Kiss Me Why Don't'cha

Do you remember?

"Would you kiss me?" Those were my first words to you. Do you remember what you did Derek? You did. Right there in the middle of classroom for all to see before school started. I had meant to say, "Would you go out with me?" but I guess my mouth had other plans. Heh heh. I still laugh when I think about it.

Derek, do you remember the next few months? The next few years? They were the best of my life, I don't know what I'll do without you Derek....
I still can't believe you're gone...Why did you do it? You knew it was a stupid idea. Why'd you go to that party? Why'd you leave that party with them? I guess it was because you were drunk and you weren't thinking clearly...but, still. Why'd you drink so much?
I miss you Derek, I really do. I feel like I can't function without you, I feel like I can't go on without you, I feel like time is standing still. I miss you so much it hurts. Everytime I think about you it racks pain through my body.
"Beloved son, loyal friend." Your gravestone reads, but if you're really looking down at me you'll know that. It fits you, it truly does, but it should say so much more. "Perfect boyfriend, wonderful student, talented guitar player, clumsy oaf," would all fit. I only say the last one because of what you did before you went to that party that night. Do you remember leaning down to kiss me and falling on top of me? I laughed so hard that moment, I felt like I would never stop.

I stood up and put a single red rose on top of the gravestone.

"I miss you Derek. I wish you were here."

I walked away knowing that I wouldn't be on earth much longer and I would soon be joining Derek in the sky.
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Once again I just jotted this down during school one day and a few of my friends liked it so I decided to post it....let me know what you think....Maybe I'll make a prequel or something to go with it to explain who the people are even though I honestly have no clue at this point in time.....