Guns and Roses


Jaded shot up in the middle of the night, her body consumed in sweat. One of her most recent nightmares consuming her thoughts about her deceased mother and her so called father. The thick aroma of drugs and alcohol seeped into her system as she let out a loud cough, covering her mouth with the back of her hand. She turned her attention towards the nightstand beside the bed, covered in cocaine, vodka bottles and ciggarrettes.She grabbed a hold of the vodka bottle and brought it up to her lips. She took a long swing, letting the warm liquid seep down her throat. Jaded put the bottle down back on the nightstand and wiped her forehead that was dripping in sweat.

She sighed throwing her head back against the head board, listening to her own breathing become shallow. Her blue eyes wandered over to the alarm clock that sat on the oak dresser across the room. The red numbers on the digital clock were stuck on three thirty three, on November the Fourteenth.

Jaded grabbed the bottle of vodka again, raising it to her lips, “Three days, new record for me, “She said before taking another swing of the addicting substance."Nothing ever changes, “It was the same thing every day when Alex wasn’t around and he was on tour. Jaded would confine to herself and at the end of the night, she’d be passed out for days on end. With the recent release of Alex and his band Sharp Static's record, meant that Jaded would have money in the bank when he was away, and also tons of cocaine supplied in the basement. Alex would store the cocaine and other drugs in the basement, and take a hand full when he would leave for a tour the next day. While Jaded was consumed in their mansion with pounds of cocaine, a gun and her thoughts.

Holding the bottle with one hand, she swung her legs over the edge of the king size bed and stood up. She straightened out her three day worn shirt with her one hand, and peeled a strand of her black hair from her damp forehead. Jaded and the vodka bottle made its way from her room towards the kitchen.

Turning on the kitchen light, the first thing to catch Jade’s eyes was the note that sat on the kitchen table. She walked curiously over to the table, her feet slapping against the floor. She scanned over her name on the note and put the bottle down on the table. Jaded opened the note slowly and read the cursive words Alex had left her with.

I’m leaving, and I'll call you when I’m coming home. Love Alex.

Jaded stood there for a second letting the words sink in.

Before crumpling the note, she grabbed her bottle of vodka and stormed off towards her room, once again. A crack of thunder shook the room as she entered and slammed her bedroom door. Once again to be confined to herself. A bolt of lightning lit up the dark room, as the rain started to pour outside. Jaded paced the room, taking sips of her vodka every so often.

"What he can’t say goodbye to me, tell me that he loves me, “Jaded mumbled to herself. She stopped pacing and placed her hand on her stomach, slowly rubbing it. She winced as a shot of pain surged through her petite body. She bit her lip tightly from the sudden urge to scream, but drowned the thought with another drink of vodka. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand when she noticed piles upon piles of torn pictures lying on the floor near the foot of her bed. She slowly swayed over towards the shattered pictures, and sat down Indian style in front of the piles. One imparticular torn picture caught Jaded’s eye. She reached for the two matching pieces and put them together. Jaded felt the tears threatening to escape from her eyes as she looked at her and her mother the day she died.

It was a sunny July day, in Boston. The wind tasselled Jaded’s hair as she stood in front of her mother, saying her last goodbye. She wouldn’t see her for the next seven to eight months while she was gone to college. They both stood together, Jaded’s arm wrapped around her mother’s waist, and both of their smiles spread across their faces as her sister took the picture of them both.

Jaded lowered her head and watched as her sister got into the driver’s seat and her mother stood in front of her, “Goodbye mom,"

Her mother walked over to her and enveloped her into a long tight hug, “I’ll see you later kid, “She whispered into Jaded’s ear before pulling away, “Go on, and make something out of yourself, “She kissed Jaded’s cheek before turning around and getting into the blue neon. Jaded smiled as her mother waved to her before taking off out of the campus grounds.

Only her sister survived the car crash. She suffered major injuries and internal bleeding. After her mother died, Jaded left college and went home. She would talk to the friends and family that would come over and comfort her, but really she just wanted to be left alone. The curtains would be closed, the windows would be sealed shut, and it would just be Jaded by herself morning over her deceased mother. Her friends would leave messages on her cell phone and home phone begging that Jaded come out of isolation and talk to them. It was one day that Jaded agreed to go with her friend Heather to a show where she had met Alex Cornley, of Sharp Static.

Jaded sniffed, wiping her cheeks with the bottom of her shirt. The pictures on the floor seemed to spread out more, as Jaded stood up and walked towards her nightstand. She placed the vodka bottle down, and opened the baggie and poured the white powder into two thick lines. She licked her lips and wiped her face once more before tying her hair back. She leant down and sniffed back the drug through a straw and watched as every single speck had disappeared before falling back on the bed. Her hands wondered up to her face, and began rubbing at her swollen eyes. The drug slowly began to take effect, leaving Jaded numb and thoughtless.