Status: I update about once a week, twice if I get feedback ;)

One Day I'm Single, The Next I'm Engaged!

Breakfast Problem

When I finally woke up, I looked at my clock. 10:00 a.m. so I went to the bathroom to get ready for the day. I did everything in order as always, if I didn't it would be weird. First taking a shower, putting on my clothes, applying mascara and a different shade of lipstick. This time I used the grape flavor of lipstick, I smacked my lips together, "mmmm, grapey." I grabbed a scrunchie, and tied up my hair in a bun, letting two little pieces fall to the front of my face. As I turned to the door, unlocking it, I heard noises of clanking coming from our mini kitchen.

I walked out, looking around. I saw Sami cooking something. Which was weird, she was bad at cook at all, that's why we always ate at a bakery or diner. I leaned up against the wall, watching her struggle trying to flip a pancake without splattering the batter everywhere. I giggled when one landed on the floor and batter flying into her hair. She heard me and turned around.

She glared at me, "Is there a problem?"

I chuckled, "not at all."

"Ugh! It's not my fault I stink at cooking!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." I was still laughing.

"It's not funny!" She put her hands on her hips."

"Uhh, it kinda is!"

"It's not easy baking pancakes, when you have a cooking-phobia!" She pouted.

"Cooking-phobia? Ha!" I bent over laughing hard.

"Stop it!" I could tell she was upset now.

"Okay, okay. Gosh," I quieted my laughing. I looked up at her when I had finally controlled my laughing. But then I got wide eyes.

"What's wrong?" She asked wondering, she had a shocked tone in her voice.


"Yes, what is it?"

"FIRE!" I shouted!

She turned around, "AHHHHH!" She screamed back!

I looked around, "There!" I yelled pointing at the fire extinguisher that came with the apartment.

Sami ran over to it and grabbed it, running back to the fire. She pulled the little lever, but it sprayed in her face, and the foam made her look like she had a beard. She frowned when I started laughing. She shook her head pointing to the fire, "Hello? It's not a time to laugh right now, FIRE!" I rushed over to her grabbing the bottle; I aimed the tube at the flames, and pulled the lever. It sprayed all over the kitchen, but since it hadn’t been used in a while it got out of hand. It squirted foam into my room, and all over Sami's bed.

When I shut it off, I rest it back in the corner. I looked at Sami, she frowned even more now. The fire extinguisher had squirted her till I couldn't see anything but foam. I laughed really hard now, "Hey frosty the snowman!"

"It's not funny!" She screamed, throwing a fit!

"Your right, now you go hop in the shower, while I clean up this mess." I glanced over at all the area that looked like it had all been snowed on. I sighed.

"I'll try to help as soon as I get out." She said heading over to the shower. I nodded, and sighed again.

"Well," I whispered to myself, “I better get started.


"Done," I said aloud proudly to myself. I knew Sami had been doodling around the bathroom until I would finish. I already knew she didn't want to do any of the work.

She walked out, "Great, I'm going to try that again. I think I'm really starting to get the hang of this." She skipped toward the pancake mix, which apparently wasn't harmed during the fire.

"NO!" I shouted!

"Huh? Why not?"

"Uhh, I mean. Why don't we just go out to eat?" I suggested, I didn't want her to stat another fire.

She sighed, "Okay."

I patted her shoulder, "its okay. No one's perfect."

"Zoey, let’s just go." She said walking to the door.

"Okay," I followed.


She was still sad when we were driving around aimlessly. She was turning down every food place that served breakfast. Then I saw a sign of her favorite place to eat, 'The Corner Store Bakery'. I made a sharp turn, her face in shock. But when she saw where we were going her face lightened up with joy.

"Eeeeeeee!" She cooed pure happiness. "Thank you, thank you, and thank you!"

I parked the car while she skipped inside. By the time I got in, there was like no line, which made Sami extra happy. Sami hopped up to the cashier's desk.

The cashier looked at Sami and I, "May I take your order?"

"Yes, um I'll get the eggs and toast...And the....Blueberry muffin!" She blurted out her order.

The cashier turned her head toward me once she finished writing down Sami's order. "I'll have the same," I shrugged. She nodded and walked through the big doors that lead to where they make their magical food. She walked back to her desk, and gave us a tall metal holder, with the number 25 held on it.

I took it from her, and Sami hopped to a table. We had rested our stuff there while we went to get our drinks. I picked up a cup, and Sami did too but in a more excited gesture. I filled mine with Root Beer, while Sami chose Diet Coke. Then we headed back to the table.

I really hot guy in the uniform came to our table, "number 25?"

"Yep, that's us."

He put our food down on the table, "Enjoy," he winked at me.

Once he was gone Sami whispered to me, "He was cute wasn’t he?"

"I guess."

Sami then shrugged, then stuffed her face with the muffin. I picked up my fork, and nibbled at the eggs.
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I hope you like this chapter, I'll post another chapter real soon if I get feedback ;)