Status: I update about once a week, twice if I get feedback ;)

One Day I'm Single, The Next I'm Engaged!

Another School Day

I woke by my alarm beeping; I hit the snooze button as hard as I could. I got out of my bed unwillingly, and slumped over to the separator. I lived in an apartment, sharing it with my roommate Sami. We choose this lifestyle for ourselves, so we don't really care what everyone else thinks. But what they usually think is, lucky, Lesbos, what did your parents think, did they approve? Manly stuff like that.

I walked over to her bed, and I shook her awake.

She moaned, "Five more minutes Zoey!"

"We're going to be late!"

She glared at me, "If I don't get sleep, I get bags under my eyes!"

I shrugged, "Beauty is pain."

Then she ignored me and put her head under her pillow.

"Don't make me throw some water on you." I cautioned.

She jumped up out of bed, "I'm up, and I’m up!"

I smiled, and walked to my closet and picked the first shirt and pair of pants I saw. I went to the bathroom to turn on the shower. I took the shower to eliminate the bad smelling me when I get out of bed. My shower's only take about 6 minutes, so I got done fast. Once I was dressed and ready to go, I put on some eyeliner and red lipstick.

The minute I walked out of the bathroom, I found Sami back to sleep in her bed. I grabbed a glass and filled it with ice cold water, and walked overtop her bed. I stared at her sleeping peacefully, but it didn't last long. The water flew out of the cup, and into her face.


"I warned you." I said smug.

"Ugh! Zoey, that's not funny! I'm soaking wet!"

"You were going to take a shower anyway."


"Hurry up, were going to be late."

"Fine," She grumbled, grabbing her clothes, and then heading to the shower.

I went over to the mirror to check my looks. I didn't really care what other people thought about me. If they liked me, cool. If not, too bad. I walked over to the bathroom and knocked on the door, I heard her yelp.

"Sami, I'm going to go get breakfast."

"No! Wait for me please!"

I sighed, "Okay."


We strode to the breakfast bar that the apartment complex provides. Unfortunately it costs extra. We had to hurry thought so we each grabbed two breakfast bars, and ate them on the car ride to school.

The first periods passed quickly, but I loved passing periods. I could hang out at my locker, Sami's locker, and my guy friends’ locker. He was my very best friend, his name was Cody. I loved him to death as a friend, he's like the brother I wish I had.
Instead of my snobby one. My brother Dylan is 7, but annoying as heck!

I'm just glad today's Friday, because I didn't want to come to school tomorrow.


Once school was over, Sami and I walked to my lame, old, everyday tan compact car. I didn't like it, if fact I hated it. We drove home, as soon as we got home; Sami went to her bed, plopped down on it and was fast asleep. I wish I could do that as fast as she could. Instead, I got on my laptop and started my science report that wasn't due for two weeks.
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Hope you like my new story, I also hope I get some feedback ;)