a plate of breakfast in front of me with eggs and a few pieces of bacon knowing that I don’t eat biscuits. I looked up to say thank you, but he already went back to the stove to fix his place. I reached across the table for the salt and pepper shaker to sprinkle over my eggs. Placing the salt and pepper shaker back in the middle of the table, I started to eat my breakfast with dad sitting across from me, glancing at the note a few times.

Finishing breakfast, I rinsed my plate off in the sink, placing it in the dishwasher before heading upstairs to get ready for the day. Looking over at the clock to check the time again, it read 10:07 meaning I have two more hours before I meet Paul at the beach. I decided to take a hot shower before I start to get ready.

I walked into the bathroom stripping out of my clothes, turning on the shower and climbed inside after the temperature was right for me. I washed my hair with shampoo and conditioner and washed my body with berry smelling body wash before decided it was clean enough and climbed out of the shower wrapping my hair and body in a towel before sneaking back into my bedroom without getting seen.

Making sure that the door was closed behind me, I started to dig through my closet to pick out something to wear. Remember that Paul wanted me to meet him at the beach I decided on wearing a bathing suit, pulling denim shorts and a long sleeve shirt over the bathing suit. Pulling on the clothes I let my hair loose from the towel running my fingers through it to free any tangles that would be there. While it was still a little wet, I French braided my hair pulling it over my left shoulder. I didn’t bother with the make-up knowing that I wouldn’t need it and slipped on a pair of shoes.

After checking myself in the mirror, I looked at the clock to see that it was 11:43 and figured that I could go ahead and head toward the beach. I walked out of the room to head toward the living room to see that dad on the sofa flipping through the channels on TV trying to find something to watch.

“I’m going to the beach.” I said walking toward the front door.

“To meet up with Paul?” my dad asked taking me by surprise. “I took a glimpse at the note.”

“You read my note?” I asked resting my hand on the door knob waiting for him to finish.

Dad nodded while facing the TV again and I took that as my cue that I could leave now. Stepping outside, making sure I had my keys and cell phone in my pockets, I decided to walk to the beach to pass the time. Along the walk, I started to wish that I had brought my iPod with me so I could listen to music. After a while, I finally reached the beach but Paul was nowhere in sight so I figured I showed up early or Paul was running a little late.

I found a place in the sand to sit down and I kicked off my shoes letting my toes bury themselves in the sand. I stared out toward the ocean watching the beach water make waves toward the shore of the ocean. Being so focused on the view, I jumped hearing a twig snap from behind me and I looked over my shoulder to see if it was Paul, but it wasn’t.

I jumped to my feet backing away slowly when I took in the figure that was walking out off the woods. The figure was a wolf; a huge wolf. Shockingly not just any wolf, but the same wolf that Paul exploded into in my dream.
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